1.creat project android
add "android.jar" , "uiautomartor.jar" api
new a class , class extends UiautomatorTestCase, ui
for example: spa
public class UiTest extends UiAutomatorTestCase {
public void test() throws UiObjectNotFoundException {
// UiObject object = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains("關於"));
// object.click();
} xml
2.ant build project get
DOS->android create uitest-project -n projectName -t num -p path it
projectName: the name of your project io
num:the number of you android api level,if your environment is two api level,android-16,android-17,the num is 2. class
path:the path of you project+project name test
3.build project
modify build.xml: default="build"
right click build.xnl->Run as->ant build
3.push jar
DOS->adb push xxx.jar /data/local/tmp
xxx.jar: you project path\bin
DOS->uiautomator runtest xxx.jar -c packageName
packageName:you package name of you project