disable mouse middle paste on ubuntu 鼠標中鍵粘貼功能去除

ubuntu 18.04 鼠標中鍵粘貼功能去除ubuntu

找了一圈有不少都說用xmodmap的命令方式替換 pointer 的keycode,那種方式會致使 鼠標中鍵對tab頁操做失效,因此並很差用this

This solution will work globally and preserve the middle mouse functionality.code

sudo apt install xbindkeys xsel xdotool

Place this into ~/.xbindkeysrcit

"echo -n | xsel -n -i; pkill xbindkeys; xdotool click 2; xbindkeys"
b:2 + Release
Reload xbindkeys -p

Run xbindkeys on startup, pkill xbindkeys to stop.io
