appium V1.5.x變化

使用 npm安裝 appium以後,會發現已經進入1.5android

[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.5.0git

[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on

npm -g install appium

那麼問題就來了,1.5 究竟有什麼變化?chrome

從官方的change list: 能夠看粗,主要有如下變化npm

  • Deprecate server arguments that are also desired capabilities. Instead, add a --default-capabilities argument which takes a JSON string of capabilities that will be the default for any session. E.g., --default-capabilities '{"launchTimeout": 60000}' 增長使用JSON字符串做爲sever 參數
  • Remove long-deprecated name locator strategy 廢除findByName 的定位方式  大坑


  • add Tapster support for some more touch methods
  • iPhone 6 + 6S support 
  • iOS 9.3 support


  • enable navigating to an android URI via the set url driver methods, e.g., driver.get('content://contacts/people/1')
  • fix some adb issues in Windows (e.g., signWithCustomCert, sdk binary names)
  • fix issue with UIWatcher ssl certificate errors
  • if you want to install all chromedrivers, use --chromedriver-install-all; if you want to install a specific chromedriver version, use --chromedriver-version="$VER"
  • driver.closeApp no longer runs through the shutdown routine; it simply force-stops the app
  • The ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_PORT environment variable has been removed in favor of the adbPortdesired capability, which does the same thing.

