//對外接口 public interface TapeDeck { void load(String nameOfTape); void eject(); void start(); void pause(); void stop(); } // 事件處理類(不須要實現TapeDeck接口) public class TapeDeckHandler { //使用@State註解來聲明狀態 @State public static final String EMPTY = "Empty"; @State public static final String LOADED = "Loaded"; @State public static final String PLAYING = "Playing"; @State public static final String PAUSED = "Paused"; //使用@Transition註解來聲明轉換(on:觸發的轉換事件ID,in:事件起始狀態,next:事件目標狀態) @Transition(on = "load", in = EMPTY, next = LOADED) public void loadTape(String nameOfTape) { System.out.println("Tape '" + nameOfTape + "' loaded"); } //當一個事件可以基於多個起始狀態而被觸發時,必須使用@Transitions註解 //(如上圖所示,磁帶在LOADED,PAUSED的狀態下,都能觸發"play"事件) @Transitions({ @Transition(on = "play", in = LOADED, next = PLAYING), @Transition(on = "play", in = PAUSED, next = PLAYING) }) public void playTape() { System.out.println("Playing tape"); } //代表當磁帶處於PLAYING狀態而發生"pause"事件時候,這個方法會被調用而且狀態將轉變成PAUSED狀態 @Transition(on = "pause", in = PLAYING, next = PAUSED) public void pauseTape() { System.out.println("Tape paused"); } @Transition(on = "stop", in = PLAYING, next = LOADED) public void stopTape() { System.out.println("Tape stopped"); } @Transition(on = "eject", in = LOADED, next = EMPTY) public void ejectTape() { System.out.println("Tape ejected"); } /** * 關於@Transition參數的額外說明 * * 若是省略參數"on",會默認使用"*",表示會匹配到全部事件 * 若是省略參數"next",會默認使用"_self_",它表明當前狀態的一個別名,這種方式能夠用來創建循環 * 參數"weight"可用來定義轉換將以什麼索引值被搜索,狀態的轉換將依據它們的"weight"值來升序排列,默認值是"0" * */ } //MAIN public static void main(String[] args) { TapeDeckHandler handler = new TapeDeckHandler(); //使用TapeDeckHandler來建立一個狀態機實例,並指定起始狀態爲EMPTY,每一個@Transition註解對應一個Transition實例 StateMachine sm = StateMachineFactory.getInstance(Transition.class).create(TapeDeckHandler.EMPTY, handler); //建立TapeDeck接口的代理實現 TapeDeck deck = new StateMachineProxyBuilder().create(TapeDeck.class, sm); deck.load("The Knife - Silent Shout"); deck.play(); deck.pause(); deck.play(); deck.stop(); deck.eject(); /** * @Transition和Transition的區別 * * @Transition只是一個註解,它用來標記當一個轉換事件觸發時會被調用的方法,在幕後,MINA狀態機將會爲每個被 * 該註解聲明的方法建立一個MethodTransition實例,而MethodTransition則實現了Transition接口.做爲一個 * MINA用戶,你永遠不須要直接使用Transiton或MethodTransition類型. * */ }
當咱們使用MINA的IoHandler時,咱們將會使用IoSessionStateContextLookup實例來從方法參數中查找IoSession.它將會使用IoSession的屬性來爲每一個MINA session儲存一個獨立的StateContext實例.這樣一來全部MINA session均可以互不干擾的使用同一個狀態機.併發
考慮該事件: {id = "messageReceived", arguments = [ArrayList a = [...], Integer b = 1024]}
//----------------------------------能夠被匹配的方法-------------------------------------- // All method arguments matches all event arguments directly // 徹底匹配 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(ArrayList l, Integer i) { ... } // Matches since ((a instanceof List && b instanceof Number) == true) // 匹配 由於((a是List的實現 && b是Number的實現) == true) @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(List l, Number n) { ... } // Matches since ((b instanceof Number) == true) // 匹配 由於((b是Number的實現) == true) @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(Number n) { ... } // Methods with no arguments always matches // 匹配 無參方法老是匹配 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived() { ... } // Methods only interested in the current Event or StateContext always matches // 匹配 直插入了Event或者StateContext的老是匹配 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(StateContext context) { ... } // Matches since ((a instanceof Collection) == true) // 匹配 由於((a是Collection的實現) == true) @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(Event event, Collection c) { ... } //匹配 由於MyStateContext是StateContext的實現 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(MyStateContext context) { ... } //----------------------------------不能被匹配的方法-------------------------------------- // Incorrect ordering // 不匹配 順序錯誤 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(Integer i, List l) { ... } // ((a instanceof LinkedList) == false) // 不匹配 ((a是LinkedList的實現) == false) @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(LinkedList l, Number n) { ... } // Event must be first argument // 不匹配 Event必須位於首位 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(ArrayList l, Event event) { ... } // StateContext must be second argument if Event is used // 不匹配 若是存在Event,StateContext必須位於第二位 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(Event event, ArrayList l, StateContext context) { ... } // Event must come before StateContext // 不匹配 StateContext必須在Event以後 @Transition(on = "messageReceived") public void messageReceived(StateContext context, Event event) { ... } //額外的說明 //若是同時擁有Event和StateContext,Event必須位於首位,StateContext必須位於第二位 //若是隻出現Event和StateContext中的一個,它們都必須位於首位 //自定義的參數順序也是被嚴格要求的 //Integer,Double,Float等也能匹配到對應的基礎類型int,double,float
public static void main(String[] args) { ... deck.load("The Knife - Silent Shout"); deck.play(); deck.pause(); deck.play(); deck.stop(); deck.eject(); deck.play();//異常 } //... //Tape stopped //Tape ejected //Exception in thread "main" o.a.m.sm.event.UnhandledEventException: //Unhandled event: org.apache.mina.statemachine.event.Event@15eb0a9[id=play,...] // at org.apache.mina.statemachine.StateMachine.handle(StateMachine.java:285) // at org.apache.mina.statemachine.StateMachine.processEvents(StateMachine.java:142) //咱們能夠這麼作 @Transitions({ @Transition(on = "*", in = EMPTY, weight = 100), @Transition(on = "*", in = LOADED, weight = 100), @Transition(on = "*", in = PLAYING, weight = 100), @Transition(on = "*", in = PAUSED, weight = 100) }) public void error(Event event) { System.out.println("Cannot '" + event.getId() + "' at this time"); } //... //Tape stopped //Tape ejected //Cannot 'play' at this time. //可是這裏只是簡單的示例,只有4種狀態,若是有幾十種狀態?因此咱們這麼作 //使用狀態繼承來處理異常 public static class TapeDeckHandler { @State public static final String ROOT = "Root"; @State(ROOT) public static final String EMPTY = "Empty"; @State(ROOT) public static final String LOADED = "Loaded"; @State(ROOT) public static final String PLAYING = "Playing"; @State(ROOT) public static final String PAUSED = "Paused"; ... @Transition(on = "*", in = ROOT) public void error(Event event) { System.out.println("Cannot '" + event.getId() + "' at this time"); } } //... //Tape stopped //Tape ejected //Cannot 'play' at this time.
telnet localhost 12345
S: + Greetings from your tape deck!
C: list
S: + (1: "The Knife - Silent Shout", 2: "Kings of convenience - Riot on an empty street")
C: load 1
S: + "The Knife - Silent Shout" loaded
C: play
S: + Playing "The Knife - Silent Shout"
C: pause
S: + "The Knife - Silent Shout" paused
C: play
S: + Playing "The Knife - Silent Shout"
C: info
S: + Tape deck is playing. Current tape: "The Knife - Silent Shout"
C: eject
S: - Cannot eject while playing
C: stop
S: + "The Knife - Silent Shout" stopped
C: eject
S: + "The Knife - Silent Shout" ejected
C: quit
S: + Bye! Please come back!
//咱們再也不使用@Transitions和@Transition註解而用@IoHandlerTransitions和@IoHandlerTransition來取代它們. //當咱們爲IoHandler接口建立狀態機時,它們是最優選項,由於它們爲事件ID提供了枚舉類型而非咱們以前所用的字符串. //也有相應的IoFilter接口的註解. public class TapeDeckServer { //使用狀態繼承來實現通用邏輯代碼 @State public static final String ROOT = "Root"; @State(ROOT) public static final String EMPTY = "Empty"; @State(ROOT) public static final String LOADED = "Loaded"; @State(ROOT) public static final String PLAYING = "Playing"; @State(ROOT) public static final String PAUSED = "Paused"; private final String[] tapes = {"The Knife - Silent Shout", "Kings of convenience - Riot on an empty street"}; //咱們使用自定義的StateContext實現:TapeStateContext.這個類用來跟蹤當前磁帶的名稱 //咱們爲何不把磁帶名做爲屬性設置在IoSession中?由於自定義的StateContext提供了類型安全 static class TapeDeckContext extends AbstractStateContext { private String tapeName; } @IoHandlerTransition(on = SESSION_OPENED, in = EMPTY) public void connect(IoSession session) { session.write("+ Greetings from your tape deck!"); } //該方法中的最後一個參數是LoadCommand類型,這意味着只有當messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) //中的message能被解碼成LoadCommand的時候該方法纔會被匹配執行. @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = EMPTY, next = LOADED) public void loadTape(TapeDeckContext context, IoSession session, LoadCommand cmd) { if (cmd.getTapeNumber() < 1 || cmd.getTapeNumber() > tapes.length) { session.write("- Unknown tape number: " + cmd.getTapeNumber()); //這一行代碼使用StateControl來覆蓋目標狀態,若是磁帶不能識別,則沒法進入LOADED狀態 StateControl.breakAndGotoNext(EMPTY); } else { context.tapeName = tapes[cmd.getTapeNumber() - 1]; session.write("+ \"" + context.tapeName + "\" loaded"); } } @IoHandlerTransitions({@IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = LOADED, next = PLAYING), @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = PAUSED, next = PLAYING)}) public void playTape(TapeDeckContext context, IoSession session, PlayCommand cmd) { session.write("+ Playing \"" + context.tapeName + "\""); } @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = PLAYING, next = PAUSED) public void pauseTape(TapeDeckContext context, IoSession session, PauseCommand cmd) { session.write("+ \"" + context.tapeName + "\" paused"); } @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = PLAYING, next = LOADED) public void stopTape(TapeDeckContext context, IoSession session, StopCommand cmd) { session.write("+ \"" + context.tapeName + "\" stopped"); } @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = LOADED, next = EMPTY) public void ejectTape(TapeDeckContext context, IoSession session, EjectCommand cmd) { session.write("+ \"" + context.tapeName + "\" ejected"); context.tapeName = null; } //in=ROOT:在任何狀態下都能調用 @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = ROOT) public void listTapes(IoSession session, ListCommand cmd) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder("+ ("); for (int i = 0; i < tapes.length; i++) { response.append(i + 1).append(": "); response.append('"').append(tapes[i]).append('"'); if (i < tapes.length - 1) { response.append(", "); } } response.append(')'); session.write(response); } @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = ROOT) public void info(TapeDeckContext context, IoSession session, InfoCommand cmd) { String state = context.getCurrentState().getId().toLowerCase(); if (context.tapeName == null) { session.write("+ Tape deck is " + state + ""); } else { session.write("+ Tape deck is " + state + ". Current tape: \"" + context.tapeName + "\""); } } @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = ROOT) public void quit(TapeDeckContext context, IoSession session, QuitCommand cmd) { session.write("+ Bye! Please come back!").addListener(IoFutureListener.CLOSE); } @IoHandlerTransition(on = MESSAGE_RECEIVED, in = ROOT, weight = 10) public void error(Event event, StateContext context, IoSession session, Command cmd) { session.write("- Cannot " + cmd.getName() + " while " + context.getCurrentState().getId().toLowerCase()); } //編碼異常,輸出 @IoHandlerTransition(on = EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, in = ROOT) public void commandSyntaxError(IoSession session, CommandSyntaxException e) { session.write("- " + e.getMessage()); } //其餘異常,關閉會話,weight=10代表它的匹配順序在commandSyntaxError以後 @IoHandlerTransition(on = EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, in = ROOT, weight = 10) public void exceptionCaught(IoSession session, Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); session.close(true); } //這個方法用來處理全部其餘的狀況,咱們不能捨棄它由於咱們並無用@IoHandlerTransition註解來聲明全部狀態下 //全部可能的事件.沒有了這個方法,MINA狀態機將會拋出異常若是那個事件能被狀態機處理的話(如:messageSent事件) @IoHandlerTransition(in = ROOT, weight = 100) public void unhandledEvent() { } }
private static IoHandler createIoHandler() { //由於咱們用@IoHandlerTransition註解取代了@Transition註解,因此這裏也作相應的改變 StateMachine sm = StateMachineFactory.getInstance(IoHandlerTransition.class).create(EMPTY, new TapeDeckServer()); //這裏咱們指定了IoSessionStateContextLookup做爲StateContextLookup實現 //若是不這麼作,StateContext對象始終是單例 return new StateMachineProxyBuilder().setStateContextLookup( new IoSessionStateContextLookup(new StateContextFactory() { public StateContext create() { return new TapeDeckContext(); } })).create(IoHandler.class, sm); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SocketAcceptor acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor(); acceptor.setReuseAddress(true); ProtocolCodecFilter pcf = new ProtocolCodecFilter( new TextLineEncoder(), new CommandDecoder()); acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", pcf); acceptor.setHandler(createIoHandler()); acceptor.setLocalAddress(new InetSocketAddress(PORT)); acceptor.bind(); }