import axios from 'axios'
export default {
data () {
return {
timeout: '',
partSize: '',
parallel: '',
retryCount: '',
retryDuration: '',
region: 'cn-shanghai',
userId: '1303984639806000',
file: null,
authProgress: 0,
uploadDisabled: true,
resumeDisabled: true,
pauseDisabled: true,
uploader: null,
statusText: '',
methods: {
fileChange (e) {
this.file = e.target.files[0]
if (!this.file) {
var Title = this.file.name
var userData = '{"Vod":{}}'
if (this.uploader) {
this.authProgress = 0
this.statusText = ""
this.uploader = this.createUploader()
this.uploader.addFile(this.file, null, null, null, userData)
this.uploadDisabled = false
this.pauseDisabled = true
this.resumeDisabled = true
authUpload () {
// 而後調用 startUpload 方法, 開始上傳
if (this.uploader !== null) {
this.uploadDisabled = true
this.pauseDisabled = false
// 暫停上傳
pauseUpload () {
if (this.uploader !== null) {
this.resumeDisabled = false
this.pauseDisabled = true
// 恢復上傳
resumeUpload () {
if (this.uploader !== null) {
this.resumeDisabled = true
this.pauseDisabled = false
createUploader (type) {
let self = this
let uploader = new AliyunUpload.Vod({
timeout: self.timeout || 60000,
partSize: self.partSize || 1048576,
parallel: self.parallel || 5,
retryCount: self.retryCount || 3,
retryDuration: self.retryDuration || 2,
region: self.region,
userId: self.userId,
// 添加文件成功
addFileSuccess: function (uploadInfo) {
self.uploadDisabled = false
self.resumeDisabled = false
self.statusText = '添加文件成功, 等待上傳...'
console.log("addFileSuccess: " + uploadInfo.file.name)
// 開始上傳
onUploadstarted: function (uploadInfo) {
// 若是是 UploadAuth 上傳方式, 須要調用 uploader.setUploadAuthAndAddress 方法
// 若是是 UploadAuth 上傳方式, 須要根據 uploadInfo.videoId是否有值,調用點播的不一樣接口獲取uploadauth和uploadAddress
// 若是 uploadInfo.videoId 有值,調用刷新視頻上傳憑證接口,不然調用建立視頻上傳憑證接口
// 注意: 這裏是測試 demo 因此直接調用了獲取 UploadAuth 的測試接口, 用戶在使用時須要判斷 uploadInfo.videoId 存在與否從而調用 openApi
// 若是 uploadInfo.videoId 存在, 調用 刷新視頻上傳憑證接口(https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/55408.html)
// 若是 uploadInfo.videoId 不存在,調用 獲取視頻上傳地址和憑證接口(https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/55407.html)
if (!uploadInfo.videoId) {
let createUrl = 'https://demo-vod.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/voddemo/CreateUploadVideo?Title=testvod1&FileName=aa.mp4&BusinessType=vodai&TerminalType=pc&DeviceModel=iPhone9,2&UUID=59ECA-4193-4695-94DD-7E1247288&AppVersion=1.0.0&VideoId=5bfcc7864fc14b96972842172207c9e6'
axios.get(createUrl).then(({data}) => {
let uploadAuth = data.UploadAuth
let uploadAddress = data.UploadAddress
let videoId = data.VideoId
uploader.setUploadAuthAndAddress(uploadInfo, uploadAuth, uploadAddress,videoId)
self.statusText = '文件開始上傳...'
console.log("onUploadStarted:" + uploadInfo.file.name + ", endpoint:" + uploadInfo.endpoint + ", bucket:" + uploadInfo.bucket + ", object:" + uploadInfo.object)
} else {
// 若是videoId有值,根據videoId刷新上傳憑證
// https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/55408.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.630.BoYYcY
let refreshUrl = 'https://demo-vod.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/voddemo/RefreshUploadVideo?BusinessType=vodai&TerminalType=pc&DeviceModel=iPhone9,2&UUID=59ECA-4193-4695-94DD-7E1247288&AppVersion=1.0.0&Title=haha1&FileName=xxx.mp4&VideoId=' + uploadInfo.videoId
axios.get(refreshUrl).then(({data}) => {
let uploadAuth = data.UploadAuth
let uploadAddress = data.UploadAddress
let videoId = data.VideoId
uploader.setUploadAuthAndAddress(uploadInfo, uploadAuth, uploadAddress,videoId)
// 文件上傳成功
onUploadSucceed: function (uploadInfo) {
console.log("onUploadSucceed: " + uploadInfo.file.name + ", endpoint:" + uploadInfo.endpoint + ", bucket:" + uploadInfo.bucket + ", object:" + uploadInfo.object)
self.statusText = '文件上傳成功!'
// 文件上傳失敗
onUploadFailed: function (uploadInfo, code, message) {
console.log("onUploadFailed: file:" + uploadInfo.file.name + ",code:" + code + ", message:" + message)
self.statusText = '文件上傳失敗!'
// 取消文件上傳
onUploadCanceled: function (uploadInfo, code, message) {
console.log("Canceled file: " + uploadInfo.file.name + ", code: " + code + ", message:" + message)
self.statusText = '文件已暫停上傳'
// 文件上傳進度,單位:字節, 能夠在這個函數中拿到上傳進度並顯示在頁面上
onUploadProgress: function (uploadInfo, totalSize, progress) {
console.log("onUploadProgress:file:" + uploadInfo.file.name + ", fileSize:" + totalSize + ", percent:" + Math.ceil(progress * 100) + "%")
let progressPercent = Math.ceil(progress * 100)
self.authProgress = progressPercent
self.statusText = '文件上傳中...'
// 上傳憑證超時
onUploadTokenExpired: function (uploadInfo) {
// 上傳大文件超時, 若是是上傳方式一即根據 UploadAuth 上傳時
// 須要根據 uploadInfo.videoId 調用刷新視頻上傳憑證接口(https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/55408.html)從新獲取 UploadAuth
// 而後調用 resumeUploadWithAuth 方法, 這裏是測試接口, 因此我直接獲取了 UploadAuth
let refreshUrl = 'https://demo-vod.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/voddemo/RefreshUploadVideo?BusinessType=vodai&TerminalType=pc&DeviceModel=iPhone9,2&UUID=59ECA-4193-4695-94DD-7E1247288&AppVersion=1.0.0&Title=haha1&FileName=xxx.mp4&VideoId=' + uploadInfo.videoId
axios.get(refreshUrl).then(({data}) => {
let uploadAuth = data.UploadAuth
console.log('upload expired and resume upload with uploadauth ' + uploadAuth)
self.statusText = '文件超時...'
// 所有文件上傳結束
onUploadEnd: function (uploadInfo) {
console.log("onUploadEnd: uploaded all the files")
self.statusText = '文件上傳完畢'
return uploader