ng-ui-router 官方示例的解讀

  1 angular.module('uiRouterSample.contacts', [
  2   'ui.router'
  3 ])
  5 .config(
  6   [          '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
  7     function ($stateProvider,   $urlRouterProvider) {
  8       $stateProvider
  9         //////////////
 10         // Contacts //
 11         //////////////
 12         .state('contacts', {
 14           // With abstract set to true, that means this state can not be explicitly activated.
 15           // It can only be implicitly activated by activating one of its children.
 16             /**
 17              *
 18              * 抽象路由模板,該狀態永遠不會被激活
 19              * 只會被其子狀態隱式激活
 20              * 在本例子中  就是被導航中的ui-sref=contacts.list激活的
 21              * */
 22           abstract: true,
 24           // This abstract state will prepend '/contacts' onto the urls of all its children.
 25             /**
 26              * 這個抽象狀態會預置/contacts到其全部的子狀態中
 27              *
 28              * */
 29           url: '/contacts',
 31           // Example of loading a template from a file. This is also a top level state,
 32           // so this template file will be loaded and then inserted into the ui-view
 33           // within index.html.
 34           templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.html',
 36           // Use `resolve` to resolve any asynchronous controller dependencies
 37           // *before* the controller is instantiated. In this case, since contacts
 38           // returns a promise, the controller will wait until contacts.all() is
 39           // resolved before instantiation. Non-promise return values are considered
 40           // to be resolved immediately.
 41             /**
 42              * resolve處理異步數據調用,在控制器實例化以前
 43              *在這個例子中,contacts返回一個promise,控制器會等到promise處理完以後再進行初始化
 44              *non-promise會當即resolve
 45              */
 46           resolve: {
 47             contacts: ['contacts',
 48               function( contacts){
 49                 return contacts.all();
 50               }]
 51           },
 53           // You can pair a controller to your template. There *must* be a template to pair with.
 54             /***
 55              * 爲template添加控制器。
 56              * 必須與template配對
 57              *
 58              */
 59           controller: ['$scope', '$state', 'contacts', 'utils',
 60             function (  $scope,   $state,   contacts,   utils) {
 62               // Add a 'contacts' field in this abstract parent's scope, so that all
 63               // child state views can access it in their scopes. Please note: scope
 64               // inheritance is not due to nesting of states, but rather choosing to
 65               // nest the templates of those states. It's normal scope inheritance.
 66               $scope.contacts = contacts;
 68               $scope.goToRandom = function () {
 69                var randId = utils.newRandomKey($scope.contacts, "id", $state.params.contactId);
 72                 // $state.go() can be used as a high level convenience method
 73                 // for activating a state programmatically.
 74                 /**
 75                  * go()方法是一個高級又便利的方法
 76                  *用於激活一個動態的狀態
 77                  */
 78                 $state.go('contacts.detail', { contactId: randId });
 79               };
 80             }]
 81         })
 83         /////////////////////
 84         // Contacts > List //
 85         /////////////////////
 87         // Using a '.' within a state name declares a child within a parent.
 88         // So you have a new state 'list' within the parent 'contacts' state.
 89       /**
 90        * 在狀態中用一個'.'才分割父狀態和子狀態,
 91        * 全部如今建立了一個新的'list'狀態位於父狀態'contacts'中
 92        */
 93         .state('contacts.list', {
 95           // Using an empty url means that this child state will become active
 96           // when its parent's url is navigated to. Urls of child states are
 97           // automatically appended to the urls of their parent. So this state's
 98           // url is '/contacts' (because '/contacts' + '').
 99             /**
100              * 用空的url表示這個子狀態會在其父狀態導航到時被激活
101              * 子狀態會自動添加
102              * 因此這個狀態的url='/contacts'+''
103              */
104           url: '',
106           // IMPORTANT: Now we have a state that is not a top level state. Its
107           // template will be inserted into the ui-view within this state's
108           // parent's template; so the ui-view within contacts.html. This is the
109           // most important thing to remember about templates.
110             /**
111              * 如今咱們有一個非頂級的狀態
112              *這個模板會出入到其父狀態的ui-view中:也就是contact.html中的ui-view
113              *這是模板中很重要的性質
114              */
115           templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.list.html'
116         })
118         ///////////////////////
119         // Contacts > Detail //
120         ///////////////////////
122         // You can have unlimited children within a state. Here is a second child
123         // state within the 'contacts' parent state.
124       /**
125        * 一個狀態的子狀態是無限的,這是contacts的第二個子狀態
126        */
127         .state('contacts.detail', {
129           // Urls can have parameters. They can be specified like :param or {param}.
130           // If {} is used, then you can also specify a regex pattern that the param
131           // must match. The regex is written after a colon (:). Note: Don't use capture
132           // groups in your regex patterns, because the whole regex is wrapped again
133           // behind the scenes. Our pattern below will only match numbers with a length
134           // between 1 and 4.
135             /**
136              * url上能夠有參數,定義形式:param 或者 {param}
137              * 若是使用{},也能夠定義成一個正則表達式,參數必須匹配正則
138              *
139              */
141           // Since this state is also a child of 'contacts' its url is appended as well.
142           // So its url will end up being '/contacts/{contactId:[0-9]{1,4}}'. When the
143           // url becomes something like '/contacts/42' then this state becomes active
144           // and the $stateParams object becomes { contactId: 42 }.
145             /**
146              * /contacts/42
147              * 這樣的url就能訪問該狀態
148              * 並且$stateParams對象就變成了{contactId:42}
149              *
150              */
151           url: '/{contactId:[0-9]{1,4}}',
153           // If there is more than a single ui-view in the parent template, or you would
154           // like to target a ui-view from even higher up the state tree, you can use the
155           // views object to configure multiple views. Each view can get its own template,
156           // controller, and resolve data.
157             /**
158              * 若是父template不止一個ui-view
159              * 或者想訪問更往上的狀態(—from state tree)
160              * 能夠使用views對象來配置多views,每一個view均可以從他本身的template,controller,resolve data中獲取
161              */
163           // View names can be relative or absolute. Relative view names do not use an '@'
164           // symbol. They always refer to views within this state's parent template.
165           // Absolute view names use a '@' symbol to distinguish the view and the state.
166           // So 'foo@bar' means the ui-view named 'foo' within the 'bar' state's template.
167             /**
168              * view的名字有相對和絕對兩種
169              * 相對的視圖名字不須要用@標誌
170              * 這些view總會在當前狀態的父template中展現
171              *
172              * 絕對名稱的view使用@標誌來區分狀態和視圖view
173              * foo@bar   bar狀態的foo  view
174              */
177             // So this one is targeting the unnamed view within the parent state's template.
178               /**
179                * ''指向父template中未命名的view
180                */
181             '': {
182               templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.detail.html',
183               controller: ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'utils',
184                 function (  $scope,   $stateParams,   utils) {
185                   $ = utils.findById($scope.contacts, $stateParams.contactId);
186                 }]
187             },
189             // This one is targeting the ui-view="hint" within the unnamed root, aka index.html.
190             // This shows off how you could populate *any* view within *any* ancestor state.
191               /**
192                * ui-view=hint  操做的是root 也就是index.html
193                *
194                */
195             'hint@': {
196               template: 'This is contacts.detail populating the "hint" ui-view'
197             },
199             // This one is targeting the ui-view="menuTip" within the parent state's template.
200               /**
201                * 這個指向父狀態template中的menuTip
202                */
203             'menuTip': {
204               // templateProvider is the final method for supplying a template.
205               // There is: template, templateUrl, and templateProvider.
206                 /**
207                  * templateProvider是提供模板的底層方法
208                  *
209                  */
210               templateProvider: ['$stateParams',
211                 function (        $stateParams) {
212                   // This is just to demonstrate that $stateParams injection works for templateProvider.
213                   // $stateParams are the parameters for the new state we're transitioning to, even
214                   // though the global '$stateParams' has not been updated yet.
215                   /**
216                    *這裏僅僅只是展現$stateParams怎麼注入templateProvider的
217                    */
218                   return '<hr><small class="muted">Contact ID: ' + $stateParams.contactId + '</small>';
219                 }]
220             }
221           }
222         })
224         //////////////////////////////
225         // Contacts > Detail > Item //
226         //////////////////////////////
228         .state('contacts.detail.item', {
230           // So following what we've learned, this state's full url will end up being
231           // '/contacts/{contactId}/item/:itemId'. We are using both types of parameters
232           // in the same url, but they behave identically.
233           url: '/item/:itemId',
236             // This is targeting the unnamed ui-view within the parent state 'contact.detail'
237             // We wouldn't have to do it this way if we didn't also want to set the 'hint' view below.
238             // We could instead just set templateUrl and controller outside of the view obj.
239             '': {
240               templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.detail.item.html',
241               controller: ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'utils',
242                 function (  $scope,   $stateParams,   $state,   utils) {
243                   $scope.item = utils.findById($, $stateParams.itemId);
245                   $scope.edit = function () {
246                     // Here we show off go's ability to navigate to a relative state. Using '^' to go upwards
247                     // and '.' to go down, you can navigate to any relative state (ancestor or descendant).
248                     // Here we are going down to the child state 'edit' (full name of 'contacts.detail.item.edit')
249                     $state.go('.edit', $stateParams);
250                   };
251                 }]
252             },
254             // Here we see we are overriding the template that was set by 'contacts.detail'
255             'hint@': {
256               template: ' This is contacts.detail.item overriding the "hint" ui-view'
257             }
258           }
259         })
261         /////////////////////////////////////
262         // Contacts > Detail > Item > Edit //
263         /////////////////////////////////////
265         // Notice that this state has no 'url'. States do not require a url. You can use them
266         // simply to organize your application into "places" where each "place" can configure
267         // only what it needs. The only way to get to this state is via $state.go (or transitionTo)
268       /**
269        * 當一個狀態並不必定非要有url  能夠經過$scope.go  或者ui-sref   指向
270        */
271         .state('contacts.detail.item.edit', {
274             // This is targeting the unnamed view within the 'contacts.detail' state
275             // essentially swapping out the template that 'contacts.detail.item' had
276             // inserted with this state's template.
277             '@contacts.detail': {
278               templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.detail.item.edit.html',
279               controller: ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'utils',
280                 function (  $scope,   $stateParams,   $state,   utils) {
281                   $scope.item = utils.findById($, $stateParams.itemId);
282                   $scope.done = function () {
283                     // Go back up. '^' means up one. '^.^' would be up twice, to the grandparent.
284                     /**
285                      * 退回父狀態 
286                      * ^.^表示退回兩次  便是grandparent
287                      */
288                     $state.go('^', $stateParams);
289                   };
290                 }]
291             }
292           }
293         });
294     }
295   ]
296 );


angular.module('uiRouterSample.contacts', [

[ '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// Contacts //
.state('contacts', {

// With abstract set to true, that means this state can not be explicitly activated.
// It can only be implicitly activated by activating one of its children.
* 抽象路由模板,該狀態永遠不會被激活
* 只會被其子狀態隱式激活
* 在本例子中 就是被導航中的ui-sref=contacts.list激活的
* */
abstract: true,

// This abstract state will prepend '/contacts' onto the urls of all its children.
* 這個抽象狀態會預置/contacts到其全部的子狀態中
* */
url: '/contacts',

// Example of loading a template from a file. This is also a top level state,
// so this template file will be loaded and then inserted into the ui-view
// within index.html.
templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.html',

// Use `resolve` to resolve any asynchronous controller dependencies
// *before* the controller is instantiated. In this case, since contacts
// returns a promise, the controller will wait until contacts.all() is
// resolved before instantiation. Non-promise return values are considered
// to be resolved immediately.
* resolve處理異步數據調用,在控制器實例化以前
resolve: {
contacts: ['contacts',
function( contacts){
return contacts.all();

// You can pair a controller to your template. There *must* be a template to pair with.
* template添加控制器。
* 必須與template配對
controller: ['$scope', '$state', 'contacts', 'utils',
function ( $scope, $state, contacts, utils) {

// Add a 'contacts' field in this abstract parent's scope, so that all
// child state views can access it in their scopes. Please note: scope
// inheritance is not due to nesting of states, but rather choosing to
// nest the templates of those states. It's normal scope inheritance.
$scope.contacts = contacts;

$scope.goToRandom = function () {
var randId = utils.newRandomKey($scope.contacts, "id", $state.params.contactId);

// $state.go() can be used as a high level convenience method
// for activating a state programmatically.
* go()方法是一個高級又便利的方法
$state.go('contacts.detail', { contactId: randId });

// Contacts > List //

// Using a '.' within a state name declares a child within a parent.
// So you have a new state 'list' within the parent 'contacts' state.
* 在狀態中用一個'.'才分割父狀態和子狀態,
* 全部如今建立了一個新的'list'狀態位於父狀態'contacts'
.state('contacts.list', {

// Using an empty url means that this child state will become active
// when its parent's url is navigated to. Urls of child states are
// automatically appended to the urls of their parent. So this state's
// url is '/contacts' (because '/contacts' + '').
* 用空的url表示這個子狀態會在其父狀態導航到時被激活
* 子狀態會自動添加
* 因此這個狀態的url='/contacts'+''
url: '',

// IMPORTANT: Now we have a state that is not a top level state. Its
// template will be inserted into the ui-view within this state's
// parent's template; so the ui-view within contacts.html. This is the
// most important thing to remember about templates.
* 如今咱們有一個非頂級的狀態
templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.list.html'

// Contacts > Detail //

// You can have unlimited children within a state. Here is a second child
// state within the 'contacts' parent state.
* 一個狀態的子狀態是無限的,這是contacts的第二個子狀態
.state('contacts.detail', {

// Urls can have parameters. They can be specified like :param or {param}.
// If {} is used, then you can also specify a regex pattern that the param
// must match. The regex is written after a colon (:). Note: Don't use capture
// groups in your regex patterns, because the whole regex is wrapped again
// behind the scenes. Our pattern below will only match numbers with a length
// between 1 and 4.
* url上能夠有參數,定義形式:param 或者 {param}
* 若是使用{},也能夠定義成一個正則表達式,參數必須匹配正則

// Since this state is also a child of 'contacts' its url is appended as well.
// So its url will end up being '/contacts/{contactId:[0-9]{1,4}}'. When the
// url becomes something like '/contacts/42' then this state becomes active
// and the $stateParams object becomes { contactId: 42 }.
* /contacts/42
* 這樣的url就能訪問該狀態
* 並且$stateParams對象就變成了{contactId:42}
url: '/{contactId:[0-9]{1,4}}',

// If there is more than a single ui-view in the parent template, or you would
// like to target a ui-view from even higher up the state tree, you can use the
// views object to configure multiple views. Each view can get its own template,
// controller, and resolve data.
* 若是父template不止一個ui-view
* 或者想訪問更往上的狀態(—from state tree)
* 能夠使用views對象來配置多views,每一個view均可以從他本身的template,controller,resolve data中獲取

// View names can be relative or absolute. Relative view names do not use an '@'
// symbol. They always refer to views within this state's parent template.
// Absolute view names use a '@' symbol to distinguish the view and the state.
// So 'foo@bar' means the ui-view named 'foo' within the 'bar' state's template.
* view的名字有相對和絕對兩種
* 相對的視圖名字不須要用@標誌
* 這些view總會在當前狀態的父template中展現
* 絕對名稱的view使用@標誌來區分狀態和視圖view
* foo@bar bar狀態的foo view
views: {

// So this one is targeting the unnamed view within the parent state's template.
* ''指向父template中未命名的view
'': {
templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.detail.html',
controller: ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'utils',
function ( $scope, $stateParams, utils) {
$ = utils.findById($scope.contacts, $stateParams.contactId);

// This one is targeting the ui-view="hint" within the unnamed root, aka index.html.
// This shows off how you could populate *any* view within *any* ancestor state.
* ui-view=hint 操做的是root 也就是index.html
'hint@': {
template: 'This is contacts.detail populating the "hint" ui-view'

// This one is targeting the ui-view="menuTip" within the parent state's template.
* 這個指向父狀態template中的menuTip
'menuTip': {
// templateProvider is the final method for supplying a template.
// There is: template, templateUrl, and templateProvider.
* templateProvider是提供模板的底層方法
templateProvider: ['$stateParams',
function ( $stateParams) {
// This is just to demonstrate that $stateParams injection works for templateProvider.
// $stateParams are the parameters for the new state we're transitioning to, even
// though the global '$stateParams' has not been updated yet.
return '<hr><small class="muted">Contact ID: ' + $stateParams.contactId + '</small>';

// Contacts > Detail > Item //

.state('contacts.detail.item', {

// So following what we've learned, this state's full url will end up being
// '/contacts/{contactId}/item/:itemId'. We are using both types of parameters
// in the same url, but they behave identically.
url: '/item/:itemId',
views: {

// This is targeting the unnamed ui-view within the parent state 'contact.detail'
// We wouldn't have to do it this way if we didn't also want to set the 'hint' view below.
// We could instead just set templateUrl and controller outside of the view obj.
'': {
templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.detail.item.html',
controller: ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'utils',
function ( $scope, $stateParams, $state, utils) {
$scope.item = utils.findById($, $stateParams.itemId);

$scope.edit = function () {
// Here we show off go's ability to navigate to a relative state. Using '^' to go upwards
// and '.' to go down, you can navigate to any relative state (ancestor or descendant).
// Here we are going down to the child state 'edit' (full name of 'contacts.detail.item.edit')
$state.go('.edit', $stateParams);

// Here we see we are overriding the template that was set by 'contacts.detail'
'hint@': {
template: ' This is contacts.detail.item overriding the "hint" ui-view'

// Contacts > Detail > Item > Edit //

// Notice that this state has no 'url'. States do not require a url. You can use them
// simply to organize your application into "places" where each "place" can configure
// only what it needs. The only way to get to this state is via $state.go (or transitionTo)
* 當一個狀態並不必定非要有url 能夠經過$scope.go 或者ui-sref 指向
.state('contacts.detail.item.edit', {
views: {

// This is targeting the unnamed view within the 'contacts.detail' state
// essentially swapping out the template that 'contacts.detail.item' had
// inserted with this state's template.
'@contacts.detail': {
templateUrl: 'app/contacts/contacts.detail.item.edit.html',
controller: ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'utils',
function ( $scope, $stateParams, $state, utils) {
$scope.item = utils.findById($, $stateParams.itemId);
$scope.done = function () {
// Go back up. '^' means up one. '^.^' would be up twice, to the grandparent.
* 退回父狀態
* ^.^表示退回兩次 便是grandparent
$state.go('^', $stateParams);