program mygcd; function gcd(a,b:longint):longint; begin if b=0 then gcd:=a else gcd:=gcd(b,a mod b); end; var x,y:longint; begin x:=24; y:=36; writeln('最大公約數爲:',gcd(x,y)); readln; end. ------------------------非遞歸算法------------------------------------------------- program mygcd; function gcd(a,b:longint):longint; Var c:longint; begin repeat c:=a mod b; a:=b; b:=c; until c=0; exit(a) end; var x,y:longint; begin x:=24; y:=36; writeln('最大公約數爲:',gcd(x,y)); readln; end.
program factorization; var n,k,i:longint; begin writeln('你好,請輸入一個正整數,分解爲質因子:'); readln(n); k:=n; while k>1 do for i:=2 to n do if k mod i=0 then begin write(i,' '); k:=k div i; break; end; writeln end.
program getPrime(input,output); const m=1000; var i,mycount:integer; function IsPrime (x: integer): Boolean; var f:boolean; begin f:=true; if x<2 then begin write('F'); halt end; for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(x)) do if x mod i=0 then f:=false; if f then IsPrime:=true else IsPrime:=false end; begin writeln('prime number Less than ',m); mycount:=0; for i:=2 to m do begin if IsPrime(i) then begin mycount:=mycount+1; write(i:4); if (mycount mod 30) = 0 then writeln end end; writeln end.
program linearList; const maxlen=100; type mylist=record data : array[1..maxlen] of char; last : 0..maxlen end; var i,p: integer; l,l1,l2 : mylist; x:char; function length(var sq:mylist) : integer; begin length :=sq.last; end; function locate(var sq:mylist;x:char):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(sq) do begin if([i]=x) then begin exit(i); end; end; exit(0); end; procedure intlist(var sq:mylist); begin randomize; for i:=1 to 10 do begin[i]:=chr(65+round(random(26))); inc(sq.last); end; end; procedure intlist0(var sq:mylist); begin sq.last:=0 end; procedure printlist(var sq:mylist); begin for i:=1 to length(sq) do write([i]); writeln; end; procedure insert(var sq:mylist;x:char;p:integer); var i:integer; begin for i:=sq.last+1 downto p do[i+1][i];[p]:=x; sq.last:=sq.last+1; end; procedure delete(var sq:mylist;p:integer); var i:integer; begin for i:=p to sq.last do[i][i+1]; sq.last:=sq.last-1; end; procedure merge(var A:mylist;B:mylist); var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to B.last do begin if(locate(A,[i])=0) then insert(A,[i],length(A)+1); end; end; procedure merge_list( A,B:mylist;var C:mylist); {已知非遞減線性表A、B,合併後的C仍然非遞減} var i,j,k:integer; begin intlist0(C); i:=1;j:=1;k:=0; while(i<=length(A))and(j<=length(B)) do if ord([i]) <=ord([j]) then begin insert(C,[i],k+1); k:=k+1; i:=i+1; end else begin insert(C,[j],k+1); k:=k+1; j:=j+1; end; while i<=length(A) do begin insert(C,[i],k+1); k:=k+1; i:=i+1; end; while j<=length(B) do begin insert(C,[j],k+1); k:=k+1; j:=j+1; end; end; begin intlist(l); printlist(l); writeln('輸入一個字符和整數如:c 4,將字符c插如到第四個字符:'); readln(x,p); insert(l,x,p); printlist(l); writeln('輸入一個整數如:4,將字符第四個字符刪除'); readln(p); delete(l,p); printlist(l); writeln('合併兩個線性表:'); intlist(l1); printlist(l1); merge(l,l1); printlist(l); intlist0(l); intlist0(l1); for i:=1 to 10 do begin if (i<=5) then begin insert(l,chr(65+2*i),i); insert(l1,chr(65+2*i-1),i) end else begin insert(l,chr(65+11+i),i); insert(l1,chr(65+14+i),i) end; end; printlist(l); printlist(l1); merge_list(l,l1,l2); printlist(l2); end.
$ fpc linearList.pas Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.0+dfsg-2 [2016/01/28] for x86_64 Copyright (c) 1993-2015 by Florian Klaempfl and others Target OS: Linux for x86-64 Compiling linearList.pas Linking linearList /usr/bin/ld.bfd: 警告: link.res 含有輸出節;您忘記了 -T? 137 lines compiled, 0.1 sec :~/prg/mypas$ ./linearList LVHIVBPUWY 輸入一個字符和整數如:c 4,將字符c插如到第四個字符: c 4 LVHcIVBPUWY 輸入一個整數如:4,將字符第四個字符刪除 4 LVHIVBPUWY 合併兩個線性表: WMGOPGCMOF LVHIVBPUWYMGOCF CEGIKRSTUV BDFHJUVWXY BCDEFGHIJKRSTUUVVWXY
program linearListObj; const maxlen=100; type mylist = object private data : array[1..maxlen] of char; last : 0..maxlen; public constructor init(l: integer); function length() : integer; procedure printlist(); procedure insert(x:char;p:integer); function locate(x:char):integer; procedure empty(); function get(i:integer):char; end; var l,l1 : mylist; p: integer; x:char; constructor mylist.init(l: integer); var i:integer; begin randomize; if (l<= 0) then begin last:=0; exit; end; if (l>maxlen) then l:= maxlen; for i:=1 to l do begin data[i]:=chr(65+round(random(26))); inc(last); end; end; function mylist.length() : integer; begin length := last; end; procedure mylist.printlist(); var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to last do write(data[i]); writeln; end; procedure mylist.insert(x:char;p:integer); var i:integer; begin if (p<= 1) then p:= 1; if (p>last) then p:= last+1; for i:=last+1 downto p do data[i+1]:=data[i]; data[p]:=x; last:=last+1; end; function mylist.locate(x:char):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to last do begin if(data[i]=x) then begin exit(i); end; end; exit(0); end; procedure mylist.empty(); begin last := 0; end; function mylist.get(i:integer):char; begin if ((i< 1) or(i>last) ) then exit(chr(0)); exit(data[i]); end; operator +(A:mylist; B:mylist) C:mylist; var i:integer; begin C.init(0); for i:=1 to A.last do begin C.insert([i],C.length+1); end; for i:=1 to B.last do begin C.insert([i],C.length+1); end; end; operator *(A:mylist; B:mylist) C:mylist; var i:integer; begin C.init(0); for i:=1 to A.last do begin if(C.locate([i])=0) then C.insert([i],C.length+1); end; for i:=1 to B.last do begin if(C.locate([i])=0) then C.insert([i],C.length+1); end; end; begin l.init(10); l.printlist(); writeln('輸入一個字符和整數如:c 4,將字符c插如到第四個字符:'); readln(x,p); l.insert(x,p); l.printlist(); writeln('再生成個線性表:'); l1.init(10); l1.printlist(); writeln('合併兩個線性表:'); l:=l*l1; l.printlist(); writeln('不去重複項合併兩個線性表:'); l:=l+l1; for p:=1 to l.length() do write(l.get(p)); writeln; end.
$ fpc linearListObj.pas Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.0+dfsg-2 [2016/01/28] for x86_64 Copyright (c) 1993-2015 by Florian Klaempfl and others Target OS: Linux for x86-64 Compiling linearListObj.pas Linking linearListObj /usr/bin/ld.bfd: 警告: link.res 含有輸出節;您忘記了 -T? 108 lines compiled, 0.1 sec $ ./llObjects DXIFTWVNES 輸入一個字符和整數如:c 4,將字符c插如到第四個字符: u 11 DXIFTWVNESu 再生成個線性表: CPLCOTZMAJ 合併兩個線性表: DXIFTWVNESuCPLOZMAJ 不去重複項合併兩個線性表: DXIFTWVNESuCPLOZMAJCPLCOTZMAJ
標準pascal版本(在bsd4.3 vax780編譯經過)dom
program linearList(input, output); const maxlen=100; type mylist=record data : array[1..maxlen] of char; last : 0..maxlen end; var i,p: integer; l,l1,l2 : mylist; x:char; function length(var sq:mylist) : integer; begin length :=sq.last; end; function locate(var sq:mylist;x:char):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(sq) do begin if([i]=x) then begin locate:=i; end; end; locate:=0; end; procedure intlist(var sq:mylist); begin sq.last:=0; for i:=1 to 10 do begin[i]:=chr(65+round(random(26))); sq.last:=sq.last+1 end; end; procedure intlist0(var sq:mylist); begin sq.last:=0 end; procedure printlist(var sq:mylist); begin for i:=1 to length(sq) do write([i]); writeln; end; procedure insert(var sq:mylist;x:char;p:integer); var i:integer; begin for i:=sq.last+1 downto p do[i+1][i];[p]:=x; sq.last:=sq.last+1; end; procedure delete(var sq:mylist;p:integer); var i:integer; begin for i:=p to sq.last do[i][i+1]; sq.last:=sq.last-1; end; procedure merge(var A:mylist;B:mylist); var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to B.last do begin if(locate(A,[i])=0) then insert(A,[i],length(A)+1); end; end; {Known non-decreasing linear tables A and B,merged C is still non-decreasing} procedure mergeList( A,B:mylist;var C:mylist); var i,j,k:integer; begin intlist0(C); i:=1;j:=1;k:=0; while(i<=length(A))and(j<=length(B)) do if ord([i]) <=ord([j]) then begin insert(C,[i],k+1); k:=k+1; i:=i+1; end else begin insert(C,[j],k+1); k:=k+1; j:=j+1; end; while i<=length(A) do begin insert(C,[i],k+1); k:=k+1; i:=i+1; end; while j<=length(B) do begin insert(C,[j],k+1); k:=k+1; j:=j+1; end; end; begin intlist(l); printlist(l); writeln('Enter a character and an integer such as: C 4, and insert the character c into the fourth character:'); readln(x,p); insert(l,x,p); printlist(l); writeln('Enter an integer such as: 4, delete the fourth character of the character'); readln(p); delete(l,p); printlist(l); writeln('Merge two linear tables:'); intlist(l1); printlist(l1); merge(l,l1); printlist(l); intlist0(l); intlist0(l1); for i:=1 to 10 do begin if (i<=5) then begin insert(l,chr(65+2*i),i); insert(l1,chr(65+2*i-1),i) end else begin insert(l,chr(65+11+i),i); insert(l1,chr(65+14+i),i) end; end; printlist(l); printlist(l1); mergeList(l,l1,l2); printlist(l2); end.
{ procedure printlist(var list:point); function creatlist(lenth:integer):point; procedure inserthead(var list:point;item:datatype); procedure insertail(var list:point;item:datatype); procedure insertloc(var list:point;loc:integer;item:datatype); procedure PurgeItem(var list:point;item:datatype); Clear items from the list procedure delItem(var list:point;item:datatype); Delete the first item in the list } program mylinkedList(input, output); type datatype=integer; point=^pp; pp=record data:datatype; link:point; end; var head:point; ListLenth,i:integer; procedure printlist(var list:point); var k:point; begin k:=list; writeln('total number is :',ListLenth); if (list = nil) then writeln('List is empty:') else begin while k^.link<>nil do begin write(k^.data,'->'); k:=k^.link; end;{end of while} write(k^.data,'->') end;{end of else} writeln; end;{end of procedure printlist} function creatlist(lenth:integer):point; var p1,p2,k:point; begin if lenth < 1 then begin writeln('List lenth is less than 0,empty list created'); ListLenth:=0; creatlist:=nil end{create empty list} else begin new(p1); writeln('input data'); readln(p1^.data); k:=p1; {Pointer K points to the list head} {Generate nine new nodes with a loop, each of which is connected after the last node} for i:=1 to lenth-1 do begin new(p2); writeln('input data'); readln(p2^.data); p1^.link:=p2; p1:=p2; end; {Assign a null value NIL to the LINK field of the last node} p2^.link:=nil; {Assign a null value NIL to the LINK field of the last node} ListLenth:=lenth; creatlist:=k end{else} end;{end of function creatlist} {Insert item before the header of the list} procedure inserthead(var list:point;item:datatype); var p:point; begin new(p); p^.data:=item; p^.link:=nil; if (list = nil) then begin ListLenth:=1; list:=p end else begin p^.link:=list; ListLenth:=ListLenth+1; list := p end end;{end of procedure inserthead} procedure insertail(var list:point;item:datatype); var p,q:point; begin new(p); p^.data:=item; p^.link:=nil; if (list = nil) then begin ListLenth:=1; list:=p end else begin q:=list; while (q^.link <>nil) do q:=q^.link; q^.link:=p; ListLenth:=ListLenth+1 end end;{end of procedure insertail} procedure insertloc(var list:point;loc:integer;item:datatype); var p,q:point; begin if (loc > ListLenth) then insertail(list,item) else if (loc <= 1) then inserthead(list,item) else begin q:=list; for i:=2 to loc-1 do q:=q^.link; new(p); p^.data:=item; p^.link:=q^.link; q^.link:=p; ListLenth:=ListLenth+1 end end;{end of procedure insertloc} procedure PurgeItem(var list:point;item:datatype); var p,q:point; begin while (list <>nil)and(list^.data = item) do begin q := list; list:= list^.link; dispose(q); ListLenth:=ListLenth-1 end; if (list <>nil) and (list^.link <>nil) then begin p := list; q := list; p := list^.link; while p^.link<>nil do if (p^.data = item) then begin q^.link := p^.link; dispose(p); p := q^.link; ListLenth:=ListLenth-1 end else begin q := p; p := p^.link; end; if (p^.data = item) then begin q^.link := nil; dispose(p); ListLenth:=ListLenth-1 end; end{end of if (list <>nil) and (list^.link <>nil) } end;{end of procedure PurgeItem} procedure delItem(var list:point;item:datatype); var p,q:point; begin p := list; while (p <>nil)and(p^.data <> item) do begin q := p; p:= p^.link; end; if (list = p) then begin if (list <> nil) then begin list := list^.link; ListLenth:=ListLenth-1; dispose(p) end end {end of if (list = p) then} else if (p^.data = item) then begin q^.link := p^.link; dispose(p); ListLenth:=ListLenth-1 end end;{end of procedure delItem} begin {Generate a new node head as the head of the list} head:=creatlist(10); {Output the DATA fields in the list from the list head in turn} printlist(head); writeln('call procedure delItem to del first data 2'); delItem(head,2); printlist(head); writeln('call procedure PurgeItem to del all data 2'); PurgeItem(head,2); printlist(head); writeln('call procedure inserthead & insertail to insert data 2 before head&tail of list:'); inserthead(head,2); insertail(head,2); printlist(head); writeln('call procedure insertloc(head,3,100) to insert 100 as 3th item of list:'); insertloc(head,3,100); printlist(head); end.
2、二叉樹的遍歷和生成 ()jsp
program mybtree(input, output); type btree=^node; node=record data:char; l,r:btree; end; var head : btree; procedure inittree(var t:btree); var ch:char; begin read(ch); if (ch<>'#') then begin new(t); t^.data:=ch; t^.l:=nil; t^.r:=nil; inittree(t^.l); inittree(t^.r); end else t:=nil end; procedure TBTpre(var p:btree); begin if (p<>nil) then begin write(p^.data:2); TBTpre(p^.l); TBTpre(p^.r) end; end; procedure TBTin(var p:btree); begin if (p<>nil) then begin TBTin(p^.l); write(p^.data:2); TBTin(p^.r); end; end; procedure TBTpost(var p:btree); begin if (p<>nil) then begin TBTpost(p^.l); TBTpost(p^.r); write(p^.data:2); end end; begin new(head); writeln('please input string like ABD##E##C## to make preorder binary tree(#:means nil)'); inittree(head); readln; write('this binary tree preorder is: '); TBTpre(head); writeln; write('this binary tree inorder is: '); TBTin(head); writeln; write('this binary tree postorder is:'); TBTpost(head); readln; end.
約瑟夫問題 設有n我的圍坐在一個圓桌周圍,現從第s我的開始報數,數到第m我的出列,而後從出列的下一我的從新開始所數,數到第m我的又出列...函數
{Joseph's problem:consists of n people sitting around a round table. Now we start counting from the s person to the m person. Then we start counting from the next person to the m person. } program josephus(input, output); var i,n,k,m,s,w,j :integer; p:array[1..100] of integer; begin writeln('Enter n s m:n for total people ,start counting from the s person,m out:'); repeat readln(n,s,m); until s<=n; for i:=1 to n do p[i]:=i; k:=s; for i:=n downto 2 do begin k:=(k+m-1)mod i; if k=0 then k:=i; w:=p[k]; if k<i then for j:=k to i-1 do p[j]:=p[j+1]; p[i]:=w; end; for i:=n downto 1 do writeln(n-i+1,':',p[i],' '); writeln; end.
program linkjsph(input, output); type datatype=integer; point=^pp; pp=record data:datatype; link:point; end; var head,p,q:point; i:integer; function linkcreate(n:integer):point; var p1,p2,k:point; begin if n < 1 then linkcreate:=nil else begin new(p1); p1^.data:=1; p1^.link:=p1; k:=p1; for i:=2 to n do begin new(p2); p2^.data:=i; p2^.link:=p1^.link; p1^.link:=p2; p1:=p2 end; linkcreate:=k end{else} end;{end of function linkcreate} procedure linkprocess(var head:point;k:integer;m:integer); {Start counting from the person numbered K (1 <= K <= n), and list the person counting to M.} begin p:=head; while p^.data<>k do p := p^.link; while p^.link <> p do begin for i:=0 to m-1 do begin q := p; p := p^.link; end; write(p^.data,' '); q^.link:= p^.link; dispose(p); p := q^.link; end; write(p^.data,' '); dispose(p) end;{linkprocess} begin head := linkcreate(10); linkprocess(head,3,1); writeln end.
{ Establishing First in First Out Link List.Read in a batch of data, stop when the number is negative, and compose the positive number into a first-in-first-out list and output it. } program linkfifo(input,output); type point=^node; node=record data:real; link:point end; var head,last,next:point; x:real; begin {Read in the first value and establish the first node} read(x); write(x:6:1); new(head); head^.data:=x; last:=head; {Read in the second value} read(x); write(x:6:1); while x>=0 do begin {Establishing New Nodes,if x is Negative then Exit } new(next); next^.data:=x; {Link to the end of the table } last^.link:=next; {Pointer down} last:=next; {Read in the next value} read(x); write(x:6:1) end; writeln; last^.link:=nil; { tail pointer field set NIL } next:=head; while next<>nil do begin {Output Link List} write(next^.data:6:1); next:=next^.link end; writeln end.
{Read in a batch of integer data, stop when the number is negative, and make up a list of the positive numbers read in and output them.} program linkfilo(input,output); type point=^node; node=record data:integer; link:point end; var head,next:point; x:integer; begin next:=nil; writeln('input data'); read(x); writeln(x); while x>=0 do begin new(head); head^.data:=x; {Link to the header } head^.link:=next;{Pointer forward } next:=head; {Read in the next value} writeln('input data,Negative to Exit '); read(x); writeln(x) end; writeln; while next<>nil do begin {Output Link List} write(next^.data); next:=next^.link end; writeln end.
{ $ pc selSorting.p $ a.out Enter 10 integer for sorting:1 3 11 211 101 -1 20 18 19 17 211 101 20 19 18 17 11 3 1 -1 } program selSorting(input,output); const NUM=10; var a:array[1..NUM] of integer; temp: integer; i,j:integer; begin write('Enter',NUM,' integer for sorting:'); for i:=1 to NUM do read(a[i]); for i:=1 to NUM-1 do for j:=i+1 to NUM do if a[i]<a[j] then begin temp:= a[i]; a[i]:= a[j]; a[j]:=temp end; for i:=1 to NUM do {Output sorted results } begin write(a[i]:5); if i mod 5=0 then writeln {Control output of 5 data per line} end end.
program bubblesort(input,output); const NUM=10; var a:array[1..NUM] of integer; t: integer; i,j:integer; begin write('Enter ',NUM,' integer for sorting:'); for i:=1 to NUM do read(a[i]); for i:=2 to NUM do begin t:=a[i]; j:=i-1; while (j>0) and (a[j]<t) do {Move the number ahead of it backwards one by one.} begin a[j+1]:=a[j]; j:=j-1; end; a[j+1]:=t;{When encounter a number no smaller than it, place the data after that number.} end; for i:=1 to NUM do {Output sorted results } begin write(a[i]:5); if i mod 5=0 then writeln {Control output of 5 data per line} end end.
program qsort(input,output); const NUM=10; var p:integer; a:array[0..NUM] of integer; {Let's assume that the ordered array is a, and that the fast-ranked arrays are arranged in ascending order.} procedure qs(l,r:integer); var i,j,m,t:integer; begin i:=l; j:=r;{(l (left), R (right) denotes the left and right intervals of a fast row.} m:=a[(l+r)div 2];{not m:=(l+r)div 2;} repeat while a[i]<m do i:=i+1; while a[j]>m do j:=j-1;{If descending order, interchange'<'and'>'} if i<=j then begin t:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=t; i:=i+1; j:=j-1; end; until i>j; if l<j then qs(l,j); if i<r then qs(i,r); end; begin write('Enter',NUM,' integers for sorting:'); for p:=1 to NUM do read(a[p]); qs(1,NUM); for p:=1 to NUM do {Output sorted results } begin write(a[p]:5); if p mod 5=0 then writeln {Control output of 5 data per line} end end.
program heapSort(input,output); const NUM=10; var p:integer; a:array[0..NUM] of integer; procedure sift(i,m:integer);{Adjust i-rooted subtrees to heap and m to total number of nodes} var k:integer; begin a[0]:=a[i]; k:=2*i;{In a complete binary tree, the left child of node I is 2*i and the right child is 2*i+1.} while k< =m do begin if (k< m) and (a[k]< a[k+1]) then k:=k+1;{Find out the larger values in a[k] and a[k+1]} if a[0]< a[k] then begin a[i]:=a[k]; i:=k; k:=2*i; end else k:=m+1; end; a[i]:=a[0]; {Put the root in the right place} end;{end of procedure sift} procedure heapsort(n:integer); var t,j:integer; begin n:=NUM; for j:=n div 2 downto 1 do sift(j,n); for j:=n downto 2 do begin {swap(a[1],a[j]);} t:=a[1]; a[1]:=a[j]; a[j]:=t; sift(1,j-1); end end;{end of procedure heapsort} begin write('Enter',NUM,' integers for sorting:'); for p:=1 to NUM do read(a[p]); heapsort(NUM); for p:=1 to NUM do {Output sorted results } begin write(a[p]:5); if p mod 5=0 then writeln {Control output of 5 data per line} end end.
program RevArray(input,output); const NUM=11; var a:array[0..NUM] of integer; p:integer; procedure Reverse(n:integer); var i,t:integer; begin for i:=1 to (n div 2) do begin t := a[i]; a[i] :=a[n-i+1]; a[n-i+1] := t end end;{end of procedure Reverse} begin write('Enter',NUM,' integers for array:'); for p:=1 to NUM do read(a[p]); Reverse(NUM); writeln('Array Reversed:'); for p:=1 to NUM do {Output Reversed array } begin write(a[p]:5); if p mod 5=0 then writeln {Control output of 5 data per line} end; writeln end.
program multab(input,output); var i,j:integer; begin i:=1; while i<=9 do begin j:=1; while j<=i do begin write(j:2,'*',i:2,'=',j*i:2,' '); j:=j+1; end; writeln; i:=i+1; end; end.
program multab(input,output); var i,j:integer; begin for i:=1 to 9 do begin for j:=1 to i do write(j:2,'*',i:2,'=',j*i:2,' '); writeln end end.
program quadratic(input,output); type roottype=(UniReal,TwoComplex,TwoReal,NotQuadra); var a,b,c,d:real; rt:roottype; begin writeln('Input Coefficient of Quadratic Equation:a b c'); readln(a,b,c); d:=b*b-4*a*c; if d=0 then rt:=UniReal else if d>0 then rt:=TwoReal else rt:=TwoComplex; if a=0 then rt:=NotQuadra; case rt of UniReal : begin writeln('the equation has a Multiple real root.'); writeln('x1=x2=',-b/(2*a):0:5) end; TwoComplex : begin writeln(' the equation has a pair of conjugate complex roots.'); writeln('x1=',-b/(2*a):0:5,'+',sqrt(-d)/abs(2*a):0:5,'i; x2=',-b/(2*a):0:5,'-',sqrt(-d)/abs(2*a):0:5,'i'); end; TwoReal : begin writeln('the equation has two real roots.'); writeln('x1=',(-b-sqrt(d))/(2*a):0:5,'; x2=',(-b+sqrt(d))/(2*a):0:5) end; NotQuadra : writeln('Quadratic term is 0 , not a quadratic equation.'); end; {end of case} end.
{ Shengjin's Formulas Univariate cubic equation aX ^ 3 + bX ^ 2 + cX + d = 0, (a, b, c, d < R, and a!= 0). Multiple root discriminant: delta1 = b^2-3*a*c; delta2 = b*c-9*a*d; delta3 = c^2-3*b*d, The total discriminant is delta=delta2^2-4*delta1*delta3. When delta1 = delta2 = 0, Shengjin Formula (1): X1=X2=X3=-b/(3*a)=-c/b=-3d/c. When delta=B^2-4*A*C>0, Shengjin Formula II: Y1= delta1*b + 3*a *((-B + (delta)^1/2))/ 2. Y2= delta1*b + 3*a *((-B - (delta)^1/2))/ 2. x1=(-b-Y1^(1/3) - Y1^(1/3)/(3*a); X2=(-2*b+Y1^(1/3)+Y2^(1/3)/(6*a)+3^(1/2)* (Y1^(1/3)-Y2^(1/3)/(6a)i, X3=(-2*b+Y1^(1/3)+Y2^(1/3)/(6*a)-3^(1/2)* (Y1^(1/3)-Y2^(1/3)/(6a)i, When delta=B^2-4AC=0, Shengjin Formula 3: X1=-b/a+K; X2=X3=-K/2, K = delta2/delta1, (A<>0). When delta=B^2-4AC<0, Shengjin Formula 4: X1= (-b-2*sqrt(delta1)*cos(theta/3))/(3*a); X2= (-b+sqrt(delta1)*(cos(theta/3)+sqrt(3)*sin(theta/3)))/(3*a); X3= (-b+sqrt(delta1)*(cos(theta/3)-sqrt(3)*sin(theta/3)))/(3*a) theta=arccosT,T=(2Ab-3aB)/(2A^(3/2)) Shengjin's Distinguishing Means (1)A = B = 0, the equation has a triple real root. (2) When delta =B^2-4AC>0, the equation has a real root and a pair of conjugate complex roots. (3) When delta=B^2-4AC=0, the equation has three real roots, one of which has two double roots. (4) When delta=B^2-4AC<0, the equation has three unequal real roots. } program cubic1(input,output); const PI=3.14159265359; type roottype=(UniReal,OneRPairComplex,TwoReal,UnequalReal,NotCubic); var a,b,c,d:real;{Coefficient of cubic Equation} delta1,delta2,delta3,delta:real; Y1,Y2,expY1,expY2:real; K,theta,T:real; rt:roottype; begin writeln('Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d'); readln(a,b,c,d); delta1 := b*b-3*a*c; delta2 := b*c-9*a*d; delta3 := c*c-3*b*d; delta := delta2*delta2-4*delta1*delta3; if (delta1=0 )and (delta2=0) then rt:=UniReal else if delta>0 then rt:=OneRPairComplex else if delta=0 then rt:=TwoReal else if delta<0 then rt:=UnequalReal; if a=0 then rt:=NotCubic; case rt of UniReal : begin writeln('the equation has a triple real root.'); writeln('x1=x2=x3=',-b/3/a:0:5) end; OneRPairComplex : begin writeln(' the equation has a real root and a pair of conjugate complex roots.'); Y1 := delta1*b + 3*a *((-delta2 + sqrt(delta)))/2; Y2 := delta1*b + 3*a *((-delta2 - sqrt(delta)))/2; if Y1>0 then expY1 := exp((1/3)*ln(Y1)) else if Y1=0 then expY1 := 0 else expY1 := (-1)*exp((1/3)*ln(abs(Y1))); if Y2>0 then expY2 := exp((1/3)*ln(Y2)) else if Y2=0 then expY2 := 0 else expY2 := (-1)*exp((1/3)*ln(abs(Y2))); writeln('x1=',(-b-expY1 - expY2)/(3*a):0:5); writeln('x2=',(-2*b+expY1 +expY2)/(6*a):0:5,'+',sqrt(3.0)* (expY1-expY2)/(6*a):0:5,'i'); writeln('x3=',(-2*b+expY1 +expY2)/(6*a):0:5,'-',sqrt(3.0)* (expY1-expY2)/(6*a):0:5,'i') end; TwoReal : begin writeln('the equation has three real roots, one of which has two double roots.'); K :=delta2/delta1; writeln('X1=X2=',-K/2:0:5); writeln('X3=',-b/a+K:0:5) end; UnequalReal : begin writeln('the equation has three unequal real roots.'); T:=(2*delta1*b-3*a*delta2)/(2*sqrt(delta1*delta1*delta1)); if T=0 then theta:=PI/2.0 else theta:=arctan(sqrt(1-T*T)/T); { theta:=arccos(T); } if theta<0 then theta:=PI+theta; writeln('X1=',(-b-2*sqrt(delta1)*cos(theta/3.0))/(3*a):0:5); writeln('X2=',(-b+sqrt(delta1)*(cos(theta/3.0)+sqrt(3.0)*sin(theta/3)))/(3*a):0:5); writeln('X3=',(-b+sqrt(delta1)*(cos(theta/3.0)-sqrt(3.0)*sin(theta/3)))/(3*a):0:5) end; NotCubic : begin writeln('the equation is not a cubic equation.'); end; end; {end of case} end.
$ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 -6 11 -6 the equation has three unequal real roots. X1=1.00000 X2=3.00000 X3=2.00000 $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 2 3 4 the equation has a real root and a pair of conjugate complex roots. x1=-1.65063 x2=-0.17469+1.54687i x3=-0.17469-1.54687i $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 -2 3 -4 the equation has a real root and a pair of conjugate complex roots. x1=1.65063 x2=0.17469+1.54687i x3=0.17469-1.54687i $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d. 1 -3 -3 1 the equation has three unequal real roots. X1=-1.000000 X2=3.732051 X3=0.267949 $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 -3 3 -1 the equation has a triple real root. x1=x2=x3=1.00000 $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 -7.5 18.75 -15.625 the equation has a triple real root. x1=x2=x3=2.50000 $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 2 2 2 the equation has a real root and a pair of conjugate complex roots. x1=-1.54369 x2=-0.22816+1.11514i x3=-0.22816-1.11514i $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 -5.4 8.6 -4.2 the equation has three unequal real roots. X1=1.00000 X2=3.00000 X3=1.40000 $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 5.5 9.92 5.888 the equation has a real root and a pair of conjugate complex roots. x1=-2.30000 x2=-1.60000+0.00000i x3=-1.60000-0.00000i $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 5.4 9.72 5.832 the equation has a real root and a pair of conjugate complex roots. x1=-1.80000 x2=-1.80000+0.00000i x3=-1.80000-0.00000i $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 -4.9 7.94 -4.256 the equation has three unequal real roots. X1=1.40000 X2=1.90000 X3=1.60000 $ a.out Input Coefficient of cubic Equation:a b c d 1 -6 11.25 -6.25 the equation has three real roots, one of which has two double roots. X1=X2=2.50000 X3=1.00000