Enzyme dive() 和 shallow() 的區別

ShallowWrapper API 中有兩個易混的 .dive().shallow(),調用它們都會返回 ShallowWrapper,但他們在使用場景和執行過程當中都有所區別。html

API 定義

  • .dive([options]) => ShallowWrappernode

    Shallow render the one non-DOM child of the current wrapper, and return a wrapper around the result.react

    non-DOM child 指的是 非 dom 的 reactElement(不能是 div span 等)
  • .shallow([options]) => ShallowWrapper

    Shallow renders the current node and returns a shallow wrapper around it.git


  • .dive() 源碼github

    dive(options = {}) {
      const adapter = getAdapter(this[OPTIONS]);
      const name = 'dive';
      return this.single(name, (n) => {
        if (n && n.nodeType === 'host') {
          throw new TypeError(`ShallowWrapper::${name}() can not be called on Host Components`);
        const el = getAdapter(this[OPTIONS]).nodeToElement(n);
        if (!isCustomComponentElement(el, adapter)) {
          throw new TypeError(`ShallowWrapper::${name}() can only be called on components`);
        const childOptions = makeInheritedChildOptions(this, options);
        return this.wrap(el, null, childOptions);
  • .shallow() 源碼web

    shallow(options = {}) {
      return this.single('shallow', (n) => {
        const childOptions = makeInheritedChildOptions(this, options);
        return this.wrap(getAdapter(this[OPTIONS]).nodeToElement(n), null, childOptions);

咱們能夠將 .dive() 源碼稍做變化:app

dive(options = {}) {
  return this.single('dive', (n) => {
    // 錯誤判斷-start
    if (n && n.nodeType === 'host') {
      throw new TypeError(`ShallowWrapper::${name}() can not be called on Host Components`);
    const el = getAdapter(this[OPTIONS]).nodeToElement(n);
    const adapter = getAdapter(this[OPTIONS]);
    if (!isCustomComponentElement(el, adapter)) {
      throw new TypeError(`ShallowWrapper::${name}() can only be called on components`);
    // 錯誤判斷-end
    const childOptions = makeInheritedChildOptions(this, options);
    return this.wrap(getAdapter(this[OPTIONS]).nodeToElement(n), null, childOptions);

經過對比變體後的 .dive().shallow() 對比,若是去掉錯誤判斷部分,咱們能夠看到,.dive() 的邏輯和 .shallow() 同樣。一般,.dive() 配合高階組件一塊兒使用,如在 Enzyme 倉庫這個 issue 中 Documentation does not make it clear when to use .dive() vs .shallow()@Jordan Harband 提到dom

.dive() is sugar for "throw if there's more than one child, throw if that child isn't a custom component, call .shallow on it". It was a common enough pattern that it warranted first-class inclusion.
In particular, the mantra i often use is "when shallow rendering, one .dive() per HOC"

若是僅從功能來看,能用 .dive() 的場景一樣可使用 .shallow() ,且結果同樣。測試

.dive() 內部作了更加嚴格的類型判斷(不能是 Host Components,且必須是自定義的 components。對 web 而言,div 等原生 html DOM 元素,以及 null 或者 react 內建組件 <Fragment> 都不行),而且,在高階組件中使用,語義也更加友好:dive 到高階組件包裹的自定義組件中(後文有例子)。this

With respect to renderers there are two types of react components:
Host Components: Host components are platform-specific components, such as <div> or a <View> and they run platform-specific code such as mounting, updates, and unmounting of DOM/Native view. They typically begin with lower-case in the case of ReactDom.
Composite Components: Composite components are user-defined components such as <MyButton> or <Content> and they behave the same way with all renderers. React will calls methods, such as render() and componentDidMount(), on the user-supplied composite components.



.dive() 只能用於非 DOM 的 wrapper,而 .shallow() 沒有此限制,若是成功輸出 ShallowWrapper,結果都同樣。看下面代碼:

test('試驗', () => {
  class Bar extends React.Component {
    render() {
      return (
          <div className="in-bar" />

  class Foo extends React.Component {
    render() {
      return (
          <Bar />

  const wrapper = shallow(<Foo />);

  // 由於淺渲染,Bar 在當前 wrapper 中只會渲染成 <Bar />,因此找不到其包含的 '.in-bar'

  // 這裏找到的 Bar 是 <Bar />

  // 對 '<Bar />' 使用 dive() 後,將會渲染它,而後就能夠找到 '.in-bar'了
  // 這裏可使用 shallow() 效果相同

  // dive() 只能應用於 非 DOM
  console.log(wrapper.find(Bar).dive().find('.in-bar').dive().debug()); // 報錯,不能對 dom 使用
  console.log(wrapper.find(Bar).dive().find('.in-bar').shallow().debug()); // 正常輸出 html
.dive() only works on a wrapper around a single element from a custom component. If you want to shallow on an HTML element, or multiple, you'd need .shallow(). I think the use cases are rare, but they exist. by @Jordan Harband


const withHOC = Component => props => (
  <Component testHOCProp="come from HOC" {...props} />
class Bar extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <div className="in-bar" />
class EnzymeDive extends React.Component {
  shouldComponentUpdate() {
  render() {
    return (
        Enzyme Dive
        <Bar />

test('Enzyme .dive() with HOC', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<EnzymeDive />);

  console.log('====wrapper.debug()====', wrapper.debug());
  console.log('====wrapper.dive().debug()====', wrapper.dive().debug());

test('Enzyme .shallow() with HOC', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<EnzymeDive />);

  console.log('====wrapper.debug()====', wrapper.debug());
  console.log('====wrapper.dive().debug()====', wrapper.shallow().debug());

兩個測試用例 Enzyme .dive() with HOCEnzyme .shallow() with HOC 輸出的結果都同樣,且對於 EnzymeDive 組件而言,測試覆蓋率都達到了 100%。其中

  • wrapper.debug() 的輸出結果爲:
<EnzymeDive testHOCProp="come from HOC" />
  • wrapper.dive().debug()wrapper.shallow().debug() 的輸出結果爲:
  Enzyme Dive
  <Bar />

能夠看到 .dive().shallow() 都 "unwrap" 了高階組件("unwrap" here just means "shallow-render one level deeper" )。


測試源碼能夠在 這裏找到。


若是宿主對象不是 div 等原生 html DOM 元素,使用哪一個功能同樣。但如 Enzyme(3.11.0)源碼註釋所寫,若是是高階組件,推薦使用 .dive(),其餘場景,使用 .shallow()


Documentation does not make it clear when to use .dive() vs .shallow()
