Dynamic attention in tensorflow

新代碼在contrib\seq2seq\python\ops\attention_decoder_fn.py php


和以前代碼相比 再也不採用conv的方式來計算乘,直接使用乘法和linearpython


給出了兩種attention的實現 傳統的"bahdanau": additive (Bahdanau et al., ICLR'2015) Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translategit

以及"luong": multiplicative (Luong et al., EMNLP'2015) Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translationweb


這裏以 bahdanau爲例 fetch


仍是按照 Grammar as a Foreign Language的公式 ui


對應代碼裏面 spa

input encoder outputs 也就是輸入的attention states做爲 attention valuescode


也就是在prepare_attention orm

attention_values = attention_states blog

那麼attention keys 對應 W_1h_i的部分,採用linear來實現

attention_keys = layers.linear(

attention_states, num_units, biases_initializer=None, scope=scope)


在建立score function

_create_attention_score_fn 中完整定義了計算過程

這裏去掉luong的實現部分 僅僅看bahdanau部分


with variable_scope.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse):

if attention_option == "bahdanau":

#這裏對應第一個公式最右面 query_w對應W_2, query是對應d_t

query_w = variable_scope.get_variable(

"attnW", [num_units, num_units], dtype=dtype)


score_v = variable_scope.get_variable("attnV", [num_units], dtype=dtype)


def attention_score_fn(query, keys, values):

"""Put attention masks on attention_values using attention_keys and query.



query: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units].

keys: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, attention_length, num_units].

values: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, attention_length, num_units].



context_vector: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units].



ValueError: if attention_option is neither "luong" or "bahdanau".




if attention_option == "bahdanau":

# transform query W_2*d_t

query = math_ops.matmul(query, query_w)


# reshape query: [batch_size, 1, num_units]

query = array_ops.reshape(query, [-1, 1, num_units])


# attn_fun 對應第一個公式的最左側結果(=左側) math_ops.reduce_sum(v * math_ops.tanh(keys + query), [2]) * + reduce_sum操做便是dot操做

scores = _attn_add_fun(score_v, keys, query)


# Compute alignment weights

# scores: [batch_size, length]

# alignments: [batch_size, length]

# TODO(thangluong): not normalize over padding positions.


alignments = nn_ops.softmax(scores)


# Now calculate the attention-weighted vector.

alignments = array_ops.expand_dims(alignments, 2)

#利用softmax獲得的權重 計算attention向量的加權加和

context_vector = math_ops.reduce_sum(alignments * values, [1])

context_vector.set_shape([None, num_units])


#context_vector即對應 第三個公式 =的左側

return context_vector



也就是說將contextquery進行concat以後經過linear映射依然獲得num_units的長度 做爲attention

def _create_attention_construct_fn(name, num_units, attention_score_fn, reuse):

"""Function to compute attention vectors.



name: to label variables.

num_units: hidden state dimension.

attention_score_fn: to compute similarity between key and target states.

reuse: whether to reuse variable scope.



attention_construct_fn: to build attention states.


with variable_scope.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse) as scope:


def construct_fn(attention_query, attention_keys, attention_values):

context = attention_score_fn(attention_query, attention_keys,


concat_input = array_ops.concat([attention_query, context], 1)

attention = layers.linear(

concat_input, num_units, biases_initializer=None, scope=scope)

return attention


return construct_fn





# construct attention

attention = attention_construct_fn(cell_output, attention_keys,


cell_output = attention


# argmax decoder

cell_output = output_fn(cell_output) # logits

next_input_id = math_ops.cast(

math_ops.argmax(cell_output, 1), dtype=dtype)

done = math_ops.equal(next_input_id, end_of_sequence_id)

cell_input = array_ops.gather(embeddings, next_input_id)


# combine cell_input and attention

next_input = array_ops.concat([cell_input, attention], 1)
