{ "status": 200, "msg": "OK", "data": [{ "id": 1, "username": "eric", "password": "123456", "age": 29, "sex": 0, "permission": 0, "isDel": 0 }] }
public <T> T fromJson(String json, Class<T> classOfT) throws JsonSyntaxException { Object object = fromJson(json, (Type) classOfT); return Primitives.wrap(classOfT).cast(object); }
ResponseData(status=200, msg=OK, data=[{id=1.0, username=eric, password=123456, age=29.0, sex=0.0, permission=0.0, isDel=0.0}])
@Data public class ResponseData implements Serializable { // 響應業務狀態 private Integer status; // 響應消息 private String msg; // 響應中的數據 private Object data; }
public <T> T fromJson(JsonReader reader, Type typeOfT) throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException { boolean isEmpty = true; boolean oldLenient = reader.isLenient(); reader.setLenient(true); try { reader.peek(); isEmpty = false; TypeToken<T> typeToken = (TypeToken<T>) TypeToken.get(typeOfT); TypeAdapter<T> typeAdapter = getAdapter(typeToken); T object = typeAdapter.read(reader); return object; } catch (EOFException e) { // 省略異常處理邏輯 } finally { reader.setLenient(oldLenient); } }
public abstract class TypeAdapter<T> { /** * Writes one JSON value (an array, object, string, number, boolean or null) * for {@code value}. * * @param value the Java object to write. May be null. */ public abstract void write(JsonWriter out, T value) throws IOException; /** * Reads one JSON value (an array, object, string, number, boolean or null) * and converts it to a Java object. Returns the converted object. * * @return the converted Java object. May be null. */ public abstract T read(JsonReader in) throws IOException; }
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> getAdapter(TypeToken<T> type) { TypeAdapter<?> cached = typeTokenCache.get(type == null ? NULL_KEY_SURROGATE : type); if (cached != null) { return (TypeAdapter<T>) cached; } Map<TypeToken<?>, FutureTypeAdapter<?>> threadCalls = calls.get(); boolean requiresThreadLocalCleanup = false; if (threadCalls == null) { threadCalls = new HashMap<TypeToken<?>, FutureTypeAdapter<?>>(); calls.set(threadCalls); requiresThreadLocalCleanup = true; } // the key and value type parameters always agree FutureTypeAdapter<T> ongoingCall = (FutureTypeAdapter<T>) threadCalls.get(type); if (ongoingCall != null) { return ongoingCall; } try { FutureTypeAdapter<T> call = new FutureTypeAdapter<T>(); threadCalls.put(type, call); for (TypeAdapterFactory factory : factories) { TypeAdapter<T> candidate = factory.create(this, type); if (candidate != null) { call.setDelegate(candidate); typeTokenCache.put(type, candidate); return candidate; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("GSON (" + GsonBuildConfig.VERSION + ") cannot handle " + type); } finally { threadCalls.remove(type); if (requiresThreadLocalCleanup) { calls.remove(); } } }
/** * Adapts types whose static type is only 'Object'. Uses getClass() on * serialization and a primitive/Map/List on deserialization. */ public final class ObjectTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<Object> { public static final TypeAdapterFactory FACTORY = new TypeAdapterFactory() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) { if (type.getRawType() == Object.class) { return (TypeAdapter<T>) new ObjectTypeAdapter(gson); } return null; } }; private final Gson gson; ObjectTypeAdapter(Gson gson) { this.gson = gson; } @Override public Object read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { JsonToken token = in.peek(); switch (token) { case BEGIN_ARRAY: List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); in.beginArray(); while (in.hasNext()) { list.add(read(in)); } in.endArray(); return list; case BEGIN_OBJECT: Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedTreeMap<String, Object>(); in.beginObject(); while (in.hasNext()) { map.put(in.nextName(), read(in)); } in.endObject(); return map; case STRING: return in.nextString(); case NUMBER: return in.nextDouble(); case BOOLEAN: return in.nextBoolean(); case NULL: in.nextNull(); return null; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, Object value) throws IOException { if (value == null) { out.nullValue(); return; } TypeAdapter<Object> typeAdapter = (TypeAdapter<Object>) gson.getAdapter(value.getClass()); if (typeAdapter instanceof ObjectTypeAdapter) { out.beginObject(); out.endObject(); return; } typeAdapter.write(out, value); } }
/** * A structure, name or value type in a JSON-encoded string. * * @author Jesse Wilson * @since 1.6 */ public enum JsonToken { /** * The opening of a JSON array. Written using {@link JsonWriter#beginArray} * and read using {@link JsonReader#beginArray}. */ BEGIN_ARRAY, /** * The closing of a JSON array. Written using {@link JsonWriter#endArray} * and read using {@link JsonReader#endArray}. */ END_ARRAY, /** * The opening of a JSON object. Written using {@link JsonWriter#beginObject} * and read using {@link JsonReader#beginObject}. */ BEGIN_OBJECT, /** * The closing of a JSON object. Written using {@link JsonWriter#endObject} * and read using {@link JsonReader#endObject}. */ END_OBJECT, /** * A JSON property name. Within objects, tokens alternate between names and * their values. Written using {@link JsonWriter#name} and read using {@link * JsonReader#nextName} */ NAME, /** * A JSON string. */ STRING, /** * A JSON number represented in this API by a Java {@code double}, {@code * long}, or {@code int}. */ NUMBER, /** * A JSON {@code true} or {@code false}. */ BOOLEAN, /** * A JSON {@code null}. */ NULL, /** * The end of the JSON stream. This sentinel value is returned by {@link * JsonReader#peek()} to signal that the JSON-encoded value has no more * tokens. */ END_DOCUMENT }
解決這個問題,大體有兩種思路,一是修改NUMBER類型處理的源碼,對其進行細化,也就是對ObjectTypeAdapter的read()方法中switch (token)語句進行細化。另外一種是自定義一個適合於特定類型的類型適配器,能夠參照ObjectTypeAdapter實現,根據前面定義的ResponseData類型,本身實現了一個ResponseData類型適配器ResponseDataTypeAdaptor,代碼以下:
public class ResponseDataTypeAdaptor extends TypeAdapter<ResponseData> { public static final TypeAdapterFactory FACTORY = new TypeAdapterFactory() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) { if (type.getRawType() == ResponseData.class) { return (TypeAdapter<T>) new ResponseDataTypeAdaptor(gson); } return null; } }; private final Gson gson; ResponseDataTypeAdaptor(Gson gson) { this.gson = gson; } @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, ResponseData value) throws IOException { if (value == null) { out.nullValue(); return; } out.beginObject(); out.name("status"); gson.getAdapter(Integer.class).write(out, value.getStatus()); out.name("msg"); gson.getAdapter(String.class).write(out, value.getMsg()); out.name("data"); gson.getAdapter(Object.class).write(out, value.getData()); out.endObject(); } @Override public ResponseData read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { ResponseData data = new ResponseData(); Map<String, Object> dataMap = (Map<String, Object>) readInternal(in); data.setStatus((Integer) dataMap.get("status")); data.setMsg((String) dataMap.get("msg")); data.setData(dataMap.get("data")); return data; } private Object readInternal(JsonReader in) throws IOException { JsonToken token = in.peek(); switch (token) { case BEGIN_ARRAY: List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); in.beginArray(); while (in.hasNext()) { list.add(readInternal(in)); } in.endArray(); return list; case BEGIN_OBJECT: Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedTreeMap<String, Object>(); in.beginObject(); while (in.hasNext()) { map.put(in.nextName(), readInternal(in)); } in.endObject(); return map; case STRING: return in.nextString(); case NUMBER: String numberStr = in.nextString(); if (numberStr.contains(".") || numberStr.contains("e") || numberStr.contains("E")) { return Double.parseDouble(numberStr); } if (Long.parseLong(numberStr) <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return Integer.parseInt(numberStr); } return Long.parseLong(numberStr); case BOOLEAN: return in.nextBoolean(); case NULL: in.nextNull(); return null; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }
public class GsonTest { @Test public void test() { String json = "{\"status\":200,\"msg\":\"OK\",\"data\":[{\"id\":1,\"username\":\"eric\",\"password\":\"123456\",\"age\":29,\"sex\":0,\"permission\":0,\"isDel\":0}]}"; Gson gson = buildGson(); ResponseData data = gson.fromJson(json, ResponseData.class); System.out.println(data.getData()); } private Gson buildGson() { GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapterFactory(ResponseDataTypeAdaptor.FACTORY); return gsonBuilder.create(); } }
{"status":200,"msg":"OK","data":[{"id":1,"username":"eric","password":"123456","age":29,"sex":0,"permission":0,"isDel":0}]} [{id=1, username=eric, password=123456, age=29, sex=0, permission=0, isDel=0}] =============================================== Default Suite Total tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0 ===============================================