wait_time = constant(3) wait_time = between(5,15)
def between(min_wait, max_wait): """ Returns a function that will return a random number between min_wait and max_wait. Example:: class MyUser(User): # wait between 3.0 and 10.5 seconds after each task wait_time = between(3.0, 10.5) """ return lambda instance: min_wait + random.random() * (max_wait - min_wait)
def constant(wait_time): """ Returns a function that just returns the number specified by the wait_time argument Example:: class MyUser(User): wait_time = constant(3) """ return lambda instance: wait_time
wait_time = constant_pacing(1)
def constant_pacing(wait_time): """ Returns a function that will track the run time of the tasks, and for each time it's called it will return a wait time that will try to make the total time between task execution equal to the time specified by the wait_time argument. In the following example the task will always be executed once every second, no matter the task execution time:: class MyUser(User): wait_time = constant_pacing(1) @task def my_task(self): time.sleep(random.random()) If a task execution exceeds the specified wait_time, the wait will be 0 before starting the next task. """因此你們能夠在實際的工做中根據需求來自行選擇。可是前提是你們要對這些選項和用法掌握,避免不清楚而致使工做失誤。
下面是一個簡單的locust file 代碼講解,算是一個很基礎的一個入門。
from locust import User, task,between,constant,constant_pacing class MyUser(User): @task def my_task(self): print("executing my_task") #wait_time = between(5,15) #wait_time = constant(3) wait_time = constant_pacing(1)
line 1: 導入相關的包。code
line 3: 定義一個用戶類MyUser,這個類要繼承Locust User類繼承
line 5: 定義一個任務方法ci
line 4: 添加@task 修飾符, 若是不添加,那麼任務方法就不會被執行。
line 7/8/9:是上面已經講過的,關於wait_time屬性的設置,有2大類方式,這裏就再也不贅述。