vcpkg能夠幫組你獲取Windows平臺的C和C++庫。這個工具和ecosystem正處於預覽階段。您的參與對vcpkg的成功是很是的重要。 運行vcpkghelp能夠獲取可用命令的簡短描述:git
Commands: vcpkg search [pat] Search for packages available to be built vcpkg install <pkg>... Install a package vcpkg remove <pkg>... Uninstall a package vcpkg remove --outdated Uninstall all out-of-date packages vcpkg list List installed packages vcpkg update Display list of packages for updating vcpkg upgrade Rebuild all outdated packages vcpkg hash <file> [alg] Hash a file by specific algorithm, default SHA512 vcpkg help topics Display the list of help topics vcpkg help <topic> Display help for a specific topic vcpkg integrate install Make installed packages available user-wide. Requires admin privileges on first use vcpkg integrate remove Remove user-wide integration vcpkg integrate project Generate a referencing nuget package for individual VS project use vcpkg integrate powershell Enable PowerShell Tab-Completion vcpkg export <pkg>... [opt]... Exports a package vcpkg edit <pkg> Open up a port for editing (uses %EDITOR%, default 'code') vcpkg import <pkg> Import a pre-built library vcpkg create <pkg> <url> [archivename] Create a new package vcpkg owns <pat> Search for files in installed packages vcpkg env Creates a clean shell environment for development or compiling. vcpkg version Display version information vcpkg contact Display contact information to send feedback Options: --triplet <t> Specify the target architecture triplet. (default: %VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%, see 'vcpkg help triplet') --vcpkg-root <path> Specify the vcpkg root directory (default: %VCPKG_ROOT%) For more help (including examples) see the accompanying
git clone
vcpkg.exe integrate install
vcpkg.exe install sqlite3 boost
最後,在Visual Studio 2015中新建工程,只須要 #include