包括軟件、新聞和話題以及代碼在內的信息,用戶訪問過一次就會給訪問次數字段增1。這個操做是異步的,訪問的時候只是將數據在內存中保存,每隔固定時間將這些數據寫入數據庫。 有兩個注意實現(詳看代碼中的註釋): 1. 當tomcat中止時並且還沒有達到運行週期時將剩餘數據寫回 2. 必須顯式關閉數據庫鏈接,由於線程的運行不受Filter控制,沒法自動關閉鏈接,若是不關閉會致使鏈接泄漏 這個類提供了一個main方法可直接運行,須要用到此類的時候,只須要將本身的寫數據庫邏輯填充上便可。 具體使用方法請看 main 函數。
package net.oschina.service;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* 訪問統計服務
* @author Winter Lau
* @date 2011-1-6 下午03:49:40
public class VisitStatService extends TimerTask {
private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(VisitStatService.class);
private static boolean start = false;
private static VisitStatService daemon;
private static Timer click_timer;
private final static long INTERVAL = 60 * 1000;
* 支持統計的對象類型
private final static byte[] TYPES = new byte[]{
private final static ConcurrentHashMap<Byte, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>> queues =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Byte, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>>(){{
for(byte type : TYPES)
put(type, new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>());
* 記錄訪問統計
* @param type
* @param obj_id
public static void record(byte type, long obj_id) {
ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> queue = queues.get(type);
if(queue != null){
Integer nCount = queue.get(obj_id);
nCount = (nCount==null)?1:nCount+1;
queue.put(obj_id, nCount.intValue());
System.out.printf("record (type=%d,id=%d,count=%d)\n",type,obj_id,nCount);
* 啓動統計數據寫入定時器
* @param ctx
public static void start() {
daemon = new VisitStatService();
click_timer = new Timer("VisitStatService", true);
click_timer.schedule(daemon, INTERVAL, INTERVAL);//運行間隔1分鐘
start = true;
log.info("VisitStatService started.");
* 釋放Service
public static void destroy(){
start = false;
log.info("VisitStatService stopped.");
public void run() {
for(byte type : TYPES){
ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> queue = queues.remove(type);
queues.put(type, new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>());
_flush(type, queue);
}catch(Throwable t){
log.fatal("Failed to flush click stat data.", t);
public boolean cancel() {
boolean b = super.cancel();
return b;
* 寫訪問統計數據到數據庫
* @param type
* @param queue
private void _flush(byte type, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> queue){
return ;
System.out.printf("Flush to database: type=%d\n", type);
* 測試
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
new Timer("OfferTask_"+(i+1), false).schedule(
new TimerTask(){
private Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
public void run() {
0, 1000