val po1 = Document ( "ponum" -> "po18012301", "vendor" -> "The smartphone compay", "podate" -> podate1, "remarks" -> "urgent, rush order", "handler" -> pic, "podtl" -> Seq( Document("item" -> "sony smartphone", "price" -> 2389.00, "qty" -> 1239, "packing" -> "standard"), Document("item" -> "ericson smartphone", "price" -> 897.00, "qty" -> 1000, "payterm" -> "30 days") ) ) val po2 = Document ( "ponum" -> "po18022002", "vendor" -> "The Samsung compay", "podate" -> podate2, "podtl" -> Seq( Document("item" -> "samsung galaxy s8", "price" -> 2300.00, "qty" -> 100, "packing" -> "standard"), Document("item" -> "samsung galaxy s7", "price" -> 1897.00, "qty" -> 1000, "payterm" -> "30 days"), Document("item" -> "apple iphone7", "price" -> 6500.00, "qty" -> 100, "packing" -> "luxury") ) )
val ca = Calendar.getInstance() ca.set(2011,10,23) val podate1 = ca.getTime ca.set(2012,12,23) val podate2 = ca.getTime val pic = FileToByteArray("/users/tiger-macpro/sample.png",3 seconds)
MongoDB的Date是java.util.Date,能夠用Calendar來操做。再看看下面類型轉換中的數據類型對應: app
case class PO ( ponum: String, podate: java.util.Date, vendor: String, remarks: Option[String], podtl: Option[BsonArray], handler: Option[BsonBinary] ) def toPO(doc: Document): PO = { val ks = doc.keySet PO( ponum = doc.getString("ponum"), podate = doc.getDate("podate"), vendor = doc.getString("vendor"), remarks = { if (ks.contains("remarks")) Some(doc.getString("remarks")) else None }, podtl = { if (ks.contains("podtl")) doc.get("podtl").asInstanceOf[Option[BsonArray]] else None }, handler = { if (ks.contains("handler")) doc.get("handler").asInstanceOf[Option[BsonBinary]] else None } ) } case class PODTL( item: String, price: Double, qty: Int, packing: Option[String], payTerm: Option[String] ) def toPODTL(podtl: Document): PODTL = { val ks = podtl.keySet PODTL( item = podtl.getString("item"), price = podtl.getDouble("price"), qty = podtl.getInteger("qty"), packing = { if (ks.contains("packing")) Some(podtl.getString("packing")) else None }, payTerm = { if(ks.contains("payterm")) Some(podtl.getString("payterm")) else None } ) }
poCollection.find(equal("podtl.qty",100)).toFuture().onComplete { case Success(docs) => (showPO) println("-------------------------------") case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage) }
咱們能夠用toPO和toPODTL把po,podtl對應到case class,而後用強類型方式來使用它們:數據庫設計
def showPO(po: PO) = { println(s"po number: ${po.ponum}") println(s"po date: ${po.podate.toString}") println(s"vendor: ${po.vendor}") if (po.remarks != None) println(s"remarks: ${po.remarks.get}") po.podtl match { case Some(barr) => val docs = barr.getValues.asScala.toList { dc => toPODTL(dc.asInstanceOf[org.bson.BsonDocument]) }.foreach { doc: PODTL => print(s"==>Item: ${doc.item} ") print(s"price: ${doc.price} ") print(s"qty: ${doc.qty} ") doc.packing.foreach(pk => print(s"packing: ${pk} ")) doc.payTerm.foreach(pt => print(s"payTerm: ${pt} ")) println("") } case _ => } po.handler match { case Some(bs) => val fileName = s"/users/tiger-macpro/${po.ponum}.png" ByteArrayToFile(bs.getData,fileName) println(s"picture saved to ${fileName}") case None => println("no picture provided") } } poCollection.find(equal("podtl.qty",100)).toFuture().onComplete { case Success(docs) => (showPO) println("------------------------------") case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage) } poCollection.find().toFuture().onComplete { case Success(docs) => (showPO) println("-------------------------------") case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage) }
po number: po18022002 po date: Wed Jan 23 11:57:50 HKT 2013 vendor: The Samsung compay ==>Item: samsung galaxy s8 price: 2300.0 qty: 100 packing: standard ==>Item: samsung galaxy s7 price: 1897.0 qty: 1000 payTerm: 30 days ==>Item: apple iphone7 price: 6500.0 qty: 100 packing: luxury no picture provided ------------------------------- po number: po18012301 po date: Wed Nov 23 11:57:50 HKT 2011 vendor: The smartphone compay remarks: urgent, rush order ==>Item: sony smartphone price: 2389.0 qty: 1239 packing: standard ==>Item: ericson smartphone price: 897.0 qty: 1000 payTerm: 30 days picture saved to /users/tiger-macpro/po18012301.png po number: po18022002 po date: Wed Jan 23 11:57:50 HKT 2013 vendor: The Samsung compay ==>Item: samsung galaxy s8 price: 2300.0 qty: 100 packing: standard ==>Item: samsung galaxy s7 price: 1897.0 qty: 1000 payTerm: 30 days ==>Item: apple iphone7 price: 6500.0 qty: 100 packing: luxury no picture provided ------------------------------
name := "learn-mongo" version := "0.1" scalaVersion := "2.12.4" libraryDependencies := Seq( "org.mongodb.scala" %% "mongo-scala-driver" % "2.2.1", "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-stream-alpakka-mongodb" % "0.17" )
import java.nio.file.Paths import{Materializer} import{FileIO, StreamConverters} import scala.concurrent.{Await} import akka.util._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ object FileStreaming { def FileToByteBuffer(fileName: String, timeOut: FiniteDuration)( implicit mat: Materializer):ByteBuffer = { val fut = FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(fileName)).runFold(ByteString()) { case (hd, bs) => hd ++ bs } (Await.result(fut, timeOut)).toByteBuffer } def FileToByteArray(fileName: String, timeOut: FiniteDuration)( implicit mat: Materializer): Array[Byte] = { val fut = FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(fileName)).runFold(ByteString()) { case (hd, bs) => hd ++ bs } (Await.result(fut, timeOut)).toArray } def FileToInputStream(fileName: String, timeOut: FiniteDuration)( implicit mat: Materializer): InputStream = { val fut = FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(fileName)).runFold(ByteString()) { case (hd, bs) => hd ++ bs } val buf = (Await.result(fut, timeOut)).toArray new ByteArrayInputStream(buf) } def ByteBufferToFile(byteBuf: ByteBuffer, fileName: String)( implicit mat: Materializer) = { val ba = new Array[Byte](byteBuf.remaining()) byteBuf.get(ba,0,ba.length) val baInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(ba) val source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => baInput) //ByteBufferInputStream(bytes))
source.runWith(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(fileName))) } def ByteArrayToFile(bytes: Array[Byte], fileName: String)( implicit mat: Materializer) = { val bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes) val baInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => baInput) //ByteBufferInputStream(bytes))
source.runWith(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(fileName))) } def InputStreamToFile(is: InputStream, fileName: String)( implicit mat: Materializer) = { val source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => is) source.runWith(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(fileName))) } }
import import import java.util.Calendar import org.bson.BsonBinary import scala.util._ import FileStreaming._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.mongodb.scala._ import org.mongodb.scala.bson.{BsonArray, BsonDocument} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.mongodb.scala.connection.ClusterSettings import org.mongodb.scala.model.Filters._ object MongoScala103 extends App { import Helpers._ val clusterSettings = ClusterSettings.builder() .hosts(List(new ServerAddress("localhost:27017")).asJava).build() val clientSettings = MongoClientSettings.builder().clusterSettings(clusterSettings).build() val client = MongoClient(clientSettings) implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val db: MongoDatabase = client.getDatabase("testdb") val poOrgCollection: MongoCollection[Document] = db.getCollection("po") poOrgCollection.drop.headResult() val poCollection: MongoCollection[Document] = db.getCollection("po") val ca = Calendar.getInstance() ca.set(2011,10,23) val podate1 = ca.getTime ca.set(2012,12,23) val podate2 = ca.getTime val pic = FileToByteArray("/users/tiger-macpro/sample.png",3 seconds) val po1 = Document ( "ponum" -> "po18012301", "vendor" -> "The smartphone compay", "podate" -> podate1, "remarks" -> "urgent, rush order", "handler" -> pic, "podtl" -> Seq( Document("item" -> "sony smartphone", "price" -> 2389.00, "qty" -> 1239, "packing" -> "standard"), Document("item" -> "ericson smartphone", "price" -> 897.00, "qty" -> 1000, "payterm" -> "30 days") ) ) val po2 = Document ( "ponum" -> "po18022002", "vendor" -> "The Samsung compay", "podate" -> podate2, "podtl" -> Seq( Document("item" -> "samsung galaxy s8", "price" -> 2300.00, "qty" -> 100, "packing" -> "standard"), Document("item" -> "samsung galaxy s7", "price" -> 1897.00, "qty" -> 1000, "payterm" -> "30 days"), Document("item" -> "apple iphone7", "price" -> 6500.00, "qty" -> 100, "packing" -> "luxury") ) ) poCollection.insertMany(Seq(po1,po2)).headResult() case class PO ( ponum: String, podate: java.util.Date, vendor: String, remarks: Option[String], podtl: Option[BsonArray], handler: Option[BsonBinary] ) def toPO(doc: Document): PO = { val ks = doc.keySet PO( ponum = doc.getString("ponum"), podate = doc.getDate("podate"), vendor = doc.getString("vendor"), remarks = { if (ks.contains("remarks")) Some(doc.getString("remarks")) else None }, podtl = { if (ks.contains("podtl")) doc.get("podtl").asInstanceOf[Option[BsonArray]] else None }, handler = { if (ks.contains("handler")) doc.get("handler").asInstanceOf[Option[BsonBinary]] else None } ) } case class PODTL( item: String, price: Double, qty: Int, packing: Option[String], payTerm: Option[String] ) def toPODTL(podtl: Document): PODTL = { val ks = podtl.keySet PODTL( item = podtl.getString("item"), price = podtl.getDouble("price"), qty = podtl.getInteger("qty"), packing = { if (ks.contains("packing")) Some(podtl.getString("packing")) else None }, payTerm = { if(ks.contains("payterm")) Some(podtl.getString("payterm")) else None } ) } def showPO(po: PO) = { println(s"po number: ${po.ponum}") println(s"po date: ${po.podate.toString}") println(s"vendor: ${po.vendor}") if (po.remarks != None) println(s"remarks: ${po.remarks.get}") po.podtl match { case Some(barr) => val docs = barr.getValues.asScala.toList { dc => toPODTL(dc.asInstanceOf[org.bson.BsonDocument]) }.foreach { doc: PODTL => print(s"==>Item: ${doc.item} ") print(s"price: ${doc.price} ") print(s"qty: ${doc.qty} ") doc.packing.foreach(pk => print(s"packing: ${pk} ")) doc.payTerm.foreach(pt => print(s"payTerm: ${pt} ")) println("") } case _ => } po.handler match { case Some(bs) => val fileName = s"/users/tiger-macpro/${po.ponum}.png" ByteArrayToFile(bs.getData,fileName) println(s"picture saved to ${fileName}") case None => println("no picture provided") } } poCollection.find().toFuture().onComplete { case Success(docs) => (showPO) println("------------------------------") case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage) } poCollection.find(equal("podtl.qty",100)).toFuture().onComplete { case Success(docs) => (showPO) println("-------------------------------") case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage) } system.terminate() }