基於asynico:tornado,gevent,twisted(Scrapy,django channels),tornado(實現了web服務器,能夠直接部署,真正部署仍是要加nginx),django,flask(uwsgi,gunicorn+nginx部署)
1 import asyncio 2 import time 3 async def get_html(url): 4 print('start get url') 5 #不能直接使用time.sleep,這是阻塞的函數,若是使用time在併發的狀況有多少個就有多少個2秒 6 await asyncio.sleep(2) 7 print('end get url') 8 if __name__=='__main__': 9 start_time=time.time() 10 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 11 task=[get_html('www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 12 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(task)) 13 print(time.time()-start_time)
1 import asyncio 2 import time 3 from functools import partial 4 async def get_html(url): 5 print('start get url') 6 await asyncio.sleep(2) 7 print('end get url') 8 return "HAHA" 9 #須要接收task,若是要接收其餘的參數就須要用到partial(偏函數),參數須要放到前面 10 def callback(url,future): 11 print(url+' success') 12 print('send email') 13 if __name__=='__main__': 14 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 15 task=loop.create_task(get_html('www.baidu.com')) 16 #原理仍是獲取event_loop,而後調用create_task方法,一個線程只有一個loop 17 # get_future=asyncio.ensure_future(get_html('www.baidu.com'))也能夠 18 #loop.run_until_complete(get_future) 19 #run_until_complete能夠接收future類型,task類型(是future類型的一個子類),也能夠接收可迭代類型 20 task.add_done_callback(partial(callback,'www.baidu.com')) 21 loop.run_until_complete(task) 22 print(task.result())
1 import asyncio 2 import time 3 from functools import partial 4 async def get_html(url): 5 print('start get url') 6 await asyncio.sleep(2) 7 print('end get url') 8 9 if __name__=='__main__': 10 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 11 tasks=[get_html('www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 12 #wait和線程的wait類似 13 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks))
1 import asyncio 2 import time 3 from functools import partial 4 async def get_html(url): 5 print('start get url') 6 await asyncio.sleep(2) 7 print('end get url') 8 9 if __name__=='__main__': 10 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 11 tasks=[get_html('www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 12 #gather注意加*,這樣就會變成參數 13 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))
1 import asyncio 2 import time 3 from functools import partial 4 async def get_html(url): 5 print('start get url') 6 await asyncio.sleep(2) 7 print('end get url') 8 9 if __name__=='__main__': 10 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 11 groups1=[get_html('www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 12 groups2=[get_html('www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 13 #gather注意加*,這樣就會變成參數 14 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*groups1,*groups2)) 15 #這種方式也能夠 16 # groups1 = [get_html('www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 17 # groups2 = [get_html('www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 18 # groups1=asyncio.gather(*groups1) 19 # groups2=asyncio.gather(*groups2) 20 #取消任務 21 # groups2.cancel() 22 # loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(groups1,groups2))
解釋: await至關於yield from,loop運行協程print_sum(),print_sum又會去調用另外一個協程compute,run_util_complete會把協程print_sum註冊到loop中。sql
3.compute這個協程首先打印,而後去調用asyncio的sleep(此時compute進入suspende的狀態【暫停】),直接把返回值返回給Task(沒有通過print_sum,至關於yield from,直接在調用方和子生成器通訊,是由委託方print_sum創建的通道);flask
1 import asyncio 2 #函數 3 def callback(sleep_time): 4 print('sleep {} success'.format(sleep_time)) 5 #經過該函數暫停 6 def stoploop(loop): 7 loop.stop() 8 if __name__=='__main__': 9 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 10 #能夠直接傳遞函數,而不用協程,call_soon其實就是調用的call_later,時間爲0秒 11 loop.call_soon(callback,2) 12 loop.call_soon(stoploop,loop) 13 #不能用run_util_complete(由於不是協程),run_forever找到call_soon一直運行 14 loop.run_forever()
1 import asyncio 2 #函數 3 def callback(sleep_time): 4 print('sleep {} success'.format(sleep_time)) 5 #經過該函數暫停 6 def stoploop(loop): 7 loop.stop() 8 if __name__=='__main__': 9 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 10 loop.call_later(3,callback,1) 11 loop.call_later(1, callback, 2) 12 loop.call_later(1, callback, 2) 13 loop.call_later(1, callback, 2) 14 loop.call_soon(callback,4) 15 # loop.call_soon(stoploop,loop) 16 #不能用run_util_complete(由於不是協程),run_forever找到call_soon一直運行 17 loop.run_forever()
1 import asyncio 2 #函數 3 def callback(sleep_time): 4 print('sleep {} success'.format(sleep_time)) 5 #經過該函數暫停 6 def stoploop(loop): 7 loop.stop() 8 if __name__=='__main__': 9 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 10 now=loop.time() 11 print(now) 12 loop.call_at(now+3,callback,1) 13 loop.call_at(now+1, callback, 0.5) 14 loop.call_at(now+1, callback, 2) 15 loop.call_at(now+1, callback, 2) 16 # loop.call_soon(stoploop,loop) 17 #不能用run_util_complete(由於不是協程),run_forever找到call_soon一直運行 18 loop.run_forever()
1 #使用多線程,在協程中集成阻塞io 2 import asyncio 3 import socket 4 from urllib.parse import urlparse 5 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor 6 import time 7 def get_url(url): 8 #經過socket請求html 9 url=urlparse(url) 10 host=url.netloc 11 path=url.path 12 if path=="": 13 path="/" 14 #創建socket鏈接 15 client=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) 16 client.connect((host,80)) 17 #向服務器發送數據 18 client.send("GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:{}\r\nConnection:close\r\n\r\n".format(path, host).encode("utf8")) 19 #將數據讀取完 20 data=b"" 21 while True: 22 d=client.recv(1024) 23 if d: 24 data+=d 25 else: 26 break 27 #會將header信息做爲返回字符串 28 data=data.decode('utf8') 29 print(data.split('\r\n\r\n')[1]) 30 client.close() 31 32 if __name__=='__main__': 33 start_time=time.time() 34 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 35 excutor=ThreadPoolExecutor() 36 tasks=[] 37 for i in range(20): 38 task=loop.run_in_executor(excutor,get_url,'http://www.baidu.com') 39 tasks.append(task) 40 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) 41 print(time.time()-start_time)
1 # asyncio目前沒有提供http協議的接口 2 import asyncio 3 from urllib.parse import urlparse 4 import time 5 6 7 async def get_url(url): 8 # 經過socket請求html 9 url = urlparse(url) 10 host = url.netloc 11 path = url.path 12 if path == "": 13 path = "/" 14 # 創建socket鏈接(比較耗時),非阻塞須要註冊,都在open_connection中實現了 15 reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, 80) 16 # 向服務器發送數據,unregister和register都實現了 17 writer.write("GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:{}\r\nConnection:close\r\n\r\n".format(path, host).encode("utf8")) 18 # 讀取數據 19 all_lines = [] 20 # 源碼實現較複雜,有__anext__的魔法函數(協程) 21 async for line in reader: 22 data = line.decode('utf8') 23 all_lines.append(data) 24 html = '\n'.join(all_lines) 25 return html 26 27 28 async def main(): 29 tasks = [] 30 for i in range(20): 31 url = "http://www.baidu.com/" 32 tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(get_url(url))) 33 for task in asyncio.as_completed(tasks): 34 result = await task 35 print(result) 36 37 38 if __name__ == '__main__': 39 start_time = time.time() 40 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 41 # tasks=[get_url('http://www.baidu.com') for i in range(10)] 42 # 在外部獲取結果,保存爲future對象 43 # tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(get_url('http://www.baidu.com')) for i in range(10)] 44 # loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) 45 # for task in tasks: 46 # print(task.result()) 47 # 執行完一個打印一個 48 loop.run_until_complete(main()) 49 print(time.time() - start_time)
1 import asyncio 2 total=0 3 async def add(): 4 global total 5 for i in range(1000000): 6 total+=1 7 8 9 async def decs(): 10 global total 11 for i in range(1000000): 12 total-=1 13 if __name__=='__main__': 14 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 15 tasks=[add(),decs()] 16 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) 17 print(total)
1 import asyncio,aiohttp 2 #這是並無調用系統的鎖,只是簡單的本身實現(注意是非阻塞的),Queue也是非阻塞的,都用了yield from,不用用到condition【單線程】】 3 #Queue還能夠限流,若是隻須要通訊還能夠直接使用全局變量不然能夠 4 from asyncio import Lock,Queue 5 catche={} 6 lock=Lock() 7 async def get_stuff(): 8 #實現了__enter__和__exit__兩個魔法函數,能夠用with 9 # with await lock: 10 #更明確的語法__aenter__和__await__ 11 async with lock: 12 #注意加await,是一個協程 13 #await lock.acquire() 14 for url in catche: 15 return catche[url] 16 #異步的接收 17 stauff=aiohttp.request('Get',url) 18 catche[url]=stauff 19 return stauff 20 #release是一個簡單的函數 21 #lock.release() 22 23 async def parse_stuff(): 24 stuff=await get_stuff() 25 26 async def use_stuff(): 27 stuff=await get_stuff() 28 #若是沒有同步機制,就會發起兩次請求(這裏就能夠加一個同步機制) 29 tasks=[parse_stuff(),use_stuff()] 30 loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() 31 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks))
1 # asyncio去重url,入庫(異步的驅動aiomysql) 2 import aiohttp 3 import asyncio 4 import re 5 import aiomysql 6 from pyquery import pyquery 7 8 start_url = 'http://www.jobbole.com/' 9 waiting_urls = [] 10 seen_urls = [] 11 stopping = False 12 #限制併發數 13 sem=asyncio.Semaphore(3) 14 15 16 async def fetch(url, session): 17 async with sem: 18 await asyncio.sleep(1) 19 try: 20 async with session.get(url) as resp: 21 print('url_status:{}'.format(resp.status)) 22 if resp.status in [200, 201]: 23 data = await resp.text() 24 return data 25 except Exception as e: 26 print(e) 27 28 29 def extract_urls(html): 30 ''' 31 解析無io操做 32 ''' 33 urls = [] 34 pq = pyquery(html) 35 for link in pq.items('a'): 36 url = link.attr('href') 37 if url and url.startwith('http') and url not in urls: 38 urls.append(url) 39 waiting_urls.append(url) 40 return urls 41 42 43 async def init_urls(url, session): 44 html = await fetch(url, session) 45 seen_urls.add(url) 46 extract_urls(html) 47 48 49 async def handle_article(url, session, pool): 50 ''' 51 處理文章 52 ''' 53 html = await fetch(url, session) 54 seen_urls.append(url) 55 extract_urls(html) 56 pq = pyquery(html) 57 title = pq('title').text() 58 async with pool.acquire() as conn: 59 async with conn.cursor() as cur: 60 insert_sql = "insert into Test(title) values('{}')".format(title) 61 await cur.execute(insert_sql) 62 63 64 async def consumer(pool): 65 with aiohttp.CLientSession() as session: 66 while not stopping: 67 if len(waiting_urls) == 0: 68 await asyncio.sleep(0.5) 69 continue 70 url = waiting_urls.pop() 71 print('start url:' + 'url') 72 if re.match('http://.*?jobble.com/\d+/', url): 73 if url not in seen_urls: 74 asyncio.ensure_future(handle_article(url, session, pool)) 75 await asyncio.sleep(30) 76 else: 77 if url not in seen_urls: 78 asyncio.ensure_future(init_urls(url, session)) 79 80 81 async def main(): 82 # 等待mysql鏈接好 83 pool = aiomysql.connect(host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', 84 password='112358', db='my_aio', loop=loop, charset='utf8', autocommit=True) 85 async with aiohttp.CLientSession() as session: 86 html = await fetch(start_url, session) 87 seen_urls.add(start_url) 88 extract_urls(html) 89 asyncio.ensure_future(consumer(pool)) 90 91 if __name__ == '__main__': 92 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 93 asyncio.ensure_future(loop) 94 loop.run_forever(main(loop))