輸入函數 raw_input (Python3:input)python
1 >>> raw_input("請輸入一個字母") #獲取輸入內容的一個函數 2 請輸入一個字母A 3 'A' 4 >>> 5 >>> name = raw_input("Please input your name:") #輸入得內容賦值給一個變量 6 Please input your name:tom 7 >>> name 8 'tom' 9 >>> x =raw_input("how old are you?") 10 how old are you?x =raw_input("how old are you?") 11 >>> x =raw_input("how old are you?") 12 how old are you?22 13 >>> x 14 '22' 15 >>> type(x) #經過raw_input 獲得的結果是一個字符串類型 16 <type 'str'> 17 >>> help(raw_input) #查看raw_input詳細內容 18 Help on built-in function raw_input in module __builtin__: 19 20 raw_input(...) 21 raw_input([prompt]) -> string 返回值字符串 22 23 Read a string from standard input. The trailing newline is stripped. 24 If the user hits EOF (Unix: Ctl-D, Windows: Ctl-Z+Return), raise EOFError. 25 On Unix, GNU readline is used if enabled. The prompt string, if given, 26 is printed without a trailing newline before reading.
print 在python2中是一個語句 ,在python3中print() 是一個函數ui
格式化 指定一種格式,按照某種格式打印出來,spa
%s 字符串佔位符orm
%d 整數佔位符blog
%f 浮點數佔位符索引
3 >>> "I LIKE %s" 4 'I LIKE %s' 5 >>> "I Like %s"%"Python" #用%以後的Python 來填充%s這個佔位符 6 'I Like Python' 7 >>> a = "I Like %s"12 >>> a %"java" 13 'I Like java' 14 >>> print "%s was born in %d "%("tom",2018) #括號中爲字符串和數字 15 tom was born in 2018 16 >>>
用花括號{}索引值 佔位符 Python 推薦使用 {} ip
str.format() 格式化
1 >>> s = "I like {0}" 2 >>> s.format("Python") 3 'I like Python' 4 >>> s2 ="%s was born in %d "%("tom",2018) 5 >>> s2.format("tom",2018) 6 'tom was born in 2018 '