As you know, every birthday party has a cake! This time, Babaei is going to prepare the very special birthday party's cake.ios
Simple cake is a cylinder of some radius and height. The volume of the simple cake is equal to the volume of corresponding cylinder. Babaei has n simple cakes and he is going to make a special cake placing some cylinders on each other.ide
However, there are some additional culinary restrictions. The cakes are numbered in such a way that the cake number i can be placed only on the table or on some cake number j where j < i. Moreover, in order to impress friends Babaei will put the cake i on top of the cake j only if the volume of the cake i is strictly greater than the volume of the cake j.ui
Babaei wants to prepare a birthday cake that has a maximum possible total volume. Help him find this value.this
The first line of the input contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100 000) — the number of simple cakes Babaei has.3d
Each of the following n lines contains two integers ri and hi (1 ≤ ri, hi ≤ 10 000), giving the radius and height of the i-th
Print the maximum volume of the cake that Babaei can make. Your answer will be considered correct if its absolute or relative error does not exceed 10 - 6.orm
Namely: let's assume that your answer is a, and the answer of the jury is b. The checker program will consider your answer correct, if .
Sample Input
2 100 30 40 10
4 1 1 9 7 1 4 10 7
In first sample, the optimal way is to choose the cake number 1.
In second sample, the way to get the maximum volume is to use cakes with indices 1, 2 and 4.
題意:找到累計最多的蛋糕體積。兩個蛋糕累計條件(j < i && v[j] < v[i])。
思路:能夠用最長上升子序列的 dp 來作,體積爲數列元素。 可是數據太大,查詢 j = 1 到 j < i 時須要浪費 O(n)的時間。時間複雜度就是 O(n^2) 確定會TEL。所以查詢以及更新利用線段樹來維護。將區間的從小到大抽象成體積 v[i] 從小到大,每次利用線段樹查詢和更新 dp[i]便可。時間複雜度爲 O(n*logn)。
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <algorithm> 3 #include <cstdio> 4 #include <cmath> 5 using namespace std; 6 7 struct Node{ 8 int l,r; 9 long long Max; 10 }node[100005*4]; 11 long long v[100005]; 12 long long x[100005]; 13 long long dp[100005]; 14 const double PI = acos(-1.0); 15 16 void build(int id,int l,int r){ 17 int mid = (l+r)>>1; 18 node[id].l = l; 19 node[id].r = r; 20 if(l == r){ 21 node[id].Max = 0; 22 return ; 23 } 24 build(id*2,l,mid); 25 build(id*2+1,mid+1,r); 26 27 node[id].Max = max(node[id*2].Max,node[id*2+1].Max); 28 } 29 30 void update(int id,int k,long long p){ //更新 k 處的值爲 p 31 int ll = node[id].l; 32 int rr = node[id].r; 33 int mid = (ll+rr)>>1; 34 35 if(ll == rr){ 36 node[id].Max = p; 37 return ; 38 } 39 40 if(k <= mid) update(id*2,k,p); 41 else 42 update(id*2+1,k,p); 43 node[id].Max = max(node[id*2].Max,node[id*2+1].Max); 44 } 45 46 long long query(int id,int l,int r){ 47 int ll = node[id].l; 48 int rr = node[id].r; 49 int mid = (ll+rr)>>1; 50 51 if(l > r) return 0; 52 53 if(ll== l && rr == r) 54 return node[id].Max; 55 else if(r <= mid) 56 return query(id*2,l,r); 57 else if(l > mid) 58 return query(id*2+1,l,r); 59 else 60 return max(query(id*2,l,mid),query(id*2+1,mid+1,r)); 61 } 62 int main() 63 { 64 int n; 65 while(cin>>n){ 66 long long r,h; 67 for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++){ 68 scanf("%I64d%I64d",&r,&h); 69 v[i] = r*r*h; 70 dp[i] = v[i]; 71 x[i] = v[i]; 72 } 73 sort(x+1,x+n+1); 74 long long ans = 0; 75 build(1,1,n); 76 for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++){ 77 int cur = lower_bound(x+1,x+n+1,v[i]) - x; //前閉後開區間找大於或等於 v[i]的第一個位置。 78 //wa了很久都不知道爲啥。 79 dp[i] = max(dp[i],query(1,1,cur-1)+v[i]); 80 update(1,cur,dp[i]); 81 ans = max(ans,dp[i]); 82 } 83 printf("%.15f\n",ans*PI); 84 } 85 return 0; 86 }