Account = {balance = 0} function Account:new (o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Account:deposit (v) self.balance = self.balance + v end function Account:withdraw (v) if v > self.balance then error"insufficient funds" end self.balance = self.balance - v end SpecialAccount = Account:new() SpecialAccount.deposit(8)
運行後出現出現錯誤,報attempt to index local 'self' (a number value)錯誤。其緣由的是ide
In general you should call member functions by :
In Lua, colon :
represents call of a function, supplying self
as a first parameter.lua
Is roughly equal tocode
If you don't specify A as in
, the body of the function will try to reference self
parameter, which hasn't been filled neither explicitly nor implicitly.orm
Note that if you call it from inside of the member function, self
will be already available:ci
-- inside foo()-- these two are analogousself:bar()
All of this information you'll find in any good Lua book/