在不少培訓、協做、在線演講的場景下,咱們須要有電子白板的功能,可以方便地在演講者與聽衆之間共享屏幕、繪製等信息。fc-whiteboard https://parg.co/NiK 是 Web 在線白板組件庫,支持實時直播(一對多)與回放兩種模式,其繪製版也可以獨立使用。fc-whiteboard 內置了 EventHub,只須要像 Mushi-Chat 這樣提供簡單的 WebSocket 服務端,便可快速構建實時在線共享電子白板。javascript
示例代碼請參考 Code Sandbox,或者直接查看 Demo;前端
import { EventHub, Whiteboard, MirrorWhiteboard } from 'fc-whiteboard'; // 構建消息中間件 const eventHub = new EventHub(); eventHub.on('sync', (changeEv: SyncEvent) => { console.log(changeEv); }); const images = [ 'https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1647496-6bede989c09af527.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240', 'http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1647496-d281090a702045e5.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240', 'http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1647496-611a416be07d7ca3.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240' ]; // 初始化演講者端 const whiteboard = new Whiteboard( document.getElementById('root') as HTMLDivElement, { sources: images, eventHub, // Enable this option to disable incremental sync, just use full sync onlyEmitSnap: false } ); whiteboard.open(); // 初始化鏡像端,即觀衆端 const mirrorWhiteboard = new MirrorWhiteboard( document.getElementById('root-mirror') as HTMLDivElement, { sources: images, eventHub } ); mirrorWhiteboard.open();
WebSocket 自然就是以事件驅動的消息通訊,fc-whiteboard 內部對於消息有比較好的封裝,咱們建議使用者直接將消息透傳便可:java
const wsEventHub = new EventEmitter(); if (isPresenter) { wsEventHub.on('sync', data => { if (data.event === 'finish') { // 單獨處理結束事件 if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } } const msg = { from: `${currentUser.id}`, type: 'room', to: `${chatroom.room_id}`, msg: { type: 'cmd', action: 'whiteboard/sync', message: JSON.stringify(data) } }; socket.sendMessage(msg); }); } else { socket.onMessage(([data]) => { const { msg: { type, message } } = data; if (type === 'whiteboard/sync') { wsEventHub.emit('sync', JSON.parse(message)); } }); }
fc-whiteboard 還支持回訪模式,即咱們能夠將某次白板操做錄製下來,能夠一次性或者分批將事件傳遞給 ReplayWhiteboard,它就會按序播放:python
import { ReplayWhiteboard } from 'fc-whiteboard'; import * as events from './events.json'; let hasSend = false; const whiteboard = new ReplayWhiteboard(document.getElementById( 'root' ) as HTMLDivElement); whiteboard.setContext(events[0].timestamp, async (t1, t2) => { if (!hasSend) { hasSend = true; return events as any; } return []; }); whiteboard.open();
The persistent events are listed as follow:react
[ { "event": "borderSnap", "id": "08e65660-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f", "target": "whiteboard", "border": { "id": "08e65660-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f", "sources": [ "https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1647496-6bede989c09af527.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240", "http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1647496-d281090a702045e5.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240", "http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1647496-611a416be07d7ca3.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240" ], "pageIds": [ "08e65661-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f", "08e6a480-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f", "08e6cb91-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f" ], "visiblePageIndex": 0, "pages": [ { "id": "08e65661-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f", "markers": [] }, { "id": "08e6a480-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f", "markers": [] }, { "id": "08e6cb91-6064-11e9-be21-fb33250b411f", "markers": [] } ] }, "timestamp": 1555431837 } ... ]
Drawboard 也能夠單獨使用做爲畫板,總體能夠被導出爲圖片:github
<img id="root" src="https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1647496-6bede989c09af527.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240"></img>
import { Drawboard } from 'fc-whiteboard/src'; const d = new Drawboard({ imgEle: document.getElementById('root') as HTMLImageElement }); d.open();
fc-whiteboard 的內部組件級別,依次是 WhiteBoard, WhitePage, Drawboard 與 Marker,本節即介紹內部設計與實現。web
繪製能力最初改造自 markerjs,在 Drawboard 中提供了基礎的畫板,即 boardCanvas 與 boardHolder,後續的全部 Marker 即掛載於 boardCanvas 中,並相對於其進行絕對定位。當咱們添加某個 Marker,即執行如下步驟:算法
const marker = markerType.createMarker(this.page); this.markers.push(marker); this.selectMarker(marker); this.boardCanvas.appendChild(marker.visual); // 定位 marker.moveTo(x, y);
目前 fc-whiteboard 中內置了 ArrowMarker, CoverMarker, HighlightMarker, LineMarker, TextMarker 等多種 Marker:
export class BaseMarker extends DomEventAware { id: string = uuid(); type: MarkerType = 'base'; // 歸屬的 WhitePage page?: WhitePage; // 歸屬的 Drawboard drawboard?: Drawboard; // Marker 的屬性發生變化後的回調 onChange: onSyncFunc = () => {}; // 其餘屬性 // ... public static createMarker = (page?: WhitePage): BaseMarker => { const marker = new BaseMarker(); marker.page = page; marker.init(); return marker; }; // 響應事件變化 public reactToManipulation( type: EventType, { dx, dy, pos }: { dx?: number; dy?: number; pos?: PositionType } = {} ) { // ... } /** 響應元素視圖狀態變化 */ public manipulate = (ev: MouseEvent) => { // ... }; public endManipulation() { // ... } public select() { // ... } public deselect() { // ... } /** 生成某個快照 */ public captureSnap(): MarkerSnap { // ... } /** 應用某個快照 */ public applySnap(snap: MarkerSnap): void { // ... } /** 移除該 Marker */ public destroy() { this.visual.style.display = 'none'; } protected resize(x: number, y: number, cb?: Function) { return; } protected resizeByEvent(x: number, y: number, pos?: PositionType) { return; } public move = (dx: number, dy: number) => { // ... }; /** Move to relative position */ public moveTo = (x: number, y: number) => { // ... }; /** Init base marker */ protected init() { // ... } protected addToVisual = (el: SVGElement) => { this.visual.appendChild(el); }; protected addToRenderVisual = (el: SVGElement) => { this.renderVisual.appendChild(el); }; protected onMouseDown = (ev: MouseEvent) => { // ... }; protected onMouseUp = (ev: MouseEvent) => { // ... }; protected onMouseMove = (ev: MouseEvent) => { // ... }; }
這裏關於 Marker 的內部實現能夠參考具體的 Marker,另外值得一提的是,想 LinearMarker, 或者 RectangleMarker 中,其須要響應對關鍵點拖拽引起的伸縮事件,這裏的拖拽點是自定義的 Grip 組件。
事件系統,最基礎的理解就是用戶的任何操做都會觸發事件,也能夠經過外部傳入某個事件的方式來觸發白板的界面變化。事件類型分爲 Snapshot(snap)與 Key Actions(ka)兩種。
首先是 Snapshot 事件,即快照事件;快照會記錄完整的狀態,整個白板能夠從快照中快速恢復。白板級別的快照以下:
{ id: this.id, sources: this.sources, pageIds: this.pages.map(page => page.id), visiblePageIndex: this.visiblePageIndex, pages: this.pages.map(p => p.captureSnap()) }
若是是 Shallow 模式,則不會下鑽到具體的頁面的快照。頁面的快照便是 Marker 快照構成,每一個 Marker 的快照則是樸素對象:
{ id: this.id, type: this.type, isActive: this.isActive, x: this.x, y: this.y }
通常來講,Whiteboard 會按期分發快照,能夠經過 snapInterval 來控制間隔。而關鍵幀事件,則會在每一次界面變更時觸發;該事件內建了 Debounce,但仍然會有比較多的數目。所以能夠經過 onlyEmitSnap 來控制是否僅使用快照事件來同步。
export interface SyncEvent { target: TargetType; // 當前事件觸發者的 ID id?: string; parentId?: string; event: EventType; marker?: MarkerData; border?: WhiteboardSnap; timestamp?: number; }
譬如當某個 Marker 發生移動時候,其會觸發以下的事件:
this.onChange({ target: 'marker', id: this.id, event: 'moveMarker', marker: { dx, dy } });
僅在 WhiteBoard 與 WhitePage 級別提供了事件的響應,而在 Drawboard 與 Marker 級別提供了事件的觸發。
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