import React from 'react'; import EditableFormTable from './EditableFormTable'; export default class HelloAdmin extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {}; } componentDidMount() {} render() { return <EditableFormTable />; } }
const data = []; for (let i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) { data.push({ key: i.toString(), name: `Edrward ${i}`, age: 32, address: `London Park no. ${i}`, }); } export const Tabledata = data;
import React from 'react'; export const EditableContext = React.createContext();
import React from 'react'; import { Popconfirm, Form, Table, Button, message } from 'antd'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Tabledata } from './TableData'; import { EditableContext } from './TableContext'; import EditableCell from './EditableCell'; class EditableTable extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { data: Tabledata, editingKey: '', }; this.columns = [ { title: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', width: '25%', editable: true, }, { title: 'age', dataIndex: 'age', width: '15%', editable: true, }, { title: 'address', dataIndex: 'address', width: '40%', editable: true, }, { title: 'operation', dataIndex: 'operation', render: (text, record) => { const { editingKey } = this.state; const editable = this.isEditing(record); return editable ? ( <span> <EditableContext.Consumer> {(form) => ( <button onClick={() =>, record.key)} style={{ marginRight: 8 }} type="button" > Save </button> )} </EditableContext.Consumer> <Popconfirm title="Sure to cancel?" onConfirm={() => this.cancel(record.key)} > <button style={{ marginRight: 8 }} type="button"> Cancel </button> </Popconfirm> <Popconfirm title="Sure to delete?" onConfirm={() => this.delete(record.key)} > <button type="button">delete</button> </Popconfirm> </span> ) : ( <button type="button" disabled={editingKey !== ''} onClick={() => this.edit(record.key)} > Edit </button> ); }, }, ]; } isEditing = (record) => { const { editingKey } = this.state; return record.key === editingKey; }; cancel = (key) => { if (key.length > 6) { const { data } = this.state; const newData = data; newData.splice(data.length - 1, 1); this.setState({ data: newData, editingKey: key }); } this.setState({ editingKey: '' }); }; delete = (key) => { const { data } = this.state; const newData = data; const index = newData.findIndex((item) => key === item.key); newData.splice(index, 1); this.setState({ data: newData, editingKey: '' }); }; save(form, key) { form.validateFields((error, row) => { if (error) { return; } const { data } = this.state; const newData = []; const index = newData.findIndex((item) => key === item.key); if (index > -1) { const item = newData[index]; newData.splice(index, 1, { ...item, ...row, }); this.setState({ data: newData, editingKey: '' }); } else { newData.push(row); this.setState({ data: newData, editingKey: '' }); } }); } edit = (key) => { this.setState({ editingKey: key }); }; handleAdd = () => { const { data, editingKey } = this.state; if (editingKey !== '') { message.error('請先保存'); return; } const key = new Date().toString(); const row = { key, name: '', age: '', address: '', }; console.log(data); console.log(row); const newData = data; newData.splice(data.length, 1, row); this.setState({ data: newData, editingKey: key }); console.log(newData); }; render() { const components = { body: { cell: EditableCell, }, }; const columns = => { if (!col.editable) { return col; } return { ...col, onCell: (record) => ({ record, inputType: col.dataIndex === 'age' ? 'number' : 'text', dataIndex: col.dataIndex, title: col.title, editing: this.isEditing(record), }), }; }); const { data } = this.state; const { form } = this.props; return ( <EditableContext.Provider value={form}> <Button onClick={this.handleAdd} type="primary" style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}> Add a row </Button> <Table components={components} bordered dataSource={data} columns={columns} rowClassName="editable-row" pagination={{ onChange: this.cancel, }} /> </EditableContext.Provider> ); } } const EditableFormTable = Form.create()(EditableTable); export default EditableFormTable; EditableTable.propTypes = { form: PropTypes.object, };
import React from 'react'; import { Input, InputNumber, Form } from 'antd'; import { EditableContext } from './TableContext'; const FormItem = Form.Item; class EditableCell extends React.Component { getInput = () => { const { inputType } = this.props; if (inputType === 'number') { return <InputNumber />; } return <Input />; }; renderCell = ({ getFieldDecorator }) => { const { editing, dataIndex, title, inputType, record, index, children, ...restProps } = this.props; return ( <td {...restProps}> {editing ? ( <FormItem style={{ margin: 0 }}> {getFieldDecorator(dataIndex, { rules: [ { required: true, message: `Please Input ${title}!`, }, ], initialValue: record[dataIndex], })(this.getInput())} </FormItem> ) : ( children )} </td> ); }; render() { return <EditableContext.Consumer>{this.renderCell}</EditableContext.Consumer>; } } export default EditableCell;