泛型算法提供了許多可做用於容器類及類型上的操做。這些算法之因此稱之爲泛型(generic),是由於它們和它們想要操做的元素類型無關。泛型算符系經過function template技術,達到「與操做對象的類型相互獨立」的目的。ios
istream_iterator<string> is(cin);
爲咱們提供了一個first iterator,它將is定義爲一個「綁至標準輸入設備」的istream_iterator。咱們還須要一個last_iterator,表示「要讀取的最後一個元素的下一個位置」。對於不標準輸入設備而言,end-of-file即表明last。只要在定義istream_iterator時不爲它指定istream對象,它便表明了end-of-file,例如:dom
istream_iterator<string> eof;
全部容器都提供insert ()用以插入元素,以及erase()用以刪除元素。
vector以一塊連續內存來存放元素。對vector進行隨機訪問(random access)——例如先取其第5個元素,再取其第17個元素,而後取其第九個元素——很有效率;vector內的每一個元素都被儲存在距離起始點的固定偏移位置上。若是將元素插入任意位置,而此位置不是vector的末端,那麼效率將很低,由於插入位置右端的每一個元素,都必須被複制一份,依次向右移動。一樣道理,刪除vector內最後一個元素之外的任意元素,一樣缺少效率。
1. 產生空的容器:
list<string> slist; vector<int> ivec;2. 產生特定大小的容器。每一個元素都以其默認值做爲初值:
list<int> ilist(1024); vector<string> svec(32);3. 產生特定大小的容器,併爲每一個元素指定初值:
vector<int> ivec(10, -1); list<string> slist(16, "unassigned");4. 經過一對iterator產生容器,這對iterator用來標示一整組做爲初值的元素的範圍:
int ia[8] = { 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 }; vector<int> fib(ia, ia + 8);5. 根據某個容器產生出新容器,複製原容器內的元素,做爲新容器的初值:
list<string> slist; list<string> slist2(slist);
map是一對對的key/value 組合。key用於查找,value用來標示咱們要儲存或取出的數據。舉例來講,電話號碼便可以用map輕鬆表示,電話用戶名即是key,而value與電話號碼產生關聯。
練習3.1 寫一個讀取文本文件的程序,將文件中的每一個單字存入map。map的key即是剛纔所說的單字,map的value則是該單字在文本文件中的出現次數。再定義一份由「排除字眼」組成的set,其中包含諸如a,an,or,the、and和but之類的單字。將某個單字放入map以前,先肯定該單字並不在「排除字集」中。一旦文本文件讀取完畢,請顯示一份單字清單,並顯示各單字的出現次數。你甚至能夠再加以擴展,在顯示單字以前,容許用戶查詢某個單字是否出現於文本文件中。
#include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void initialize_exclusion_set(set<string>&); void process_file(map<string, int>&, const set<string>&, ifstream&); void user_query(const map<string, int>&); void display_word_count(const map<string, int>&, ofstream&); int main() { ifstream ifile("1.txt"); ofstream ofile("2.txt"); if (!ifile || !ofile) { cerr << "Unable to open file -- bailling out!\n"; return -1; } set<string> exclude_set; initialize_exclusion_set(exclude_set); map<string, int> word_count; process_file(word_count, exclude_set, ifile); user_query(word_count); display_word_count(word_count, ofile); return 0; } void initialize_exclusion_set(set<string>& exs) { static string _excluded_words[25] = { "the","and","but","that","then","are","been", "can","a","could","did","for","of", "had","have","him","his","her","its","is", "were","which","when","with","would" }; exs.insert(_excluded_words, _excluded_words + 25); } void process_file(map<string, int>& word_count, const set<string>& exclude_set, ifstream& ifile) { string word; while (ifile >> word) { if (exclude_set.count(word)) continue; word_count[word]++; } } void user_query(const map<string, int>& word_map) { string search_word; cout << "Please enter a word to search( q to quit ): "; cin >> search_word; while (search_word.size() && search_word != "q") { map<string, int>::const_iterator it; if ((it = word_map.find(search_word)) != word_map.end()) cout << "Found! " << it->first << " occurs " << it->second << " times.\n"; else cout << search_word << " was not fount in text.\n"; cout << "\nAnother search?( q to quit) "; cin >> search_word; } } void display_word_count(const map<string, int>& word_map, ofstream& os) { map<string, int>::const_iterator iter = word_map.begin(), end_it = word_map.end(); while (iter != end_it) { os << iter->first << " ( " << iter->second << " ) " << endl; ++iter; } os << endl; }
練習3.2 讀取文本文件內容——和練習3.1同樣——並將內容儲存於vector。以字符串長度爲依據,對vector進行排序。定義一個function object並傳給sort();這一function object接受兩個字符串,當第一字符串的長度小於第二字符串的長度時,就返回true。最後,打印排序後的vector內容。
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; class LessThan { public: bool operator()(const string& s1, const string& s2) { return s1.size() < s2.size(); } }; template <typename elemType> void display_vector(const vector<elemType>& vec, ostream& os = cout, int len = 8) { vector<elemType>::const_iterator iter = vec.begin(), end_it = vec.end(); int elem_cnt = 1; while (iter != end_it) { os << *iter++ << (!(elem_cnt ++ % len) ? '\n' : ' '); } os << endl; } int main() { ifstream ifile("1.txt"); ofstream ofile("2.txt"); if (!ifile || !ifile) { cerr << "Unable to open file -- bailing out!\n"; return -1; } vector<string> text; string word; while (ifile >> word) text.push_back(word); sort(text.begin(), text.end(), LessThan()); display_vector(text, ofile); return 0; }
練習3.3 定義一個map,以家庭姓氏爲key,value則是家庭全部小孩的名字。另此map至少容納六筆數據。容許用戶根據姓氏來查詢,並得以打印map內的每一筆數據。
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef vector<string> vstring; void populate_map(ifstream& nameFile, map<string, vstring>& families) { string textline; while (getline(nameFile, textline)) { string fam_name; vector<string> child; string::size_type pos = 0, prev_pos = 0, text_size = textline.size(); //找出以空格分隔開來的全部單字 while ((pos = textline.find_first_of(' ', pos)) != string::npos) //string::npos表示直到字符串結束 { //計算全部自字符串的終點 string::size_type end_pos = pos - prev_pos; //假若prev_pos並未設置(或說其值爲0),那麼讀到的單字就是家庭姓氏,不然咱們就一一讀取孩子們的名字 if (!prev_pos) fam_name = textline.substr(prev_pos, end_pos); else child.push_back(textline.substr(prev_pos, end_pos)); prev_pos = ++pos; } //如今處理最後一個孩子的名字 if (prev_pos < text_size) child.push_back(textline.substr(prev_pos, pos - prev_pos)); if (!families.count(fam_name)) families[fam_name] = child; else cerr << "Oops! We already hava a " << fam_name << " family in our map!\n"; } } void display_map(const map<string, vstring>& families, ostream& os) { map<string, vstring>::const_iterator it = families.begin(), end_it = families.end(); while (it != end_it) { os << "The " << it->first << " family "; if (it->second.empty()) os << "has no children\n"; else { os << "has " << it->second.size() << " children: "; vector<string>::const_iterator iter = it->second.begin(), end_iter = it->second.end(); while (iter != end_iter) { os << *iter << " "; ++iter; } os << endl; } ++it; } } void query_map(const string& family, const map<string, vstring>& families) { map<string, vstring>::const_iterator it = families.find(family); if (it == families.end()) { cout << "Sorry. The " << family << " is not currently entered.\n"; return; } cout << "The " << family; if (!it->second.size()) cout << " has no children.\n"; else { cout << " has " << it->second.size() << " children: "; vector<string>::const_iterator iter = it->second.begin(), end_iter = it->second.end(); while (iter != end_iter) { cout << *iter << " "; ++iter; } cout << endl; } } int main() { map<string, vstring> families; ifstream nameFile("1.txt"); if (!nameFile) { cerr << "Unable to find the file. bailling out!\n"; return -1; } populate_map(nameFile, families); string family_name; while (1) { cout << "Please enter a family name or q to quit "; cin >> family_name; if (family_name == "q") break; query_map(family_name, families); } display_map(families, cout); return 0; }
練習3.4 編寫一個程序,利用istream_iterator從標準輸入設備讀取一連串整數。利用ostream_iterator將其中的奇數寫至某個文件,每一個數值皆以空格分隔。再利用ostream_iterator將偶數寫到另外一個文件,每一個數值單獨放在一行中。
#include <iterator> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class even_elem { public: bool operator()(int elem) { return elem % 2 ? false : true; } }; int main() { vector<int> input; istream_iterator<int> in(cin), eos; ofstream even_file("even.file.txt"), odd_file("odd_file.txt"); if (!even_file || !odd_file) { cerr << "arghh! unable to open the output files. bailling out!"; return -1; } //將ostream_iterator綁定至相應的ofstream對象上,第二參數表明每一個元素輸出時的分隔符。 ostream_iterator<int> even_iter(even_file, "\n"), odd_iter(odd_file, " "); copy(in, eos, back_inserter(input)); vector<int>::iterator division = partition(input.begin(), input.end(), even_elem()); copy(input.begin(), division, even_iter); copy(division, input.end(), odd_iter); return 0; }