1 create function fn_get_fuzzy_str( @instr nvarchar(256) ) 2 returns nvarchar(513) 3 as begin 4 /*依據傳入字串補上%符號*/ 5 /* 6 declare @instr nvarchar(256); 7 set @instr = N'樹林國民小學'; */ 8 9 declare @outstr nvarchar(513) 10 11 if isnull(@instr,'') = '' begin 12 set @outstr = ''; 13 end else begin 14 declare @i int; 15 set @i = 1; 16 set @outstr = '%'; 17 while @i <= len(@instr) begin 18 set @outstr = @outstr + substring(@instr,@i,1) + '%'; 19 set @i = @i + 1; 20 end 21 end 22 return @outstr; 23 end
create function fn_str_fuzzy_qry( @src_str nvarchar(256) , @match_str nvarchar(256) , @setp int ) returns int as begin /*字串類似度比對 結果直越大類似度越高*/ /* declare @src_str nvarchar(256); --比對來源 declare @match_str nvarchar(256); --比對字串 declare @setp int; --每次步減幾個字 */ declare @fuzzy_str nvarchar(513); declare @like_str nvarchar(513); set @fuzzy_str = dbo.fn_get_fuzzy_str(@match_str); return case when @src_str like @fuzzy_str then 4000 + 1000 - len(@src_str) when ( len(@fuzzy_str) - @setp*2*1 >= 5 ) and @src_str like left(@fuzzy_str,len(@fuzzy_str) - @setp*2*1) then 3000 + 1000 - len(@src_str) when ( len(@fuzzy_str) - @setp*2*2 >= 5 ) and @src_str like left(@fuzzy_str,len(@fuzzy_str) - @setp*2*2) then 2000 + 1000 - len(@src_str) when ( len(@fuzzy_str) - @setp*2*3 >= 5 ) and @src_str like left(@fuzzy_str,len(@fuzzy_str) - @setp*2*3) then 1000 + 1000 - len(@src_str) else 0 end end
select UserName from Mytmp01 where dbo.fn_str_fuzzy_qry(UserName,N'輸入的字符。。。',1) > 0 Or dbo.fn_str_fuzzy_qry(N'輸入的字符。。。',UserName,1) > 0 order by dbo.fn_str_fuzzy_qry(UserName,N'輸入的字符。。。',1) desc