List<Recipe> randomRecipe(@Param("str")String[] strs,@Param("num")int num);
注:str:["蘋果","甘藍"] num:5spa
<select id="randomRecipe" resultType="cn.jwm.onMK.po.Recipe"> select* from recipestable <where> mainmaterialname not like <foreach item="str" index="index" collection="str" open="(" separator="AND" close=")"> CONCAT('%',#{str},'%') </foreach> </where> order by rand() limit #{num} </select>
DEBUG [http-nio-8080-exec-3] - ==> Preparing: select* from recipestable WHERE mainmaterialname not like ( CONCAT('%',?,'%') AND CONCAT('%',?,'%') ) order by rand() limit ?
DEBUG [http-nio-8080-exec-3] - ==> Parameters: 甘藍(String), 蘋果(String), 5(Integer)code
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