1 /**編程練習2**/
2 /*1*/
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 int main(void) 5 { 6 printf("張三\n"); 7 printf("張\n三\n"); 8 printf("張"); 9 printf("三\n"); 10 getchar(); 11 return 0; 12 } 13 /*2*/
14 #include<stdio.h>
15 int main(void) 16 { 17 printf("姓名:張三\n地址:中國\n"); 18 getchar(); 19 return 0; 20 } 21 /*3*/
22 #include<stdio.h>
23 int main(void) 24 { 25 int age = 0, days = 0; 26 printf("請輸入您的年齡:"); 27 scanf_s("%d", &age); 28 days = age * 365; 29 printf("您的年齡爲:%d\n您的年齡轉換整天數爲:%d\n", age, days); 30 getchar(); 31 getchar(); 32 return 0; 33 } 34 /*4*/
35 #include<stdio.h>
36 void jolly(void); 37 void deny(void); 38 int main(void) 39 { 40 jolly(); 41 jolly(); 42 jolly(); 43 deny(); 44 getchar(); 45 return 0; 46 } 47 void jolly(void) 48 { 49 printf("For he's a jolly good fellow!\n"); 50 } 51 void deny(void) 52 { 53 printf("Which nobagy can deny!\n"); 54 } 55 /*5*/
56 #include<stdio.h>
57 void br(void); 58 void ic(void); 59 int main(void) 60 { 61 br(); 62 ic(); 63 printf("India,China,\n"); 64 printf("Brazil,Russia\n"); 65 getchar(); 66 return 0; 67 } 68 void br(void) 69 { 70 printf("Brazil,Russia,"); 71 } 72 void ic(void) 73 { 74 printf("India,China\n"); 75 } 76 /*6*/
77 #include<stdio.h>
78 int main(void) 79 { 80 int toes = 10; 81 printf("toes爲:%d\ntoes的2倍爲:%d\ntoes的平方爲:%d\n", toes, 2 * toes, toes*toes); 82 getchar(); 83 return 0; 84 } 85 /*7*/
86 #include<stdio.h>
87 void smile(void); 88 int main(void) 89 { 90 smile(); 91 smile(); 92 smile(); 93 printf("\n"); 94 smile(); 95 smile(); 96 printf("\n"); 97 smile(); 98 printf("\n"); 99 getchar(); 100 return 0; 101 } 102 void smile(void) 103 { 104 printf("Smile!"); 105 } 106 /*8*/
107 #include<stdio.h>
108 void one_three(void); 109 void two(void); 110 int main(void) 111 { 112 printf("starting now:\n"); 113 one_three(); 114 printf("done!\n"); 115 getchar(); 116 return 0; 117 } 118 void one_three(void) 119 { 120 printf("one\n"); 121 two(); 122 printf("three\n"); 123 } 124 void two(void) 125 { 126 printf("two\n"); 127 }
1 /**編程練習3**/
2 /*1*/
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 int main(void) 5 { 6 int a; 7 float b,c; 8 a = 10000000000;//整數上溢
9 b = 3.4E38 + 10.0f;//浮點數上溢
10 c = 0.1234E-10 / 10;//浮點數下溢
11 printf("%d\n%f\n%f\n",a, b, c); 12 getchar(); 13 return 0; 14 } 15 /*2*/
16 #include<stdio.h>
17 int main(void) 18 { 19 int a = 0; 20 printf("請輸入一個0-127中的一個整數:"); 21 scanf_s("%d", &a); 22 printf("該數對應的ASCLL碼爲:%c\n", a); 23 getchar(); 24 getchar(); 25 return 0; 26 } 27 /*3*/
28 #include<stdio.h>
29 int main(void) 30 { 31 printf("\a");//警報
32 printf("Startled by the sudden sound,Sally shouted,\n"); 33 printf("\"By the Grate Pumpkin,what was that!\""); 34 getchar(); 35 return 0; 36 } 37 /*4*/
38 #include<stdio.h>
39 int main(void) 40 { 41 float a; 42 printf("輸入一個小數:"); 43 scanf_s("%f", &a); 44 printf("%f\n%e\n%.2a\n", a, a, a); 45 getchar(); 46 getchar(); 47 return 0; 48 } 49 /*5*/
50 #include<stdio.h>
51 int main(void) 52 { 53 int age = 0; 54 long min = 0; 55 printf("請輸入您的年齡:"); 56 scanf_s("%ld", &age); 57 min = age * 3.156E7; 58 printf("轉換爲秒爲:%ld秒\n", min); 59 getchar(); 60 getchar(); 61 return 0; 62 } 63 /*6*/
64 #include<stdio.h>
65 int main(void) 66 { 67 double a,c; 68 int b; 69 printf("請輸入水的夸脫數:"); 70 scanf_s("%d", &b); 71 a = 950 * 3.0E-23; 72 c = a * b; 73 printf("水分子數量爲:%e\n", c); 74 getchar(); 75 getchar(); 76 return 0; 77 } 78 /*7*/
79 #include<stdio.h>
80 int main() 81 { 82 float tall_m, tall_cm; 83 printf("請輸入您的身高:"); 84 scanf_s("%f", &tall_m); 85 tall_cm = 2.54*tall_m; 86 printf("%.2f英寸轉化爲釐米爲:%f釐米",tall_m, tall_cm); 87 getchar(); 88 getchar(); 89 return 0; 90 } 91 /*8*/
92 #include<stdio.h>
93 int main() 94 { 95 float cup,p,a,t,c; 96 printf("請輸入杯數:"); 97 scanf_s("%f", &cup); 98 p = cup/2; 99 a = 8 * cup; 100 t = 2 * a; 101 c = 3 * t; 102 printf("%f杯等於%f品脫,%f杯等於%f盎司,%f盎司等於%f大湯匙,%f大湯匙等於%f茶勺\n", cup, p, cup, a, a, t, t, c); 103 getchar(); 104 getchar(); 105 return 0; 106 }
1 /**編程練習4**/
2 /*1*/
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 int main(void) 5 { 6 char surname[40] ; 7 char name[40]; 8 printf("請輸入您的名:\n"); 9 scanf_s("%s",name,40);////////////////////////////////注意!!!scanf_s()在輸入數組時須要指明字段大小/////////////////////////////////////////
10 printf("請輸入您的姓:\n"); 11 scanf_s("%s",surname,40); 12 printf("您的名爲:%s\n姓爲:%s\n", name, surname); 13 getchar(); 14 getchar(); 15 //getchar();
16 return 0; 17 } 18 /*2*/
19 #include<stdio.h>
20 #include<string.h>
21 int main(void) 22 { 23 char name[40]; 24 printf("請輸入名字:\n"); 25 scanf_s("%s", name, 40); 26 printf("\"%20s\"\n", name); 27 printf("\"%-20s\"\n", name); 28 printf("\"%*s\"\n", strlen(name) + 3, name); 29 getchar(); 30 getchar(); 31 return 0; 32 } 33 /*3*/
34 #include<stdio.h>
35 int main(void) 36 { 37 float a; 38 printf("輸入一個小數:21.29\n"); 39 scanf_s("%f", &a); 40 printf("輸入的數是:%.1f或%.1e\n", a,a); 41 printf("輸入的數是:%2.2f或%.3E\n", a, a); 42 getchar(); 43 getchar(); 44 return 0; 45 } 46 /*4*/
47 #include<stdio.h>
48 int main(void) 49 { 50 float heigh; 51 char name[40]; 52 printf("請輸入你的姓名:\n"); 53 scanf_s("%s", name, 40); 54 printf("請輸入你的身高(米):\n"); 55 scanf_s("%f", &heigh); 56 printf("%s,你有%.3f米高", name,heigh); 57 getchar(); 58 getchar(); 59 return 0; 60 } 61 /*5*/
62 #include<stdio.h>
63 int main(xoid) 64 { 65 float speed, size, time; 66 printf("請輸入以兆位每秒(Mb/s)爲單位的下載速度和以兆(MB)爲單位的文件大小\n"); 67 scanf_s("%f %f", &speed,&size); 68 time = 8 * size / speed; 69 printf("At %.2f megabits per second,a file of %.2f megabytes\n\
70 downloads in %.2f seconds.\n",speed,size,time);
71 getchar(); 72 getchar(); 73 return 0; 74 } 75 /*6*/
76 #include<stdio.h>
77 #include<string.h>
78 int main(void) 79 { 80 char surname[40]; 81 char name[40]; 82 int length1,length2; 83 printf("輸入姓:\n"); 84 scanf_s("%s", surname, 40); 85 printf("輸入名:\n"); 86 scanf_s("%s", name, 40); 87 length1 = strlen(surname); 88 length2 = strlen(name); 89 printf("%s %s\n", surname, name); 90 printf("%*d %*d\n", length1, length1,length2,length2); 91 printf("%s %s\n", surname, name); 92 printf("%-*d %-*d\n", length1, length1, length2, length2); 93 getchar(); 94 getchar(); 95 return 0; 96 } 97 /*7*/
98 #include<stdio.h>
99 #include<float.h>
100 int main(void) 101 { 102 double a=1.0 / 3.0; 103 float b=1.0 / 3.0; 104 printf("a=%.6f\tb=%.6f\n", a, b); 105 printf("a=%.12f\tb=%.12f\n", a, b); 106 printf("a=%.16f\tb=%.16f\n", a, b); 107 printf("float類型的最小有效數字爲:%d\tdouble類型的最小有效數字爲:%d\n", FLT_DIG, DBL_DIG); 108 getchar(); 109 return 0; 110 } 111 /*8*/
112 #include<stdio.h>
113 #define GALLON 3.785 //1加侖等於3.785升
114 #define MILE 1.609 //1英里等於1.609公里
115 int main(void) 116 { 117 float gallon, mile; 118 printf("輸入旅行里程:\n"); 119 scanf_s("%f", &mile); 120 printf("輸入消耗汽油量:\n"); 121 scanf_s("%f", &gallon); 122 printf("油耗爲:%.1f英里/加侖\n", mile / gallon); 123 printf("油耗轉換爲:%.1f升/100千米\n", gallon*GALLON / (mile*MILE) * 100); 124 getchar(); 125 getchar(); 126 return 0; 127 }
1 /****編程練習5****/
2 /*1*/
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 int main(void) 5 { 6 const int m_to_h = 60; 7 int m,h,left; 8 printf("輸入一個時間(分鐘):\n"); 9 scanf_s("%d", &m); 10 while (m>0) 11 { 12 h = m/m_to_h; 13 left=m%m_to_h; 14 printf("%d分鐘轉化爲小時爲:%d小時%d分鐘\n", m, h,left); 15 scanf_s("%d", &m); 16 } 17 getchar(); 18 //getchar();
19 return 0; 20 } 21 /*2*/
22 #include<stdio.h>
23 int main(void) 24 { 25 int a,b; 26 printf("請輸入一個整數:\n"); 27 scanf_s("%d", &a); 28 b = a + 10; 29 while (a<=b) 30 { 31 printf("打印比該數大10的整數爲:%d\n", a); 32 a++; 33 } 34 getchar(); 35 getchar(); 36 return 0; 37 } 38 /*3*/
39 #include<stdio.h>
40 int main(void) 41 { 42 const int day_to_week = 7; 43 int days,week,left; 44 printf("請輸入天數:\n"); 45 scanf_s("%d", &days); 46 while (days>0) 47 { 48 week = days/day_to_week; 49 left = days%day_to_week; 50 printf("%d天轉化爲%d周%d天\n", days, week, left); 51 scanf_s("%d", &days); 52 } 53 getchar(); 54 getchar(); 55 return 0; 56 } 57 /*4*/
58 #include<stdio.h>
59 #define FEET_TO_CM 30.48
60 #define INCHE_TO_CM 2.54
61 int main(void) 62 { 63 float heigh,inches;//inches英寸
64 int foot;//英尺
65 printf("輸入身高(cm):\n"); 66 scanf_s("%f", &heigh); 67 while (heigh>0) 68 { 69 foot = heigh / FEET_TO_CM; 70 inches = (heigh - foot * FEET_TO_CM) / INCHE_TO_CM; 71 printf("%.2fcm=%d英尺%.2f英寸", heigh, foot, inches); 72 scanf_s("%f", &heigh); 73 } 74 getchar(); 75 //getchar();
76 return 0; 77 } 78 /*5*/
79 #include<stdio.h>
80 int main(void) 81 { 82 int sum=0, count=0,day=0; 83 printf("輸入天數:\n"); 84 scanf_s("%d", &day); 85 while (count++<day) 86 { 87 sum = sum + count; 88 } 89 printf("%d天掙了%d元錢\n", day, sum); 90 getchar(); 91 getchar(); 92 return 0; 93 } 94 /*6*/
95 #include<stdio.h>
96 int main(void) 97 { 98 int sum = 0, count = 0, day = 0; 99 printf("輸入天數:\n"); 100 scanf_s("%d", &day); 101 while (count++ < day) 102 { 103 sum = sum + count*count; 104 } 105 printf("%d天掙了%d元錢\n", day, sum); 106 getchar(); 107 getchar(); 108 return 0; 109 } 110 /*7*/
111 #include<stdio.h>
112 void value3(double a); 113 int main(void) 114 { 115 double a; 116 printf("輸入一個小數:\n"); 117 scanf_s("%lf", &a); 118 value3(a); 119 getchar(); 120 getchar(); 121 return 0; 122 } 123 void value3(double a) 124 { 125 double b; 126 b = a * a*a; 127 printf("%lf立方爲:%lf\n", a, b); 128 } 129 /*8*/
130 #include<stdio.h>
131 int main(void) 132 { 133 int a, b; 134 printf("\t*****求模運算*****\t\n"); 135 printf("輸入一個數做爲第2個運算對象:\n"); 136 scanf_s("%d", &a); 137 printf("輸入第二個數做爲第1個運算對象:\n"); 138 scanf_s("%d", &b); 139 printf("求模運算%d%%%d=%d\n", b, a, b%a); 140 printf("輸入下一個數做爲第1個運算對象:\n"); 141 scanf_s("%d", &b); 142 while (b>0) 143 { 144 printf("求模運算%d%%%d=%d\n", b, a, b%a); 145 printf("輸入下一個數做爲第1個運算對象:\n"); 146 scanf_s("%d", &b); 147 } 148 printf("結束\n"); 149 getchar(); 150 getchar(); 151 return 0; 152 } 153 /*9*/
154 #include<stdio.h>
155 void Temperatures(double h_tem); 156 int main(void) 157 { 158 double h_tem;//華氏度
159 printf("請輸入華氏溫度(輸入非數字以退出):\n"); 160 while (scanf_s("%lf", &h_tem)==1) 161 { 162 Temperatures(h_tem); 163 printf("請輸入華氏溫度(輸入非數字以退出):\n"); 164 } 165 printf("程序退出\n"); 166 getchar(); 167 getchar(); 168 return 0; 169 } 170 void Temperatures(double h_tem) 171 { 172 double s_tem;//攝氏度
173 double k_tem;//開氏度
174 const double h_to_s = 32.0;//華氏度轉攝氏度要用到的常量值
175 const double s_to_k = 273.16;//攝氏度轉開氏度要用到的常量值
176 s_tem = 5.0 / 9.0 * (h_tem - h_to_s); 177 k_tem = s_tem + s_to_k; 178 printf("%.2lf華氏度等於%.2lf攝氏度和%.2lf開氏度\n", h_tem, s_tem, k_tem); 179 }
1 /****編程練習6****/
2 /*1*/
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 #define size 26
5 int main(void) 6 { 7 char ch[size]; 8 int a; 9 for (a = 0; a<size; a++) 10 ch[a] = 'a' + a; 11 for (a = 0;a < size;a++) 12 printf("%c", ch[a]); 13 getchar(); 14 return 0; 15 } 16 /*2*/
17 #include<stdio.h>
18 int main(void) 19 { 20 int row, clo; 21 char ch = '$'; 22 for (row=0; row< 5; row++) 23 { 24 for (clo = 0; clo < row + 1; clo++) 25 printf("%c",ch); 26 printf("\n"); 27 } 28 getchar(); 29 return 0; 30 } 31 /*3*/
32 #include<stdio.h>
33 int main(void) 34 { 35 char ch = 'F'; 36 char start, end; 37 for (end=ch;end>='A'; end--) 38 { 39 for (start=ch;start>=end;start--) 40 printf("%c", start); 41 printf("\n"); 42 } 43 getchar(); 44 return 0; 45 } 46 /*4*/
47 #include<stdio.h>
48 int main(void) 49 { 50 const char end = 'U'; 51 char start; 52 int row, clo; 53 for (row=0,start = 'A'; start<=end;row++ ) 54 { 55 for (clo = 0;clo <= row;clo++) 56 { 57 printf("%c", start); 58 start++; 59 } 60 printf("\n"); 61 } 62 getchar(); 63 return 0; 64 } 65 /*5*/
66 #include<stdio.h>
67 int main(void) 68 { 69 char start = 'A'; 70 char end; 71 char ch = start; 72 int row, clo; 73 printf("輸入一個大寫字母:\n"); 74 scanf_s("%c", &end); 75 printf(" 字母金字塔\n"); 76 for ( row=0; row <= end-start; row++,ch = start) 77 { 78 for (clo = 0;clo < end - start - row;clo++) 79 printf(" "); 80 for (int k = 0;k <= row;k++) 81 { 82 printf("%c", ch); 83 ch++; 84 } 85 ch -= 2; 86 for (int c = 0;c < row;c++) 87 { 88 printf("%c", ch); 89 ch--; 90 } 91 printf("\n"); 92 } 93 getchar(); 94 getchar(); 95 return 0; 96 } 97 /*6*/
98 #include <stdio.h>
99 int main( void ) 100 { 101 int start, end; 102 printf("輸入開始的數字:\n"); 103 scanf_s("%d", &start); 104 printf("輸入結束數字:\n"); 105 scanf_s("%d", &end); 106 printf("原數\t平方\t立方\n"); 107 for (start;start <= end;start++) 108 { 109 printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", start, start*start, start*start*start); 110 } 111 getchar(); 112 getchar(); 113 return 0; 114 } 115 /*7*/
116 #include<stdio.h>
117 #include<string.h>
118 #define SIZE 40
119 int main(void) 120 { 121 char word[SIZE]; 122 int i; 123 printf("請輸入一個單詞:\n"); 124 scanf_s("%s", word, 40); 125 printf("該單詞有%d個字母,單詞是%s\n", strlen(word), word); 126 printf("倒序爲:"); 127 for (i = strlen(word - 1);i >= 0;i--)//strlen(word - 1)跳過字符串後面的空格
128 printf("%c", word[i]); 129 printf("\n"); 130 getchar(); 131 getchar(); 132 return 0; 133 } 134 /*8*/
135 #include<stdio.h>
136 int main(void) 137 { 138 double a, b; 139 int status;//輸入狀態
140 printf("輸入2個浮點數(輸入q退出):\n"); 141 while (scanf_s("%lf%lf", &a, &b) == 2)//驗證是否輸入了2個值
142 { 143 printf("結果是%.3lf", (a - b) / (a*b)); 144 printf("繼續輸入2個浮點數(輸入q退出):\n"); 145 } 146 getchar(); 147 return 0; 148 } 149 /*9*/
150 #include<stdio.h>
151 float result(float a, float b); 152 int main(void) 153 { 154 double a, b; 155 int status;//輸入狀態
156 printf("輸入2個浮點數(輸入q退出):\n"); 157 while (scanf_s("%lf%lf", &a, &b) == 2)//驗證是否輸入了2個值
158 { 159 printf("結果是%.3lf", result(a,b)); 160 printf("繼續輸入2個浮點數(輸入q退出):\n"); 161 } 162 getchar(); 163 return 0; 164 } 165 float result(float a, float b) 166 { 167 float result;//result名稱不惟一
168 result = (a - b) / (a*b); 169 return result; 170 } 171 /*10*/
172 #include<stdio.h>
173 int main(void) 174 { 175 int up, down;//上限和下限
176 printf("輸入上限整數和下限整數:\n"); 177 scanf_s("%d %d", &up, &down); 178 while (up>down) 179 { 180 int sum = 0;//初始化平方和sum
181 for (int i = sum;i <= up;i++) 182 sum = sum + i * i; 183 printf("平方和從%d到%d是%d\n", up*up, down*down, sum); 184 printf("繼續輸入上限整數和下限整數:\n"); 185 scanf_s("%d %d", &up, &down); 186 } 187 printf("結束!\n"); 188 getchar(); 189 getchar(); 190 return 0; 191 } 192 /*11*/
193 #include<stdio.h>
194 #define SIZE 8
195 int main(void) 196 { 197 int a[SIZE]; 198 int i; 199 for ( i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 200 scanf_s("%d", &a[i]); 201 for (i = SIZE - 1;i >= 0;i--) 202 printf("%d", a[i]); 203 getchar(); 204 getchar(); 205 return 0; 206 } 207 /*12*/
208 #include<stdio.h>
209 int main(void) 210 { 211 int times; 212 float count1 = 1.0f;//分母
213 float count2 = 1.0f;//分母
214 float sum1 = 0.0; 215 float sum2 = 0.0; 216 printf("輸入計算次數(輸入0或負數退出):\n"); 217 scanf_s("%d", ×); 218 for (int i = 1;i <= times;i++, count1++) 219 sum1 = sum1 + 1.0 / count1; 220 for (int j = 1;j <= times;j++, count2++) 221 { 222 if (j%2==0) 223 { 224 sum2 = sum2 - 1.0 / count2; 225 } 226 else
227 { 228 sum2 = sum2 + 1.0 / count2; 229 } 230 } 231 printf("第一個公式的計算結果爲:%f\n", sum1); 232 printf("第二個公式的計算結果爲:%f\n", sum2); 233 getchar(); 234 getchar(); 235 return 0; 236 } 237 /*13*/
238 #include<stdio.h>
239 #define SIZE 8
240 int main(void) 241 { 242 int arry[SIZE]; 243 int i, n; 244 for (i = 0, n = 2;i < SIZE;i++, n *= 2) 245 arry[i] = n; 246 i = 0; 247 do
248 { 249 printf("%d\n", arry[i]); 250 i++; 251 } while (i<SIZE); 252 getchar(); 253 return 0; 254 } 255 /*14*/
256 #include<stdio.h>
257 #define SIZE 8
258 int main(void) 259 { 260 double arry1[SIZE]; 261 double arry2[SIZE]; 262 int i; 263
264 printf("輸入值:\n"); 265 for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) 266 scanf_s("%lf", &arry1[i]);//讀入第一個數組
267 arry2[0] = arry1[0];//初始化第二個數組
268 for (i = 1;i < SIZE;i++) 269 arry2[i] = arry2[i - 1] + arry1[i];//計算第二個元組各數之和
270 for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) 271 printf("%8.2lf", arry1[i]); 272 printf("\n"); 273 for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) 274 printf("%8.2lf", arry2[i]); 275
276 getchar(); 277 getchar(); 278 return 0; 279 } 280 /*15*/
281 #include<stdio.h>
282 #define SIZE 255
283 int main(void) 284 { 285 char arry[SIZE]; 286 int i = -1; 287 printf("輸入一個單詞:\n"); 288 do
289 { 290 i++;//由arry[0]開始循環讀入
291 scanf_s("%c", &arry[i]); 292 } while (arry[i]!='\n'); 293 for (;i >= 0;i--) 294 printf("%c", arry[i]); 295 getchar(); 296 return 0; 297 } 298 /*16*/
299 #include<stdio.h>
300 #define Daphne_RATE 0.10 //Daphne利率
301 #define Deiedre_RATE 0.05 //Deiedre利率
302 #define MONEY 100.0 //投資100元
303 int main(void) 304 { 305 int year=0; 306 double Daphne_money=MONEY; //Daphne的投資額
307 double Deiedre_money=MONEY; //Deiedre的投資額
308 while (Deiedre_money <= Daphne_money) //當Deiedre投資額超過Daphne的投資額退出循環
309 { 310 year++; 311 Daphne_money = Daphne_money + MONEY * Daphne_RATE; 312 Deiedre_money = Deiedre_money + Deiedre_money * Deiedre_RATE; 313 } 314 printf("用了%d年Deiedre的投資額超過Daphne的投資額\n", year); 315 printf("Daphne的投資額爲:%f\tDeiedre的投資額爲%f\n", Daphne_money, Deiedre_money); 316 getchar(); 317 return 0; 318 } 319 /*17*/
320 #include<stdio.h>
321 #define RATE 0.08
322 int main(void) 323 { 324 double money = 100; 325 int year = 0; 326 while (money>0) 327 { 328 year++; 329 money = money + money * RATE; 330 money = money - 10; 331 } 332 printf("%d年後Chuckie會取完帳戶裏的錢\n", year); 333 getchar(); 334 return 0; 335 } 336 /*18*/
337 #include<stdio.h>
338 #define DB_NUMBER 150 //鄧巴數
339 int main(void) 340 { 341 int weeks = 1; 342 int friends = 5; 343 while (friends<DB_NUMBER) 344 { 345 friends = (friends - weeks) * 2; 346 printf("%d周後,Rabnud博士有%d個朋友\n", weeks, friends); 347 weeks++; 348 } 349 getchar(); 350 return 0; 351 }
1 /*****編程練習7*****/
2 /*1*/
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 int main(void) 5 { 6 char ch; 7 int spa_count=0, lin_count=0, oth_count=0; //空格數,換行符數,其餘字符數
8 printf("輸入字符進行統計(輸入字符‘#’退出程序):\n"); 9 while ((ch=getchar())!='#') 10 { 11 if (ch == ' ') 12 spa_count++; 13 else if (ch == '\n') 14 lin_count++; 15 else
16 oth_count++; 17 } 18 printf("你輸入的字符中空格數有%d個,換行符有%d個,其餘字符數有%d個\n", spa_count, lin_count, oth_count); 19 getchar(); 20 getchar(); 21 return 0; 22 } 23 /*2*/
24 #include<stdio.h>
25 int main(void) 26 { 27 char ch; 28 const int line = 8; 29 int chsum = 0;//統計字符數
30 printf("輸入字符進行統計(輸入‘#’字符結束):\n"); 31 while ((ch=getchar())!='#') 32 { 33 printf("%c:%d\t", ch, ch); 34 chsum++; 35 if (chsum%line == 0) 36 printf("\n"); 37 } 38 printf("\n"); 39 getchar(); 40 getchar(); 41 return 0; 42 } 43 /*3*/
44 #include<stdio.h>
45 int main(void) 46 { 47 int a; 48 int ou_count = 0;//偶數個數
49 int ji_count = 0;//奇數個數
50 int ou_sum = 0;//偶數的和
51 int ji_sum = 0;//奇數和
52 float ou_average;//偶數平均值
53 float ji_average;//奇數平均值
54 printf("輸入整數進行計算(輸入‘0’結束):"); 55 while (scanf_s("%d", &a) == 1 && a != 0) 56 { 57 if (a % 2 == 0) 58 { 59 ou_count++; 60 ou_sum += a; 61 } 62 else
63 { 64 ji_count++; 65 ji_sum += a; 66 } 67 } 68 printf("偶數個數:%d\n", ou_count); 69 if (ou_count>0) 70 { 71 ou_average = ou_sum / ou_count; 72 printf("偶數平均值爲:%.2f\n", ou_average); 73 } 74 printf("奇數個數:%d\n", ji_count); 75 if (ji_count>0) 76 { 77 ji_average = ji_sum / ji_count; 78 printf("奇數平均值爲:%.2f\n", ji_average); 79 } 80 printf("結束\n"); 81 getchar(); 82 getchar(); 83 return 0; 84 } 85 /*4*/
86 #include<stdio.h>
87 int main(void) 88 { 89 char ch; 90 int count1=0;//替換句號的次數
91 int count2=0;//替換感嘆號的次數
92 printf("輸入字符進行統計(輸入‘#’結束):\n"); 93 while ((ch=getchar())!='#') 94 { 95 if (ch == '.') 96 { 97 putchar('!'); 98 count1++; 99 } 100 else if (ch == '!') 101 { 102 putchar('!'); 103 putchar('!'); 104 count2++; 105 } 106 else
107 putchar(ch); 108 } 109 printf("\n'!'替代'.'進行了%d次\n", count1); 110 printf("'!!'替代'!'進行了%d次\n", count2); 111 getchar(); 112 getchar(); 113 return 0; 114 } 115 /*5*/
116 #include<stdio.h>
117 int main(void) 118 { 119 char ch; 120 int count1 = 0;//替換句號的次數
121 int count2 = 0;//替換感嘆號的次數
122 printf("輸入字符進行統計(輸入‘#’結束):\n"); 123 while ((ch = getchar()) != '#') 124 { 125 switch (ch) 126 { 127 case'.': 128 putchar('!'); 129 count1++; 130 break; 131 case'!': 132 putchar('!'); 133 putchar('!'); 134 count2++; 135 break; 136 default: 137 putchar(ch); 138 } 139 } 140 printf("\n'!'替代'.'進行了%d次\n", count1); 141 printf("'!!'替代'!'進行了%d次\n", count2); 142 getchar(); 143 getchar(); 144 return 0; 145 } 146 /*6*/
147 #include<stdio.h>
148 int main(void) 149 { 150 char ch; 151 char fir, sec;//第一個接收到的字符和第二個字符
152 int count = 0;//ei出現的次數
153 printf("輸入進行統計(輸入‘#’結束):\n"); 154 while ((ch=getchar())!='#') 155 { 156 if (ch=='e') 157 { 158 fir = ch; 159 continue; 160 } 161 if (ch=='i') 162 { 163 sec = ch; 164
165 if (fir == 'e'&&sec == 'i') 166 count++; //判斷前一個字符是‘e’,第二個是‘i’,則次數加1 167 //初始化fir和sec
168 fir = 'a'; 169 sec = 'a'; 170 continue; 171 } 172 continue; 173 } 174 printf("'ei'出現了%d次\n",count); 175 getchar(); 176 getchar(); 177 return 0; 178 } 179 /*7*/
180 #include<stdio.h>
181 #define BASE_MONEY 10.00//基本工資
182 #define BASE_TIME 40//基本加班時間
183 #define OVER_TIME 1.5//超過基本時間
184 #define MONY1 300//稅率分界線1
185 #define MONY2 150//稅率分界線2
186 #define RATE1 0.15//MONY1前的稅率
187 #define RATE2 0.20//MONY2的稅率
188 #define RATE3 0.25//剩下的稅率
189 int main(void) 190 { 191 double hours;//一週工做時間
192 double sum;//工資總數
193 double rate_mony;//稅金
194 double income;//淨收入
195 printf("輸入一週工做小時數:\n"); 196 scanf_s("%lf", &hours); 197 if (hours <= BASE_TIME) 198 sum = hours * BASE_MONEY; 199 else
200 sum = BASE_TIME * BASE_MONEY + (hours - BASE_TIME)*BASE_MONEY*OVER_TIME; 201 if (sum <= MONY1) 202 rate_mony = sum * RATE1; 203 else if (sum <= MONY1 + MONY2) 204 rate_mony = MONY1 * RATE1 + (sum - MONY1)*RATE2; 205 else
206 rate_mony = MONY1 * RATE1 + MONY2 * RATE2 + (sum - MONY1 - MONY2)*RATE3; 207 income = sum - rate_mony; 208 printf("工資總額是:%.2lf\t稅金是:%.2lf\t淨收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_mony, income); 209 getchar(); 210 getchar(); 211 return 0; 212 } 213 /*8*/
214 #include<stdio.h>
215 #define BASE_TIME 40 //基本加班時間
216 #define OVER_TIME 1.5 //超過基本時間
217 #define MONY1 300 //稅率分界線1
218 #define MONY2 150 //稅率分界線2
219 #define BASE_LEVEL1 8.75
220 #define BASE_LEVEL2 9.33
221 #define BASE_LEVEL3 10.00
222 #define BASE_LEVEL4 11.20
223 #define RATE1 0.15 //MONY1前的稅率
224 #define RATE2 0.20 //MONY2的稅率
225 #define RATE3 0.25 //剩下的稅率
226 int main(void) 227 { 228 int choice; 229 double basy_money; 230 double hours; //一週工做時間
231 double sum; //工資總數
232 double rate_money; //稅金
233 double income; //淨收入
234 printf("*******************************************************\n"); 235 printf("輸入與薪資或操做對應的編號進行操做:\n"); 236 printf("1) $8.75/hours \t2) $9.33/hours\n"); 237 printf("3) $10.00/hours \t4) $11.20/hours\n"); 238 printf("5) 退出\n"); 239 printf("*******************************************************\n"); 240 while (scanf_s("%d",&choice) == 1 && choice != 5) 241 { 242 switch (choice) 243 { 244 case 1: 245 basy_money = BASE_LEVEL1; 246 break; 247 case 2: 248 basy_money = BASE_LEVEL2; 249 break; 250 case 3: 251 basy_money = BASE_LEVEL3; 252 break; 253 case 4: 254 basy_money = BASE_LEVEL4; 255 break; 256 default: 257 printf("請輸入1-4數字進行選擇(輸入數字5退出)。\n請輸入正確的數字\n"); 258 continue; 259 } 260 printf("輸入一週工做小時數:\n"); 261 scanf_s("%lf", &hours); 262 if (hours <= BASE_TIME) 263 sum = basy_money * hours; 264 else
265 sum = BASE_TIME * basy_money + (hours - BASE_TIME)*basy_money*OVER_TIME; 266 if (sum <= MONY1) 267 rate_money = sum * RATE1; 268 else if (sum <= (MONY1 + MONY2)) 269 rate_money = MONY1 * RATE1 + (sum - MONY1) * RATE2; 270 else
271 rate_money = MONY1 * RATE1 + MONY2 * RATE2 + (sum - MONY1 - MONY2)*RATE3; 272 income = sum - rate_money; 273 printf("工資總額是:%.2lf\t稅金是:%.2lf\t淨收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_money, income); 274 printf("輸入下一個數字繼續\n"); 275 } 276 getchar(); 277 return 0; 278 } 279 /*9*/
280 #include<stdio.h>
281 #include<stdbool.h>
282 int main(void) 283 { 284 int limit;//輸入的數
285 int num; 286 int div; 287 bool numIsPrime; //判斷是否爲素數
288 printf("輸入正整數:"); 289 while (scanf_s("%d",&limit) == 1 && limit > 0) 290 { 291 if (limit > 1) 292 printf("如下爲素數:\n", limit); 293 else
294 printf("沒有素數\n"); 295 for (num=2 ; num <= limit; num++) 296 { 297 for (div = 2, numIsPrime = true;(div*div) <= num;div++) 298 if (num%div == 0) 299 numIsPrime = false; 300 if (numIsPrime) 301 printf("%d是素數。\n", num); 302 } 303 printf("輸入正整數(輸入q退出):"); 304 } 305 printf("結束\n"); 306 getchar(); 307 return 0; 308 } 309 /*10*/
310 #include<stdio.h>
311 #define LEVEL1 17850
312 #define LEVEL2 23900
313 #define LEVEL3 29750
314 #define LEVEL4 14875
315 #define RATE1 0.15
316 #define RATE2 0.28
317 int main(void) 318 { 319 int choice; //選擇號碼
320 long level; //稅金等級
321 double income; //收入
322 double taxmoney; //稅金
323 printf("****************************************************************************\n"); 324 printf("輸入類別編號:\n"); 325 printf("1) 單身 \t2) 戶主 \t3) 已婚,共有 \t4) 已婚,離異\n"); 326 printf("5) 退出\n"); 327 printf("****************************************************************************\n"); 328 while (scanf_s("%d",&choice) == 1 && choice != 5) 329 { 330 switch (choice) 331 { 332 case 1: 333 level = LEVEL1; 334 break; 335 case 2: 336 level = LEVEL2; 337 break; 338 case 3: 339 level = LEVEL3; 340 break; 341 case 4: 342 level = LEVEL4; 343 break; 344 default: 345 printf("請輸入1-4數字進行選擇(輸入數字5退出)。\n請輸入正確的數字\n"); 346 break; 347 } 348 printf("請輸入你的收入:"); 349 scanf_s("%lf", &income); 350 if (income <= level) 351 taxmoney = income * RATE1; 352 else
353 taxmoney = level * RATE1 + (income - level)*RATE2; 354 printf("你的稅金爲%.2lf元\n", taxmoney); 355 printf("繼續輸入選擇(輸入5退出):\n"); 356 } 357 getchar(); 358 return 0; 359 } 360 /*11*/
361 #include<stdio.h>
362 #define Y_PRICE 2.05 //洋薊 單價
363 #define T_PRICE 1.15 //甜菜
364 #define H_PRICE 1.09 //胡蘿蔔
365 #define DISCOUNT 0.05 //折扣優惠
367 #define WEIGHT_LEVEL1 5 //重量層次
368 #define WEIGHT_LEVEL2 20
370 #define TRANS_LEVEL1 6.5 //運費和包裝費層次
371 #define TRANS_LEVEL2 14
373 #define TRANS_LEVEL3 0.5 //額外增費
374 int main(void) 375 { 376 char ch; //選擇字符
377 float input; //輸入磅數
378 float y_weight = 0; //洋薊磅數
379 float t_weight = 0; //甜菜磅數
380 float h_weight = 0; //胡蘿蔔磅數
381 float total_weight; //總重
382 float cost; //花費
383 float total_cost; //總花費:買菜+運費
384 float discount; //折扣
385 float tran_cost; //運費
386 float total_all; 387 printf("************************************************\n"); 388 printf("輸入編號進行選擇:\n"); 389 printf("a:洋薊\tb:甜菜\tc:胡蘿蔔\nq:退出並打印帳單\n"); 390 printf("************************************************\n"); 391 while ((ch = getchar()) != 'q') 392 { 393 if (ch == '\n') 394 continue; 395 while (getchar() != '\n') 396 continue; 397 switch (ch) 398 { 399 case 'a': 400 printf("輸入洋薊的磅數:"); 401 scanf_s("%f", &input); 402 y_weight = y_weight + input; 403 break; 404 case 'b': 405 printf("輸入甜菜的磅數:"); 406 scanf_s("%f", &input); 407 t_weight = t_weight + input; 408 break; 409 case 'c': 410 printf("輸入胡蘿蔔的磅數:"); 411 scanf_s("%f", &input); 412 h_weight = h_weight + input; 413 break; 414 default: 415 printf("輸入錯誤,請輸入a,b,c選擇蔬菜,q退出\n"); 416 break; 417 } 418 printf("繼續輸入進行購物\n"); 419 } 420 total_weight = y_weight + t_weight + h_weight; 421 cost = y_weight * Y_PRICE + t_weight * T_PRICE + h_weight * H_PRICE; 422 if (cost >= 100) 423 discount = cost * DISCOUNT; 424 else
425 discount = 0; 426 if (total_weight <= 0) 427 tran_cost = 0; 428 else if (total_weight <= WEIGHT_LEVEL1) 429 tran_cost = TRANS_LEVEL1; 430 else if (total_weight <= WEIGHT_LEVEL2) 431 tran_cost = TRANS_LEVEL2; 432 else
433 tran_cost = TRANS_LEVEL2 + TRANS_LEVEL3 * total_weight; 434 total_all = cost + tran_cost - discount; 435 printf("你的訂單以下:\n"); 436 printf("2.05美圓/磅的洋薊訂購了%.2f磅\n", y_weight); 437 printf("1.15美圓/磅的甜菜訂購了%.2f磅\n", t_weight); 438 printf("1.09美圓/磅的胡蘿蔔訂購了%.2f磅\n", h_weight); 439 printf("買蔬菜的費用爲:%.2f\n", cost); 440 if(cost>100) 441 printf("折扣爲:%.2f\n", discount); 442 printf("運費和包裝費爲:%.2f\n", tran_cost); 443 printf("全部費用爲:%.2f\n", total_all); 444 getchar(); 445 getchar(); 446 return 0; 447 }
1 /****編程練習8****/ 2 /*1*/ 3 #include<stdio.h> 4 int main(void) 5 { 6 char ch; 7 int a = 0; 8 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 9 a++; 10 printf("讀取到%d個字符。\n", a); 11 getchar(); 12 return 0; 13 } 14 /*2*/ 15 #include<stdio.h> 16 int main(void) 17 { 18 char ch; 19 int i=0; //統計每行的值 20 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 21 { 22 if (ch == '\n') 23 { 24 putchar('\\'); 25 putchar('n'); 26 printf(" %d\n", ch); 27 i = 0; 28 } 29 else if (ch == '\t') 30 { 31 putchar('\\'); 32 putchar('t'); 33 printf("%d\n", ch); 34 } 35 else if (ch < ' ') 36 { 37 putchar('^'); 38 putchar(ch + 64); 39 printf("%d\t", ch); 40 } 41 else 42 printf("%c %d\t", ch, ch); 43 if (++i == 10) 44 { 45 printf("\n"); 46 i = 0; 47 } 48 } 49 getchar(); 50 return 0; 51 } 52 /*3*/ 53 #include<stdio.h> 54 #include<ctype.h> 55 int main(void) 56 { 57 int ch; 58 //統計個數,用不到負數 59 unsigned A_count = 0; //大寫 60 unsigned a_count = 0; //小寫 61 unsigned oth_count = 0; //其餘字符個數 62 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 63 { 64 //if (isupper(ch)) //用isupper()函數判斷是否爲大寫 65 if(ch>='A'&&ch<='Z') //能夠用該行替換上一行,這種方法不用再調用ctype.h 66 A_count++; 67 else if (islower(ch)) //用islower()函數判斷是否爲小寫 68 a_count++; 69 else 70 oth_count++; 71 } 72 printf("輸入中大寫字母有%d個\n", A_count); 73 printf("小寫字母有%d個\n", a_count); 74 printf("其餘字符有%d個\n", oth_count); 75 getchar(); 76 return 0; 77 } 78 /*4*/ 79 #include<stdio.h> 80 #include<ctype.h> 81 #include<stdbool.h> 82 int main(void) 83 { 84 char ch; 85 int words = 0, count = 0; //單詞 字母總數 86 bool inword = false; //判斷是不是一個單詞 87 float average; 88 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 89 { 90 if (isalpha(ch)) 91 count++; //若是是個字符,字母+1 92 if (!isspace(ch) && !inword) 93 { 94 inword = true; 95 words++; //若是不是空格且inword爲true,單詞+1 96 } 97 if (isspace(ch) && inword) 98 inword = false; //若是是個空格,且inword爲true,此時並非個完整單詞,須要初始化inword 99 if (ispunct(ch)) 100 continue; //若是是字符,中斷本次循環 101 } 102 average = count / words; 103 printf("平均每一個單詞有%.2f個字母", average); 104 getchar(); 105 return 0; 106 } 107 /*5*/ 108 #include<stdio.h> 109 int main(void) 110 { 111 int high = 100; 112 int low = 1; 113 int guess=(low+high)/2; 114 char response; 115 printf("你在1-100中選一個數字,我能猜出那個數字!"); 116 printf("\n若是我回答正確,就輸入'y'"); 117 printf("\n若是我猜的數過高,就輸入'h'"); 118 printf("\n若是我猜的數過小,就輸入'l'\n"); 119 printf("你選擇的數字是 %d?\n", guess); 120 while ((response=getchar())!='y') 121 { 122 if (response == '\n') 123 continue; 124 if (response != 'h'&&response != 'l') 125 { 126 printf("對不起,輸入錯誤!請從新輸入!\n"); 127 continue; 128 } 129 if (response == 'h') 130 high = guess - 1; 131 else if (response == 'l') 132 low = guess + 1; 133 guess = (high + low) / 2; 134 printf("你選擇的數字是 %d?\n", guess); 135 } 136 printf("哈哈!我猜對了!\n"); 137 getchar(); 138 getchar(); 139 return 0; 140 } 141 /*6*/ 142 #include<stdio.h> 143 #include<ctype.h> 144 char get_first(void); 145 int main(void) 146 { 147 char ch; 148 ch = get_first(); 149 putchar(ch); 150 getchar(); 151 return 0; 152 } 153 char get_first(void) 154 { 155 char ch; 156 ch = getchar(); 157 while (isspace(ch)) 158 ch = getchar(); 159 while (getchar() != '\n') 160 continue; 161 return ch; 162 } 163 /*7*/ 164 #include<stdio.h> 165 #include<ctype.h> 166 #include<math.h> 167 #define BASY_MONEY1 8.75 //基本工資 168 #define BASY_MONEY2 9.33 169 #define BASY_MONEY3 10.00 170 #define BASY_MONEY4 11.20 171 172 #define BASY_TIME 40 //基本工做時間 173 #define EXTR_TIME 1.5 //加班 174 175 #define LIN_MONEY1 300 //稅率分界線 176 #define LIN_MONEY2 150 177 178 #define RATE1 0.15 //稅率 179 #define RATE2 0.20 180 #define RATE3 0.25 181 int get_first(void); //建立函數,若是輸入爲空,則丟棄 182 int main(void) 183 { 184 char ch; 185 double basy_money; 186 double hours; 187 double sum; //工資總數 188 double rate_money; //稅金 189 double income; //淨收入 190 printf("*******************************************************\n"); 191 printf("輸入與薪資或操做對應的編號進行操做:\n"); 192 printf("a) $8.75/hours \tb) $9.33/hours\n"); 193 printf("c) $10.00/hours \td) $11.20/hours\n"); 194 printf("q) 退出\n"); 195 printf("*******************************************************\n"); 196 while ((ch=get_first())!='q') //調用get_first()函數 197 { 198 if (ch =='\n') 199 continue; 200 ch = tolower(ch); //將大寫字母轉爲小寫 201 switch (ch) 202 { 203 case 'a': 204 basy_money = BASY_MONEY1; break; 205 case 'b': 206 basy_money = BASY_MONEY2; break; 207 case 'c': 208 basy_money = BASY_MONEY3; break; 209 case 'd': 210 basy_money = BASY_MONEY4; break; 211 default: 212 printf("請輸入a-d進行選擇(輸入q退出)。\n請輸入正確的數字\n"); break; 213 } 214 printf("輸入一週工做小時數:\n"); 215 scanf_s("%lf", &hours); 216 if (hours <= BASY_TIME) 217 sum = basy_money * hours; 218 else 219 sum = basy_money * BASY_TIME + (hours - BASY_TIME)*basy_money*EXTR_TIME; 220 if (sum <= LIN_MONEY1) 221 rate_money = sum * RATE1; 222 else if (sum <= (LIN_MONEY1 + LIN_MONEY2)) 223 rate_money = LIN_MONEY1*RATE1 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1)*RATE2; 224 else 225 rate_money = LIN_MONEY1 * RATE1 + LIN_MONEY2 * RATE2 + BASY_MONEY2 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1 - LIN_MONEY2)*RATE3; 226 income = sum - rate_money; 227 printf("工資總額是:%.2lf\t稅金是:%.2lf\t淨收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_money, income); 228 printf("輸入下一個數字繼續\n"); 229 } 230 getchar(); 231 return 0; 232 } 233 int get_first(void) 234 { 235 int ch; 236 ch = getchar(); 237 while (isspace(ch)) 238 ch = getchar(); 239 while (getchar() != '\n') 240 continue; 241 return ch; 242 } 243 /*8*/ 244 #include<stdio.h> 245 #include<ctype.h> 246 int get_first(void); 247 float get_num(void); 248 int main(void) 249 { 250 char ch; 251 float first, second; 252 printf("輸入你想進行運算的選項:\n"); 253 printf("a.加法\ts.減法\n"); 254 printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n"); 255 printf("q.退出\n"); 256 while ((ch=get_first())!='q') 257 { 258 ch = tolower(ch); 259 if (ch != 'a'&& ch != 's'&& ch != 'm'&& ch != 'd') 260 { 261 printf("你只能輸入a,s,m,d,q中的一個:"); 262 continue; 263 } 264 printf("輸入第一個數:"); 265 first = get_num(); 266 printf("輸入第二個數:"); 267 second = get_num(); 268 if (ch == 'd') 269 { 270 while (second == 0) 271 { 272 printf("輸入一個大於0的數:"); 273 second = get_num(); 274 } 275 } 276 switch (ch) 277 { 278 case 'a': 279 printf("%.1f+%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first + second); break; 280 case 's': 281 printf("%.1f-%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first - second); break; 282 case 'm': 283 printf("%.1f*%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first*second); break; 284 case 'd': 285 printf("%.1f/%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first / second); break; 286 default: 287 ; 288 break; 289 } 290 printf("輸入你想進行運算的選項:\n"); 291 printf("a.加法\ts.減法\n"); 292 printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n"); 293 printf("q.退出\n"); 294 } 295 getchar(); 296 return 0; 297 } 298 int get_first(void) 299 { 300 int ch; 301 while ((ch = getchar()) == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n') 302 continue; 303 while (getchar() != '\n') 304 continue; 305 return ch; 306 } 307 float get_num(void) 308 { 309 float input; 310 char ch; 311 while (scanf_s("%f",&input)!=1) 312 { 313 while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') 314 putchar(ch); 315 printf("%c不是數字\n請輸入例如2.5,-1.78E8,3之類的數字:",ch); 316 } 317 return input; 318 }
1 /****編程練習8****/ 2 /*1*/ 3 #include<stdio.h> 4 int main(void) 5 { 6 char ch; 7 int a = 0; 8 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 9 a++; 10 printf("讀取到%d個字符。\n", a); 11 getchar(); 12 return 0; 13 } 14 /*2*/ 15 #include<stdio.h> 16 int main(void) 17 { 18 char ch; 19 int i=0; //統計每行的值 20 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 21 { 22 if (ch == '\n') 23 { 24 putchar('\\'); 25 putchar('n'); 26 printf(" %d\n", ch); 27 i = 0; 28 } 29 else if (ch == '\t') 30 { 31 putchar('\\'); 32 putchar('t'); 33 printf("%d\n", ch); 34 } 35 else if (ch < ' ') 36 { 37 putchar('^'); 38 putchar(ch + 64); 39 printf("%d\t", ch); 40 } 41 else 42 printf("%c %d\t", ch, ch); 43 if (++i == 10) 44 { 45 printf("\n"); 46 i = 0; 47 } 48 } 49 getchar(); 50 return 0; 51 } 52 /*3*/ 53 #include<stdio.h> 54 #include<ctype.h> 55 int main(void) 56 { 57 int ch; 58 //統計個數,用不到負數 59 unsigned A_count = 0; //大寫 60 unsigned a_count = 0; //小寫 61 unsigned oth_count = 0; //其餘字符個數 62 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 63 { 64 //if (isupper(ch)) //用isupper()函數判斷是否爲大寫 65 if(ch>='A'&&ch<='Z') //能夠用該行替換上一行,這種方法不用再調用ctype.h 66 A_count++; 67 else if (islower(ch)) //用islower()函數判斷是否爲小寫 68 a_count++; 69 else 70 oth_count++; 71 } 72 printf("輸入中大寫字母有%d個\n", A_count); 73 printf("小寫字母有%d個\n", a_count); 74 printf("其餘字符有%d個\n", oth_count); 75 getchar(); 76 return 0; 77 } 78 /*4*/ 79 #include<stdio.h> 80 #include<ctype.h> 81 #include<stdbool.h> 82 int main(void) 83 { 84 char ch; 85 int words = 0, count = 0; //單詞 字母總數 86 bool inword = false; //判斷是不是一個單詞 87 float average; 88 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 89 { 90 if (isalpha(ch)) 91 count++; //若是是個字符,字母+1 92 if (!isspace(ch) && !inword) 93 { 94 inword = true; 95 words++; //若是不是空格且inword爲true,單詞+1 96 } 97 if (isspace(ch) && inword) 98 inword = false; //若是是個空格,且inword爲true,此時並非個完整單詞,須要初始化inword 99 if (ispunct(ch)) 100 continue; //若是是字符,中斷本次循環 101 } 102 average = count / words; 103 printf("平均每一個單詞有%.2f個字母", average); 104 getchar(); 105 return 0; 106 } 107 /*5*/ 108 #include<stdio.h> 109 int main(void) 110 { 111 int high = 100; 112 int low = 1; 113 int guess=(low+high)/2; 114 char response; 115 printf("你在1-100中選一個數字,我能猜出那個數字!"); 116 printf("\n若是我回答正確,就輸入'y'"); 117 printf("\n若是我猜的數過高,就輸入'h'"); 118 printf("\n若是我猜的數過小,就輸入'l'\n"); 119 printf("你選擇的數字是 %d?\n", guess); 120 while ((response=getchar())!='y') 121 { 122 if (response == '\n') 123 continue; 124 if (response != 'h'&&response != 'l') 125 { 126 printf("對不起,輸入錯誤!請從新輸入!\n"); 127 continue; 128 } 129 if (response == 'h') 130 high = guess - 1; 131 else if (response == 'l') 132 low = guess + 1; 133 guess = (high + low) / 2; 134 printf("你選擇的數字是 %d?\n", guess); 135 } 136 printf("哈哈!我猜對了!\n"); 137 getchar(); 138 getchar(); 139 return 0; 140 } 141 /*6*/ 142 #include<stdio.h> 143 #include<ctype.h> 144 char get_first(void); 145 int main(void) 146 { 147 char ch; 148 ch = get_first(); 149 putchar(ch); 150 getchar(); 151 return 0; 152 } 153 char get_first(void) 154 { 155 char ch; 156 ch = getchar(); 157 while (isspace(ch)) 158 ch = getchar(); 159 while (getchar() != '\n') 160 continue; 161 return ch; 162 } 163 /*7*/ 164 #include<stdio.h> 165 #include<ctype.h> 166 #include<math.h> 167 #define BASY_MONEY1 8.75 //基本工資 168 #define BASY_MONEY2 9.33 169 #define BASY_MONEY3 10.00 170 #define BASY_MONEY4 11.20 171 172 #define BASY_TIME 40 //基本工做時間 173 #define EXTR_TIME 1.5 //加班 174 175 #define LIN_MONEY1 300 //稅率分界線 176 #define LIN_MONEY2 150 177 178 #define RATE1 0.15 //稅率 179 #define RATE2 0.20 180 #define RATE3 0.25 181 int get_first(void); //建立函數,若是輸入爲空,則丟棄 182 int main(void) 183 { 184 char ch; 185 double basy_money; 186 double hours; 187 double sum; //工資總數 188 double rate_money; //稅金 189 double income; //淨收入 190 printf("*******************************************************\n"); 191 printf("輸入與薪資或操做對應的編號進行操做:\n"); 192 printf("a) $8.75/hours \tb) $9.33/hours\n"); 193 printf("c) $10.00/hours \td) $11.20/hours\n"); 194 printf("q) 退出\n"); 195 printf("*******************************************************\n"); 196 while ((ch=get_first())!='q') //調用get_first()函數 197 { 198 if (ch =='\n') 199 continue; 200 ch = tolower(ch); //將大寫字母轉爲小寫 201 switch (ch) 202 { 203 case 'a': 204 basy_money = BASY_MONEY1; break; 205 case 'b': 206 basy_money = BASY_MONEY2; break; 207 case 'c': 208 basy_money = BASY_MONEY3; break; 209 case 'd': 210 basy_money = BASY_MONEY4; break; 211 default: 212 printf("請輸入a-d進行選擇(輸入q退出)。\n請輸入正確的數字\n"); break; 213 } 214 printf("輸入一週工做小時數:\n"); 215 scanf_s("%lf", &hours); 216 if (hours <= BASY_TIME) 217 sum = basy_money * hours; 218 else 219 sum = basy_money * BASY_TIME + (hours - BASY_TIME)*basy_money*EXTR_TIME; 220 if (sum <= LIN_MONEY1) 221 rate_money = sum * RATE1; 222 else if (sum <= (LIN_MONEY1 + LIN_MONEY2)) 223 rate_money = LIN_MONEY1*RATE1 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1)*RATE2; 224 else 225 rate_money = LIN_MONEY1 * RATE1 + LIN_MONEY2 * RATE2 + BASY_MONEY2 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1 - LIN_MONEY2)*RATE3; 226 income = sum - rate_money; 227 printf("工資總額是:%.2lf\t稅金是:%.2lf\t淨收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_money, income); 228 printf("輸入下一個數字繼續\n"); 229 } 230 getchar(); 231 return 0; 232 } 233 int get_first(void) 234 { 235 int ch; 236 ch = getchar(); 237 while (isspace(ch)) 238 ch = getchar(); 239 while (getchar() != '\n') 240 continue; 241 return ch; 242 } 243 /*8*/ 244 #include<stdio.h> 245 #include<ctype.h> 246 int get_first(void); 247 float get_num(void); 248 int main(void) 249 { 250 char ch; 251 float first, second; 252 printf("輸入你想進行運算的選項:\n"); 253 printf("a.加法\ts.減法\n"); 254 printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n"); 255 printf("q.退出\n"); 256 while ((ch=get_first())!='q') 257 { 258 ch = tolower(ch); 259 if (ch != 'a'&& ch != 's'&& ch != 'm'&& ch != 'd') 260 { 261 printf("你只能輸入a,s,m,d,q中的一個:"); 262 continue; 263 } 264 printf("輸入第一個數:"); 265 first = get_num(); 266 printf("輸入第二個數:"); 267 second = get_num(); 268 if (ch == 'd') 269 { 270 while (second == 0) 271 { 272 printf("輸入一個大於0的數:"); 273 second = get_num(); 274 } 275 } 276 switch (ch) 277 { 278 case 'a': 279 printf("%.1f+%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first + second); break; 280 case 's': 281 printf("%.1f-%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first - second); break; 282 case 'm': 283 printf("%.1f*%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first*second); break; 284 case 'd': 285 printf("%.1f/%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first / second); break; 286 default: 287 ; 288 break; 289 } 290 printf("輸入你想進行運算的選項:\n"); 291 printf("a.加法\ts.減法\n"); 292 printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n"); 293 printf("q.退出\n"); 294 } 295 getchar(); 296 return 0; 297 } 298 int get_first(void) 299 { 300 int ch; 301 while ((ch = getchar()) == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n') 302 continue; 303 while (getchar() != '\n') 304 continue; 305 return ch; 306 } 307 float get_num(void) 308 { 309 float input; 310 char ch; 311 while (scanf_s("%f",&input)!=1) 312 { 313 while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') 314 putchar(ch); 315 printf("%c不是數字\n請輸入例如2.5,-1.78E8,3之類的數字:",ch); 316 } 317 return input; 318 }
1 /*********編程練習9***********/ 2 /*複習題9*/ 3 #include<stdio.h> 4 void mennu(void); //菜單函數 5 int limt(int up, int down); //上下限函數 6 int main(void) 7 { 8 int ch; 9 mennu(); 10 while ((ch=limt(4,1))!=4) 11 { 12 printf("%d一個正確的選擇!\n",ch); 13 mennu(); 14 } 15 getchar(); 16 getchar(); 17 getchar(); 18 return 0; 19 } 20 void mennu(void) 21 { 22 printf("請選擇列表中對應的數字:\n"); 23 printf("1) 複製文件 \t2) 移動文件\n"); 24 printf("3) 刪除文件 \t4) 退出\n"); 25 printf("輸入你選擇的數字:\n"); 26 } 27 int limt(int up, int down) 28 { 29 int input; 30 int a=scanf_s("%d", &input); 31 while (a==1&&(input > up || input < down)) 32 { 33 printf("輸入數值超過限制!\n"); 34 mennu(); 35 scanf_s("%d", &input); 36 } 37 if (a!=1) 38 { 39 printf("沒有數字輸入!\n"); 40 input = 4; 41 } 42 return input; 43 } 44 /*編程練習1*/ 45 #include<stdio.h> 46 double min(double x, double y); 47 int main(void) 48 { 49 double a, b; 50 printf("輸入兩個小數,將輸出較小的值(輸入q退出):\n"); 51 while (scanf_s("%lf %lf", &a, &b)==2) 52 { 53 printf("%lf和%lf中較小的數是:%lf", a, b, min(a, b)); 54 printf("繼續輸入進行比較(輸入q退出):\n"); 55 } 56 getchar(); 57 return 0; 58 } 59 double min(double x, double y) 60 { 61 return x < y ? x : y; 62 } 63 /*2*/ 64 #include<stdio.h> 65 void chline(char ch, int i, int j); 66 int main(void) 67 { 68 char c; 69 int row; 70 int clum; 71 printf("該程序要求輸入一個字符並按輸入的行列數打印\n"); 72 printf("輸入你想打印的字符:"); 73 scanf_s("%c", &c); 74 printf("輸入你想打印的行和列(用空格分開):"); 75 scanf_s("%d %d", &row, &clum); 76 printf("\n"); 77 chline(c, row, clum); 78 getchar(); 79 getchar(); 80 return 0; 81 82 } 83 void chline(char ch, int i, int j) 84 { 85 for (int x = 0; x < i; x++) 86 { 87 for (int y = 0; y < j; y++) 88 putchar(ch); 89 putchar('\n'); 90 } 91 } 92 /*3*/ 93 #include<stdio.h> 94 void chline(char ch, int i, int j); 95 int main(void) 96 { 97 char ch; 98 int row, clo; 99 printf("輸入想要打印的字符:"); 100 while ((ch=getchar())!='#') 101 { 102 if (ch == '\n') 103 continue; 104 printf("輸入想要打印的次數和行數:"); 105 if (scanf_s("%d %d", &clo, &row) != 2) 106 break; 107 chline(ch, clo, row); 108 printf("繼續輸入下一個想打印的字符(輸入#退出):"); 109 } 110 getchar(); 111 return 0; 112 } 113 void chline(char ch, int i, int j) 114 { 115 for (int x = 0; x < i; x++) 116 { 117 for (int y = 0; y < j; y++) 118 putchar(ch); 119 putchar('\n'); 120 } 121 } 122 /*4*/ 123 #include<stdio.h> 124 double Har_average(double num1, double num2); //調和平均數 125 int main(void) 126 { 127 double a = 3.14, b = 3.15, c; 128 c=Har_average(a, b); 129 printf("%lf", c); 130 getchar(); 131 return 0; 132 } 133 double Har_average(double num1, double num2) 134 { 135 double down_num1, down_num2, down_avweage; 136 down_num1 = 1 / num1; 137 down_num2 = 1 / num2; 138 down_avweage = 1 / ((down_num1 + down_num2) / 2); 139 return down_avweage; 140 } 141 /*5*/ 142 #include<stdio.h> 143 void large_of(double *p1, double *p2); 144 int main(void) 145 { 146 double a, b; 147 printf("輸入兩個值:"); 148 while (scanf_s("%lf %lf",&a,&b)==2) 149 { 150 large_of(&a, &b); 151 printf("交換後的值爲%lf和%lf\n", a, b); 152 printf("繼續輸入(輸入q退出):"); 153 } 154 getchar(); 155 return 0; 156 } 157 void large_of(double *p1, double *p2) 158 { 159 if (*p1 > *p2) 160 *p2 = *p1; 161 else 162 *p1 = *p2; 163 } 164 /*6*/ 165 #include<stdio.h> 166 void change(double *p1, double *p2, double*p3); 167 int main(void) 168 { 169 double a, b, c; 170 while (scanf_s("%lf %lf %lf", &a, &b,&c) == 3) 171 { 172 change(&a, &b, &c); 173 printf("交換後的值爲%lf和%lf和%f\n", a, b,c); 174 printf("繼續輸入(輸入q退出):"); 175 } 176 getchar(); 177 return 0; 178 } 179 void change(double *p1, double *p2, double *p3) 180 { 181 double max, min, mid; 182 max = *p1; 183 if (max < *p2) 184 max = *p2; 185 if (max < *p3) 186 max = *p3; 187 min = *p1; 188 if (min > *p2) 189 min = *p2; 190 if (min > *p3) 191 min = *p3; 192 mid = *p1 + *p2 + *p3 - max - min; 193 *p1 = min; 194 *p2 = mid; 195 *p3 = max; 196 } 197 /*7*/ 198 #include<stdio.h> 199 #include<ctype.h> 200 int report(char ch); 201 int main(void) 202 { 203 char ch; 204 int pos; //數值位置 205 printf("請輸入字符:"); 206 while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF) 207 { 208 if (ch == '\n') 209 { 210 continue; 211 } 212 pos = report(ch); 213 if (pos == -1) 214 { 215 printf("%c不是字母!\n", ch); 216 } 217 else 218 { 219 printf("%c在字母表中的位置是%d!\n", ch, pos); 220 } 221 printf("繼續輸入:"); 222 } 223 getchar(); 224 return 0; 225 } 226 int report(char ch) 227 { 228 if (isalpha(ch)) //判斷是否爲字母 229 { 230 return toupper(ch) - 'A' + 1; //將小寫轉換爲大寫;也能夠將大寫轉換爲小寫,‘A’要改成‘a’ 231 } 232 else 233 { 234 return -1; 235 } 236 } 237 /*8*/ 238 #include<stdio.h> 239 double power(double n, int p); 240 int main(void) 241 { 242 double x, xpow; 243 int exp; 244 printf("輸入數字和指數,計算整數冪結果(q退出):"); 245 while (scanf_s("%lf %d",&x,&exp)==2) 246 { 247 xpow = power(x, exp); 248 if (xpow == 1) 249 continue; 250 printf("%.3g的%d次冪爲%.5g\n", x, exp, xpow); 251 printf("繼續輸入(q退出):"); 252 } 253 getchar(); 254 return 0; 255 } 256 double power(double n, int p) 257 { 258 double pow = 1; 259 if (p == 0) 260 { 261 if (n==0) 262 { 263 printf("0的0次冪未定義,請輸入其它值:\n"); 264 } 265 pow = 1; 266 } 267 else if (p==0) 268 { 269 pow = 0; 270 } 271 else if (p>0) 272 { 273 for (int i = 1; i <= p; i++) 274 { 275 pow *= n; 276 } 277 } 278 else 279 { 280 pow = 1 / power(n, -p); //運用了遞歸 281 ///////不用遞歸的寫法:for(int i=1; i <= -p; i++) 282 ////////////////// { 283 //////////////////////////// pow*=n; 284 //////////////////////////// } //此種方法返回的是 1/pow 285 } 286 return pow; 287 } 288 /*9*/ 289 ////上題所示///////// 290 /*10*/ 291 #include<stdio.h> 292 void to_base_n(int x, int system); 293 int main(void) 294 { 295 int num; 296 int system_num; 297 int status; 298 printf("輸入一個整數:"); 299 while (scanf_s("%d",&num)==1) 300 { 301 printf("輸入進制(2-10):"); 302 while ((status=scanf_s("%d",&system_num))==1&&(system_num<2||system_num>10)) 303 { 304 printf("輸入進制超過限定值,請輸入2-10之間的數字:"); 305 } 306 if (status != 1) 307 break; 308 to_base_n(num, system_num); 309 printf("\n"); 310 printf("繼續輸入一個整數(q退出):"); 311 } 312 getchar(); 313 return 0; 314 } 315 void to_base_n(int x, int system) 316 { 317 int r; 318 r = x % system; 319 if (x >= system) 320 { 321 to_base_n(x / system, system); //遞歸 322 } 323 putchar('0' + r); //由於putchar()函數只能輸出字符,咱們要輸出的是字符,因此運用ASCALL碼值加上r 324 } 325 /*11*/ 326 #include<stdio.h> 327 void Fibonacci(int n); 328 int main(void) 329 { 330 int n; 331 printf("輸入整數:"); 332 while ((scanf_s("%d",&n)==1)) 333 { 334 Fibonacci(n); 335 printf("繼續輸入(q退出):"); 336 } 337 getchar(); 338 return 0; 339 } 340 void Fibonacci(int n) 341 { 342 int f1, f2, f3; 343 printf("斐波那契是:"); 344 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) 345 { 346 if (i == 1) 347 { 348 f1 = 1; 349 printf("%d", f1); 350 } 351 else if (i==2) 352 { 353 f2 = 1; 354 printf("%d", f2); 355 } 356 else 357 { 358 f3 = f2 + f1; 359 f1 = f2; 360 f2 = f3; 361 printf("%d", f3); 362 } 363 putchar(' '); 364 } 365 putchar('\n'); 366 }