ECMAScript 6 是JavaScript的下一個標準,正處在快速開發之中,大部分已經完成了,預計將在2014年正式發佈。Mozilla將在這個標準的基礎上,推出JavaScript 2.0。javascript
ECMAScript 6 的目標,是使得JavaScript能夠用來編寫複雜的應用程序、函數庫和代碼的自動生成器(code generator)。html
最新的瀏覽器已經部分支持ECMAScript 6 的語法,能夠經過《ECMAScript 6 瀏覽器兼容表》查看瀏覽器支持狀況。java
let, const (定義塊級局部變量), 函數在塊級域中git
解構: let {x, y} = pt; let [s, v, o] = triple();
(如能夠 let pt = {x:2, y:-5}
參數設置默認設置: function f(x, y=1, z=0) {...}
rest: function g(i, j, ...r) { return r.slice(i, j); }
spread: let a = [0,1,2,3]
, o = new Something(...a);
proxies: let obj = Proxy.create(handler, proto)
. 簡單地說,就是類對象元素的符號重載.ecmascript
weak map: let map = new WeakMap
. 當你有循環應用的時候用它.函數
generators: function* gen() { yield 1; yield 2; }
事實上, gen() 返回一個有next()屬性的對象
迭代器: for (var [key, val] of items(x)) { alert(key + ',' + val); }
. Iterators 能夠是 generators 或者 proxies.
array and generator comprehension: [a+b for (a in A) for (b in B)]
(array comprehension), (x for (x of generateValues()) if (x.color === 'blue'))
(generator expression).
二進制數據: const Pixel = new StructType({x:uint32, y:uint32, color:Color})
(此處Color自己就是一個結構類型), new ArrayType(Pixel, 3)
類語法, 包含 extends
, prototype
, and super
class Point extends Base { constructor(x,y) { super(); this[px] = x, this[py] = y; this.r = function() { return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); } } get x() { return this[px]; } get y() { return this[py]; } proto_r() { return Math.sqrt(this[px] * this[px] + this[py] * this[py]); } equals(p) { return this[px] === p[px] && this[py] === p[py]; } }
module math { export function sum(x, y) { return x + y; } export var pi = 3.141593; } import {sum, pi} from math; alert(sum(pi,pi));
quasis: multiline, 可擴展的預處理字符串. You are ${age} years old.
// The following regexp spans multiple lines. re`line1: (words )* line2: \w+` // It desugars to: re({raw:'line1: (words )*\nline2: \w+', cooked:'line1: (words )*\nline2: \w+'}) espadrine
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