###下載 下載地址php
- Install MPICH2 version 1.4.1p1 on your machine using the installer downloaded from the downloads page http://www.mpich.org/downloads. Be aware to choose either a 32-bit version or 64-bit one depending on your machine.
- During installation select MPICH2 to be installed for Everyone.
- Also make sure that you keep the default setting for passphrase (usually behappy) during the installation.
- After installing MPICH2 successfully, you may add rules to your firewall to allow the programs mpiexec.exe and smpd.exe to communicate through firewall. This process depends on your firewall.
- You need to add the bin folder of MPICH2 (usually C: \PROGRAM FILES \MPICH2 \bin) to your PATH. Next, open an admin command prompt by right-clicking on the command prompt icon and selecting run as administrator.
###後續工做 In the command prompt type the following commands in sequence: smpd -install mpiexec -remove mpiexec -register mpiexec -validate (it should return SUCCESS) smpd -status (it should return 'smpd running on <hostname>') If the last two commands are successfully,then go to next step.rem
###試運行### find a example under /MPICH2/examples just like "mpiexec -n 2 mpi.exe" perfect !!!get
###注意點### the username and password are users' of your computer, not admin or other invalidate account.it