<template> <div class="el-switch" :class="{ 'is-disabled': switchDisabled, 'is-checked': checked }" role="switch" :aria-checked="checked" :aria-disabled="switchDisabled" @click="switchValue" > <input class="el-switch__input" type="checkbox" @change="handleChange" ref="input" :id="id" :name="name" :true-value="activeValue" :false-value="inactiveValue" :disabled="switchDisabled" @keydown.enter="switchValue" > <span :class="['el-switch__label', 'el-switch__label--left', !checked ? 'is-active' : '']" v-if="inactiveIconClass || inactiveText"> <i :class="[inactiveIconClass]" v-if="inactiveIconClass"></i> <span v-if="!inactiveIconClass && inactiveText" :aria-hidden="checked">{{ inactiveText }}</span> </span> <span class="el-switch__core" ref="core" :style="{ 'width': coreWidth + 'px' }"></span> <span :class="['el-switch__label', 'el-switch__label--right', checked ? 'is-active' : '']" v-if="activeIconClass || activeText"> <i :class="[activeIconClass]" v-if="activeIconClass"></i> <span v-if="!activeIconClass && activeText" :aria-hidden="!checked">{{ activeText }}</span> </span> </div> </template> <script> import Focus from 'element-ui/src/mixins/focus'; import Migrating from 'element-ui/src/mixins/migrating'; export default { name: 'ElSwitch', mixins: [Focus('input'), Migrating], // 注入elForm對象,防止不和el-form使用時對象不存在的問題。 inject: { elForm: { default: '' } }, props: { value: { type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: false }, disabled: { //是否禁用 type: Boolean, default: false }, width: { //switch 的寬度(像素) type: Number, default: 40 }, activeIconClass: { //switch 打開時所顯示圖標的類名,設置此項會忽略 active-text type: String, default: '' }, inactiveIconClass: { //switch 關閉時所顯示圖標的類名,設置此項會忽略 inactive-text type: String, default: '' }, activeText: String, //switch 打開時的文字描述 inactiveText: String, //switch 關閉時的文字描述 activeColor: { //switch 打開時的背景色 type: String, default: '' }, inactiveColor: { //switch 關閉時的背景色 type: String, default: '' }, activeValue: { //switch 打開時的值 type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: true }, inactiveValue: { //switch 關閉時的值 type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: false }, name: { //switch 對應的 name 屬性 type: String, default: '' }, id: String }, data() { return { coreWidth: this.width }; }, created() { if (!~[this.activeValue, this.inactiveValue].indexOf(this.value)) { this.$emit('input', this.inactiveValue); } }, computed: { //當前的開關組件的狀態 checked() { //父組件中v-model綁定的值是否等於switch 打開時的值 return this.value === this.activeValue; }, //當前組件是否被禁用 switchDisabled() { return this.disabled || (this.elForm || {}).disabled; } }, watch: { checked() { this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked; //在用戶設置了active-color和inactive-color時,經過setBackgroundColor設置開關的背景色 if (this.activeColor || this.inactiveColor) { this.setBackgroundColor(); } } }, methods: { handleChange(event) { //!this.checked爲true,則表示當前是this.value === this.inactiveValue,即爲關着的狀態;須要切換爲開着的狀態,返回this.activeValue this.$emit('input', !this.checked ? this.activeValue : this.inactiveValue); this.$emit('change', !this.checked ? this.activeValue : this.inactiveValue); this.$nextTick(() => { //修改value值並非當即生效,並且爲了防止父組件未修改值,這裏進行了重複賦值 this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked; }); }, //在用戶設置了active-color和inactive-color時,點擊切換開關時,根據this.checked的值設置開關的背景顏色 setBackgroundColor() { //若是 this.checked爲true,即當前switch是打開,開關返回打開時設置的背景色 let newColor = this.checked ? this.activeColor : this.inactiveColor; this.$refs.core.style.borderColor = newColor; this.$refs.core.style.backgroundColor = newColor; }, switchValue() { //在不由用的狀態下才能點擊 !this.switchDisabled && this.handleChange(); }, getMigratingConfig() { return { props: { 'on-color': 'on-color is renamed to active-color.', 'off-color': 'off-color is renamed to inactive-color.', 'on-text': 'on-text is renamed to active-text.', 'off-text': 'off-text is renamed to inactive-text.', 'on-value': 'on-value is renamed to active-value.', 'off-value': 'off-value is renamed to inactive-value.', 'on-icon-class': 'on-icon-class is renamed to active-icon-class.', 'off-icon-class': 'off-icon-class is renamed to inactive-icon-class.' } }; } }, mounted() { /* istanbul ignore if */ this.coreWidth = this.width || 40; if (this.activeColor || this.inactiveColor) { this.setBackgroundColor(); } this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked; } }; </script>
<div class="el-switch"> <input class="el-switch__input" type="checkbox"> <!--顯示左邊的標籤--> <span class="el-switch__label el-switch__label--left"> <i></i> <span></span> </span> <!--中間的開關--> <span class="el-switch__core"></span> <!--顯示右邊的標籤--> <span class="el-switch__label el-switch__label--right"> <i></i> <span></span> </span> </div>
.el-switch__input { position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; opacity: 0; margin: 0; }
經過 <input type="checkbox">
(2)混入的 mixins: [Focus('input'), Migrating]element-ui
示例:我用的element-ui v2.4.9,我按下面這樣寫,off-text屬性在我當前的版本中已經被改成inactive-textpost
<el-switch v-model="value2" off-text="關着"></el-switch>
getMigratingConfig() { return { props: { 'on-color': 'on-color is renamed to active-color.', 'off-color': 'off-color is renamed to inactive-color.', 'on-text': 'on-text is renamed to active-text.', 'off-text': 'off-text is renamed to inactive-text.', 'on-value': 'on-value is renamed to active-value.', 'off-value': 'off-value is renamed to inactive-value.', 'on-icon-class': 'on-icon-class is renamed to active-icon-class.', 'off-icon-class': 'off-icon-class is renamed to inactive-icon-class.' } }; }
created() { //若是用戶傳入的v-model的值既不是activeValue也不是inactiveValue時,將inactiveValue傳遞出去,開關處於關狀態 if (!~[this.activeValue, this.inactiveValue].indexOf(this.value)) { this.$emit('input', this.inactiveValue); } },
~表明按位非運算符,若是[this.activeValue, this.inactiveValue].indexOf(this.value)爲-1,則按位非後變爲0。spa