import os import sys import time # Sets how many days old files are deleted DAYS_N = 7 # To delete the path and the following subfiles PATH = r'C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles' def deletefile(PATH): for eachfile in os.listdir(PATH): filename = os.path.join(PATH, eachfile) if os.path.isfile(filename): lastmodifytime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime # Sets how many days old files are deleted endfiletime = time.time() - 3600 * 24 * DAYS_N if endfiletime > lastmodifytime: # To remove the following comment is to delete the.log suffix file # Comment is delete path under all files do not match if filename[-4:] == ".log": os.remove(filename) print "del %s success!!!" % filename # If it is a directory, the current function is called recursively elif os.path.isdir(filename): deletefile(filename) if __name__ == '__main__': deletefile(PATH) time.sleep(1) print ('Deleting completed,success')