這些與我研究相關的東西製做起來很耗時耗力,我一天只能製做百分之幾的工做量,緣由在於個人研究比較繁瑣,須要不斷統計數據, 不斷驗證數據,不斷評價數據。使用python是首選,便於調試編譯,便於變化和改裝。然而我須要使用pypy加速個人程序,首先由於我寫程序寫得太爛,不太會優化python代碼。第二,python多線程問題未能解決。所以我曾撰寫了python多線程問題的簡單討論,有興趣者能夠參看博文《Python多線程問題的資料查找與彙總by tsy 》。因爲GIL問題困擾了python,我在實際操做的時候發現有時候python多線程執行還不如單線程。關鍵問題仍是未能解鎖GIL,有網友能夠作到程序上解鎖,可是我感到有些吃力和困難。所以我決定使用Cython或PyPy,Cython可能會在寒假期間寫一篇專文。微信
第一封郵件提出問題,windows下virtualenv爲pypy指定默認解釋器(該操做請自行百度),須要使用指令<virtualenv -p>,不然默認指定爲系統版本python。顯然若是使用pypy加速,固然不能選擇系統版本。所以須要使用virtualenv指令,指定pypy爲默認解釋器,然而在輸入完畢後報錯。app
(1)I want to instal Pypy but do not confuse the the 3rd packages or libraries with Python2.7 already in my operate system Windows 7/8 (32bit). Then I choose to follow the tutorial settings to install VirtualEnv just like "Installing using virtualenv".
(2)After I install VirtualEnv successfully, I need to arrange a new space for Pypy so that I download the Pypy available to Windows as Python2.7 compatible PyPy 2.4.0 - Windows binary (32bit) shown.(3)Then I extract the file to normal foleder and use VirutalEnv commands like ">virtualenv.exe -p \pathto\pypy.exe". This command "-p $PATH" means I need to choose Pypy as a default Python interpreter,otherwise it will choose Python27 already installed in my Windows system. However the command comes a error and fail to build a virtual environment for pypy.From now on, I truly realized that the specific parameters in the command in windows and Unix/Linux is different. Although I notice that your tutorial shows that $ virtualenv -p /opt/pypy-c-jit-41718-3fb486695f20-linux/bin/pypy my-pypy-env with a difference between Windows7/8 and Unix/Linux, I still can not solve the problem in Windows 7/8 and do not know how to build a virtual environment with appointing Pypy to a default interpreting python environment in Windows 7/8.
The latest released virtualenv is version 1.11.6 which does not support pypy 2.4.0 and earlier on windows. A fix was merged into virtualenv after this version (released 17 May 2014) so any newer release will be fixed. In the mean time you can:
1. run "virtualenv -p path\to\pypy.exe new_path" and it will fail
2. copy by hand the directories lib_pypy and lib-python from path\to to new_path
3. rerun virtualenv, it should complete cleanly after installing setuptools and pip
1.5 ~~~ * Add support for PyPy.1.10 (2013-07-23) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support for PyPy3k * Added the option to use a version number with the ``-p`` option to get the system copy of that Python version (Windows only)
With your help, I have some new questions as follows.
(1) I check the VirtualEnv version list and the 1.11.6 is the latest by this URL. There is no newer version than that. It means that 1.11.6 version is the newest and no versions can support pypy-2.4.0.(2) Then I keep the complete file of Pypy-2.4.0 as an old path and build a new file to copy the directories lib_pypy and lib-python into the new file.(3) And I use the command "virtualenv -p \path\to\oldfile\pypy.exe \path\to\newfile". As the pictures below, please allow me to explain them.[3-1] I already install python2.7 and virtualenv 1.11.6.[3-2] I put a complete pypy-2.4.0 programs in file "e:\Python27\Scripts\pypy-2.4.0-win32" as an old path. The Picture below presents this.
(3-2 Picture)[3-3] I build a new file named "VirtualenvPypy" and copy the directories lib_pypy & lib-python from file "pypy-2.4.0-win32" to new file "VirtualenvPypy". The Picture below presents this.
(3-3 Picture)[3-4] Finally, I use the command as below. The two Pictures below present this. In (3-4 Picture B), the red one is old path and the blue one new path. If my command is wrong, you can help me to revise it.
(3-4 Picture A)
(3-4 Picture B)(4) The command is failed. And I guess the intention to appointing pypy.exe as a default interpret may be not available to the Windows 7/8 versions and Pypy-2.4.0. I still worry a truth that a lot of materials in foreign or domestic forums are about pypy-2.4.0 with VirtualEnv in Linux such as CentOs. I really doubt my idea of installing pypy-2.4.0 in virtualenv with Windows 7/8 is correct. All pictures are uploaded as attachments.
綜上版本1.11.x不夠用,因此這封郵件一直沒有獲得回覆。直到。。。今天晚上Armin Rigo答覆並提醒最新virtualenv已經發布。
I see that the current virtualenv version is now 12.0.5 ( I assume that this means that the fixes Matti talks about are now officially part of it. Can you try again with this version 12.0.5?
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