function sandwichMaker(magicIngredient){ function make(filling){ return magicIngredient +" and "+filling; } return make; } var hamAnd=sandwichMaker("ham"); hamAnd("cheese");//"ham and cheese" hamAnd("mustard");//"ham and mustard" var turkeyAnd=sandwichMaker("turkey"); turkeyAnd("Swiss");//"turkey and Swiss" turkeyAnd("Provolone");//"turkey and Provolone"
function box(){ var val=undefined; return { set:function(newVal){val=newVal}, get:function(){return val}, type:function(){return typeof val} } } var b=new box(); b.type();//"undefined" b.set(98.6); b.get();//98.6 b.type();"number"
function f(){return "global";} function test(x){ function f(){return "local"} var result=[]; if(x){ result.push(f()); } result.push(f()); return result; } test(true);//["local", "local"] test(false);//["local"]
function f(){return "global";} function test(x){ var result=[]; if(x){ function f(){return "local";} result.push(f()); } result.push(f()); return result; } test(true);//["local", "local"] test(false);//f is not a function
function f(){return "global";} function test(x){ var g=f,result=[]; if(x){ g= function (){return "local";} result.push(g()); } result.push(g()); return result; } test(true);//["local", "local"] test(false);//["global"]
var x="global"; function test(){ var x="local"; var f=eval; return f("x"); } test();//"global"