
問題描述:服務器(host)關機重啓後實例的Powerstate可能會變成shutdown而後實例沒法用nova命令或從dashboard啓動。 node

解決方法: 服務器

If you use kvm(libvirt), you can logon the compute node. 
use "virsh list --all" list all your no-running vm. For example, there is 
an instance name "instance-00000001", you cannot reboot using nova command 
because it attached block disk. You need do: 
1. virsh undefine instance-0000001 
2. goto the instances dir(default 
/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-00000001), run "virsh define libvirt.xml" 
3. then "virsh start instance-00000001", it can be started now/ 
4. then you should update information about "instances" and "volumes" table 
in nova db. I think you already done it. 
5. then you can "reboot" use nova-client or in dashboard.  spa

注:上面的方法通常是能夠的,不過有時候使用了上面的方法後在dashboard裏看到的power state仍是shutdown,這時能夠在dashboard裏soft reboot一下就能夠了 orm

摘自:http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openstack/dev/21524 xml
