gollum是一個基於git的,解析markdown文件的wiki系統;gollum項目託管在github上:gollum (https://github.com/gollum/gollum),項目的wiki地址:https://github.com/gollum/gollum/wiki github的wiki聽說也是基於gollum搭建的;沒確認;css
yum -y install ruby ruby-devel rubygems make gcc libxml2-devel libxslt-devel git libicu-devel
ruby版本建議在2.0+; git最好用最新版吧; 2. 安裝gollumgithub
gem install gollum
中文目錄/文件名問題解決 注意:建議安裝 Rugged;這個是gollum所須要的git adapter ;默認的git adapter 是grit;但實際在用這個適配器的時候,會發現這個適配器不支持中文文件名、目錄的問題;使用 rugged是沒有問題的;web
gem install gollum-rugged_adapter
--adapter rugged
gollum --port 4567 --adapter rugged --no-edit --base-path /wiki
Option | Arguments | Description |
--host | [HOST] | Specify the hostname or IP address to listen on. Default: |
--port | [PORT] | Specify the port to bind Gollum with. Default: 4567. |
--config | [FILE] | Specify path to Gollum's configuration file. |
--ref | [REF] | Specify the git branch to serve. Default: master. |
--adapter | [ADAPTER] | Launch Gollum using a specific git adapter. Default: grit |
--bare | none | Tell Gollum that the git repository should be treated as bare. This is only necessary when using the default grit adapter. |
--base-path | [PATH] | Specify the leading portion of all Gollum URLs (path info). Setting this to /wiki will make the wiki accessible under http://localhost:4567/wiki/. Default: /. |
--page-file-dir | [PATH] | Specify the subdirectory for all pages. If set, Gollum will only serve pages from this directory and its subdirectories. Default: repository root. |
--css | none | Tell Gollum to inject custom CSS into each page. Uses custom.css from repository root |
--js | none | Tell Gollum to inject custom JS into each page. Uses custom.js from repository root |
--emoji | none | Parse and interpret emoji tags (e.g. :heart:). |
--no-edit | none | Disable the feature of editing pages. |
--live-preview | none | Enable the live preview feature in page editor. |
--no-live-preview | none | Disable the live preview feature in page editor. |
--allow-uploads | [MODE] | Enable file uploads. If set to dir, Gollum will store all uploads in the /uploads/ directory in repository root. If set to page, Gollum will store each upload at the currently edited |
--mathjax | none | Enables MathJax (renders mathematical equations). By default, uses the TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML config with the autoload-all extension |
--irb | none | Launch Gollum in "console mode", with a predefined API. |
--h1-title | none | Tell Gollum to use the first <h1> as page title. |
--show-all | none | Tell Gollum to also show files in the file view. By default, only valid pages are shown. |
--collapse-tree | none | Tell Gollum to collapse the file tree, when the file view is opened. By default, the tree is expanded. |
--user-icons | [MODE] | Tell Gollum to use specific user icons for history view. Can be set to gravatar, identicon or none. Default: none. |
--mathjax-config | [FILE] | Specify path to a custom MathJax configuration. If not specified, uses the mathjax.config.js file from repository root. |
--template-dir | [PATH] | Specify custom mustache template directory. |
--help | none | Display the list of options on the command line. |
--version | none | Display the current version of Gollum. |