difference between abstract class & interface?數據庫
what is OOP?bootstrap
1. bootstrap的grid system併發
2. jQuery的deferred object和promised,適用場景和技術,選擇器。框架
3. JavaScript的對象和域。分佈式
1. Any knowledge about design pattern? 觀察者模型?實現singleton。spa
1. coding problem, find element in rotated sorted array, e.g. find 1 in [5,6,7,0,1,2,3,4]
def find_dup(A, target): len_a = len(A) if len_a < 1: return False if len_a == 1: return A[0] == target left, right = 0, len_a - 1 while left < right: mid = left + (right - left) / 2 if target == A[mid] or target == A[left] or target == A[right]: return True # mid/left/right is the index if A[mid] > A[left]: # left-mid is sorted if A[left] < target < A[mid]: # target between left and mid right = mid - 1 else: left = mid + 1 else: # mid-right is sorted if A[mid] < target < A[right]: left = mid + 1 else: right = mid - 1 return False
2. system design, booking system
3. database and SQL, anything about No-SQL?
4. 高併發系統設計?12306?
hashtable,hashmap和concurrent hashmap?