But! 正所謂「巧婦難爲無米之炊」,沒有相應的日曆數據,怎麼畫日曆!So, let's do it first.android
export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { calendarData: this._genCalendarData() }; } _genCalendarData({fullDateRange, availableDateRange, maxDays}) { let startDate, endDate, availableStartDate, availableEndDate; // if the exact dateRange is given, use availableDateRange; or render [today, today + maxDays] if(fullDateRange) { [startDate, endDate] = fullDateRange; [availableStartDate, availableEndDate] = availableDateRange; } else { const today = Helper.parseDate(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'); availableStartDate = today; availableEndDate = Helper.addDay(today, maxDays); startDate = new Date(new Date(today).setDate(1)); endDate = Helper.getLastDayOfMonth(availableEndDate.getFullYear(), availableEndDate.getMonth()); } // TODO: realize _genDayData function return this._genDayData({startDate, endDate, availableStartDate, availableEndDate}); } // ... }
const DAY_STATUS = { NONE: 0, SINGLE_CHOSEN: 1, RANGE_BEGIN_CHOSEN: 2, RANGE_MIDDLE_CHOSEN: 3, RANGE_END_CHOSEN: 4 }; _genDayData({startDate, endDate, availableStartDate, availableEndDate}) { let result = {}, curDate = new Date(startDate); while(curDate <= endDate) { // use `year-month` as the unique identifier const identifier = Helper.formatDate(curDate, 'yyyy-MM'); // if it is the first day of a month, init it with an array // Note: there are maybe several empty days at the first of each month if(!result[identifier]) { result[identifier] = [...(new Array(curDate.getDay() % 7).fill({}))]; } // save each day's data into result result[identifier].push({ date: curDate, status: DAY_STATUS.NONE, available: (curDate >= availableStartDate && curDate <= availableEndDate) }); // curDate + 1 curDate = Helper.addDay(curDate, 1); } // there are several empty days in each month Object.keys(result).forEach(key => { const len = result[key].length; result[key].push(...(new Array((7 - len % 7) % 7).fill({}))); }); return result; }
生成日曆數據就這樣大功告成啦,貌似還挺容易的嘛~ 咱們來打個log看看長什麼樣:
export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { // ... _renderHeader() { const {headerContainerStyle, headerTextStyle} = this.props; return ( <View style={[styles.headerContainer, headerContainerStyle]}> {['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'].map(item => ( <Text key={item} style={[styles.headerText, headerTextStyle]}>{item}</Text> ))} </View> ); } _renderBody() { const {calendarData} = this.state; return ( <ScrollView> {Object .keys(calendarData) .map((key, index) => this._renderMonth({identifier: key, data: calendarData[key], index})) } </ScrollView> ); } _renderMonth({identifier, data, index}) { return [ this._renderMonthHeader({identifier}), this._renderMonthBody({identifier, data, index}) ]; } _renderMonthHeader({identifier}) { const {monthHeaderStyle, renderMonthHeader} = this.props; const [year, month] = identifier.split('-'); return ( <View key={`month-header-${identifier}`}> {renderMonthHeader ? renderMonthHeader(identifier) : <Text style={[styles.monthHeaderText, monthHeaderStyle]}>{`${parseInt(year)}年${parseInt(month)}月`}</Text> } </View> ); } _renderMonthBody({identifier, data, index}) { return ( <FlatList ref={_ => this._refs['months'][index] = _} data={data} numColumns={7} bounces={false} key={`month-body-${identifier}`} keyExtractor={(item, index) => index} renderItem={({item, index}) => this._renderDay(item, index)} /> ); } _renderDay(item, index) { const { renderDay, dayTextStyle, selectedDayTextStyle, dayContainerStyle, singleDayContainerStyle, beginDayContainerStyle, middleDayContainerStyle, endDayContainerStyle } = this.props; let usedDayTextStyle = [styles.dayText, dayTextStyle]; let usedDayContainerStyle = [styles.dayContainer, dayContainerStyle]; if(item.status !== DAY_STATUS.NONE) { const containerStyleMap = { 1: [styles.singleDayContainer, singleDayContainerStyle], 2: [styles.beginDayContainer, beginDayContainerStyle], 3: [styles.middleDayContainer, middleDayContainerStyle], 4: [styles.endDayContainer, endDayContainerStyle] }; usedDayTextStyle.push(styles.selectedDayText, selectedDayTextStyle); usedDayContainerStyle.push(...(containerStyleMap[item.status] || {})); } return ( <View key={`day-${index}`} style={{flex: 1}}> {renderDay ? renderDay(item, index) : <View style={usedDayContainerStyle}> {item.date && ( <Text style={[...usedDayTextStyle, !item.available && {opacity: .6}]}> {item.date.getDate()} </Text> )} </View> } </View> ); } render() { const {style} = this.props; return ( <View style={[styles.container, style]}> {this._renderHeader()} {this._renderBody()} </View> ); } }
呼~ 長吁一口氣,萬里長征終於邁出了第一步,接下來就是要實現拖拽了。而要實現拖拽,咱們能夠經過大體如下流程:
export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { constructor(props) { // ... this._monthRefs = []; this._dayLayouts = {}; } componentDidMount() { Helper.waitFor(0).then(() => this._genLayouts()); } _getRefLayout(ref) { return new Promise(resolve => { UIManager.measure(findNodeHandle(ref), (x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) => { resolve({x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY}); }); }); } _genDayLayout(identifier, layout) { // according to the identifier, find the month data from calendarData const monthData = this.state.calendarData[identifier]; // extract info from layout, and calculate the width and height for each day item const {x, y, width, height} = layout; const ITEM_WIDTH = width / 7, ITEM_HEIGHT = height / (monthData.length / 7); // calculate the layout for each day item const dayLayouts = {}; monthData.forEach((data, index) => { if(data.date) { dayLayouts[Helper.formatDate(data.date, 'yyyy-MM-dd')] = { x: x + (index % 7) * ITEM_WIDTH, y: y + parseInt(index / 7) * ITEM_HEIGHT, width: ITEM_WIDTH, height: ITEM_HEIGHT }; } }); // save dayLayouts into this._layouts.days Object.assign(this._dayLayouts, dayLayouts); } _genLayouts() { // after rendering scrollView and months, generates the layout params for each day item. Promise .all(this._monthRefs.map(ref => this._getRefLayout(ref))) .then((monthLayouts) => { // according to the month's layout, calculate each day's layout monthLayouts.forEach((monthLayout, index) => { this._genDayLayout(Object.keys(this.state.calendarData).sort()[index], monthLayout); }); console.log(Object.keys(this._dayLayouts).map(key => this._dayLayouts[key].y)); }); } _renderMonthBody({identifier, data, index}) { return ( <FlatList ref={_ => this._monthRefs[index] = _} data={data} numColumns={7} bounces={false} key={`month-body-${identifier}`} keyExtractor={(item, index) => index} renderItem={({item, index}) => this._renderDay(item, index)} /> ); } // ... }
export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { constructor(props) { // ... this._scrollY = 0; this._panResponder = {}; this._onScroll = this._onScroll.bind(this); } componentWillMount() { this._initPanResponder(); } _initPanResponder() { // TODO } _genDraggableAreaStyle(date) { if(!date) { return null; } else { if(Helper.isEmptyObject(this._dayLayouts)) { return null; } else { const {x, y, width, height} = this._dayLayouts[Helper.formatDate(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd')]; return {left: x, top: y - this._scrollY, width, height}; } } } _onScroll(e) { this._scrollY = Helper.getValue(e, 'nativeEvent:contentOffset:y', this._scrollY); clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); this.updateTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.forceUpdate(); }, 100); } _renderBody() { const {calendarData} = this.state; return ( <View style={styles.bodyContainer}> <ScrollView scrollEventThrottle={1} onScroll={this._onScroll}> {Object .keys(calendarData) .map((key, index) => this._renderMonth({identifier: key, data: calendarData[key], index})) } </ScrollView> {this._renderDraggableArea()} </View> ); } _renderDraggableArea() { const {startDate, endDate} = this.state; if(!startDate || !endDate) { return null; } else { const isSingleChosen = startDate.getTime() === endDate.getTime(); return [ <View key={'drag-start'} {...this._panResponder.panHandlers} style={[styles.dragContainer, this._genDraggableAreaStyle(startDate)]} />, <View key={'drag-end'} {...this._panResponder.panHandlers} style={[styles.dragContainer, this._genDraggableAreaStyle(endDate), isSingleChosen && {height: 0}]} /> ]; } } // ... }
export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { constructor(props) { // ... this.state = { startDate: new Date(2018, 5, 7, 0, 0, 0), endDate: new Date(2018, 5, 10, 0, 0, 0), calendarData: this._genCalendarData({fullDateRange, availableDateRange, maxDays}) }; this._touchPoint = {}; this._onPanGrant = this._onPanGrant.bind(this); this._onPanMove = this._onPanMove.bind(this); this._onPanRelease = this._onPanRelease.bind(this); } _initPanResponder() { this._panResponder = PanResponder.create({ onStartShouldSetPanResponder: () => true, onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: () => true, onPanResponderGrant: this._onPanGrant, onPanResponderMove: this._onPanMove, onPanResponderRelease: this._onPanRelease }); } _onPanGrant(evt) { // save the initial position const {locationX, locationY} = evt.nativeEvent; this._touchPoint.x = locationX; this._touchPoint.y = locationY; } _onPanMove(evt, gesture) { // save the delta offset const {dx, dy} = gesture; this._touchPoint.dx = dx; this._touchPoint.dy = dy; // console for test console.log('(x, y):', this._touchPoint.x + dx, this._touchPoint.y + dy); } _onPanRelease() { // clear the saved info this._touchPoint = {}; } // ... }
咦~ 怎麼console獲得的值看起來好像不太對。打印出來的(x, y)像是相對draggableArea的座標,而不是整個ScrollView的座標。不過這也好辦,由於咱們知道draggableArea的left和top值,因此加上就行了。咱們能夠在onTouchStart這個函數中作這件事,同時還能夠區分當前手指觸摸的是選中時間範圍內的第一天仍是最後一天。代碼以下:
export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { constructor(props) { // ... this._pressEnd = false; this._pressStart = false; } _onTouchStart(type, date) { const pressMap = {start: '_pressStart', end: '_pressEnd'}; this[pressMap[type]] = true; if(this._pressStart || this._pressEnd) { const dateStr = Helper.formatDate(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd'); this._touchPoint.x += Helper.getValue(this, `_dayLayouts:${dateStr}:x`, 0); this._touchPoint.y += Helper.getValue(this, `_dayLayouts:${dateStr}:y`, 0); } } _renderDraggableArea() { const {startDate, endDate} = this.state; if(!startDate || !endDate) { return null; } else { const isSingleChosen = startDate.getTime() === endDate.getTime(); return [ <View key={'drag-start'} {...this._panResponder.panHandlers} onTouchStart={() => this._onTouchStart('start', startDate)} style={[styles.dragContainer, this._genDraggableAreaStyle(startDate)]} />, <View key={'drag-end'} {...this._panResponder.panHandlers} onTouchStart={() => this._onTouchStart('end', endDate)} style={[styles.dragContainer, this._genDraggableAreaStyle(endDate), isSingleChosen && {height: 0}]} /> ]; } } // ... }
// Helper.js export const Helper = { // ... positionToDate(position, dayLayouts) { let date = null; Object.keys(dayLayouts).forEach(key => { const {x, y} = position, layout = dayLayouts[key]; if( x >= layout.x && x <= layout.x + layout.width && y >= layout.y && y <= layout.y + layout.height ) { date = Helper.parseDate(key); } }); return date; } } // DraggableCalendar.js export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { // ... _onPanMove(evt, gesture) { // ... // for test console.log('cur date:', Helper.positionToDate({x: this._touchPoint.x + dx, y: this._touchPoint.y + dy}, this._dayLayouts)); } }
// Helper.js export const Helper = { getDayStatus(date, selectionRange = []) { let status = DAY_STATUS.NONE; const [startDate, endDate] = selectionRange; if(!startDate || !endDate) { return status; } if(startDate.getTime() === endDate.getTime()) { if(date.getTime() === startDate.getTime()) { return DAY_STATUS.SINGLE_CHOSEN; } } else { if(date.getTime() === startDate.getTime()) { return DAY_STATUS.RANGE_BEGIN_CHOSEN; } else if(date > startDate && date < endDate) { return DAY_STATUS.RANGE_MIDDLE_CHOSEN; } else if(date.getTime() === endDate.getTime()) { return DAY_STATUS.RANGE_END_CHOSEN; } } return status; } }; // DraggableCalendar.js export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { _updateDayStatus(selectionRange) { const {calendarData} = this.state; Object.keys(calendarData).forEach(key => { // set a flag: if status has changed, it means this month should be re-rendered. let hasChanged = false; calendarData[key].forEach(dayData => { if(dayData.date) { const newDayStatus = Helper.getDayStatus(dayData.date, selectionRange); if(dayData.status !== newDayStatus) { hasChanged = true; dayData.status = newDayStatus; } } }); // as monthBody is FlatList, the data should be two objects. Or it won't be re-rendered if(hasChanged) { calendarData[key] = Object.assign([], calendarData[key]); } }); this.setState({calendarData}); } _updateSelection() { const {x, dx, y, dy} = this._touchPoint; const touchingDate = Helper.positionToDate({x: x + dx, y: y + dy}, this._dayLayouts); // if touchingDate doesn't exist, return if(!touchingDate) return; // generates new selection dateRange let newSelection = [], {startDate, endDate} = this.state; if(this._pressStart && touchingDate.getTime() !== startDate.getTime()) { if(touchingDate <= endDate) { newSelection = [touchingDate, endDate]; } else { this._pressStart = false; this._pressEnd = true; newSelection = [endDate, touchingDate]; } } else if(this._pressEnd && touchingDate.getTime() !== endDate.getTime()) { if(touchingDate >= startDate) { newSelection = [startDate, touchingDate]; } else { this._pressStart = true; this._pressEnd = false; newSelection = [touchingDate, startDate]; } } // if selection dateRange changes, update it if(newSelection.length > 0) { this._updateDayStatus(newSelection); this.setState({startDate: newSelection[0], endDate: newSelection[1]}); } } _onPanMove(evt, gesture) { // ... this._updateSelection(); } }
因此,咱們能夠換個思路~ month不是每次都會DomDiff嗎?不要緊,我把month中的子組件封裝成PureComponent,這樣子組件的DomDiff過程是會被優化掉的。因此,即便每次渲染month,也會大大減小無謂的DomDiff操做。而_renderMonthBody用的是FlatList,這已是純組件了,因此已經起到必定的優化效果,否則_renderDay的觸發次數會更多。所以,咱們要作的只是把_renderMonthHeader改形成純組件就行了。來看看代碼:
// MonthHeader.js export class MonthHeader extends PureComponent { render() { const {identifier, monthHeaderTextStyle, renderMonthHeader} = this.props; const [year, month] = identifier.split('-'); return ( <View> {renderMonthHeader ? renderMonthHeader(identifier) : <Text style={[styles.monthHeaderText, monthHeaderTextStyle]}> {`${parseInt(year)}年${parseInt(month)}月`} </Text> } </View> ); } } // DraggableCalendar.js export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { // ... _renderMonthHeader({identifier}) { const {monthHeaderTextStyle, renderMonthHeader} = this.props; return ( <MonthHeader key={identifier} identifier={identifier} monthHeaderTextStyle={monthHeaderTextStyle} renderMonthHeader={renderMonthHeader} /> ); } }
上面的例子已經證實PureComponent是再好不過的優化利器了~ 因此,咱們繼續把_renderDay改形成純組件,來看代碼:
// Day.js export class Day extends PureComponent { _genStyle() { const { data, dayTextStyle, selectedDayTextStyle, dayContainerStyle, singleDayContainerStyle, beginDayContainerStyle, middleDayContainerStyle, endDayContainerStyle } = this.props; const usedDayTextStyle = [styles.dayText, dayTextStyle]; const usedDayContainerStyle = [styles.dayContainer, dayContainerStyle]; if(data.status !== DAY_STATUS.NONE) { const containerStyleMap = { 1: [styles.singleDayContainer, singleDayContainerStyle], 2: [styles.beginDayContainer, beginDayContainerStyle], 3: [styles.middleDayContainer, middleDayContainerStyle], 4: [styles.endDayContainer, endDayContainerStyle] }; usedDayTextStyle.push(styles.selectedDayText, selectedDayTextStyle); usedDayContainerStyle.push(...(containerStyleMap[data.status] || {})); } return {usedDayTextStyle, usedDayContainerStyle}; } render() { const {data, renderDay} = this.props; const {usedDayTextStyle, usedDayContainerStyle} = this._genStyle(); return ( <View style={{flex: 1}}> {renderDay ? renderDay(data) : <View style={usedDayContainerStyle}> {data.date && ( <Text style={[...usedDayTextStyle, !data.available && {opacity: .6}]}> {data.date.getDate()} </Text> )} </View> } </View> ); } } // DraggableCalendar.js export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { // ... _renderDay(item, index) { const styleKeys = [ 'dayTextStyle', 'selectedDayTextStyle', 'dayContainerStyle', 'singleDayContainerStyle', 'beginDayContainerStyle', 'middleDayContainerStyle', 'endDayContainerStyle' ]; return ( <Day key={`day-${index}`} data={item} status={item.status} {...styleKeys.map(key => this.props[key])} /> ); } }
這時之前學的算法是終於有用武之地了,哈哈~ 因爲日曆中的日期排版頗有規律,從左到右看,都是遞增的;從上到下看,也是遞增的。so~ 咱們能夠用二分查找來減小這個查找次數,將時間複雜度降到O(nlog2)。不過,在這個case中,咱們應當如何使用二分呢?
思路已經有了,但是咱們的this._dayLayouts是一個對象,無法操做。因此,咱們須要作一層轉換,姑且就叫索引吧,這樣顯得洋氣~~~ 來看代碼:
// Helper.js export const Helper = { // ... arrayTransform(arr = []) { if(arr.length === 0) return []; let result = [[]], lastY = arr[0].y; for(let i = 0, count = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if(arr[i].y === lastY) { result[count].push(arr[i]); } else { lastY = arr[i].y; result[++count] = [arr[i]]; } } return result; }, buildIndexItem({identifier, dayLayouts, left, right}) { const len = dayLayouts.length; return { identifier, boundary: { left, right, upper: dayLayouts[0].y, lower: dayLayouts[len - 1].y + dayLayouts[len - 1].height }, dayLayouts: Helper.arrayTransform(dayLayouts.map((item, index) => { const date = `${identifier}-${index + 1}`; if(index === 0){ return Object.assign({date}, item, {x: left, width: item.x + item.width - left}); } else if (index === len - 1) { return Object.assign({date}, item, {width: right - item.x}); } else { return Object.assign({date}, item); } })) }; } }; // DraggableCalendar.js export class DraggableCalendar extends Component { constructor(props) { // ... this._dayLayoutsIndex = []; } _genDayLayout(identifier, layout) { // ... // build the index for days' layouts to speed up transforming (x, y) to date this._dayLayoutsIndex.push(Helper.buildIndexItem({ identifier, left: x, right: x + width, dayLayouts: Object.keys(dayLayouts).map(key => dayLayouts[key]) })); } // ... }
// Helper.js export const Helper = { binarySearch(data=[], comparedObj, comparedFunc) { let start = 0; let end = data.length - 1; let middle; let compareResult; while(start <= end) { middle = Math.floor((start + end) / 2); compareResult = comparedFunc(data[middle], comparedObj); if(compareResult < 0) { end = middle - 1; } else if(compareResult === 0) { return data[middle]; } else { start = middle + 1; } } return undefined; }, positionToDate(position, dayLayoutsIndex) { // 1. use binary search to find the monthIndex const monthData = Helper.binarySearch(dayLayoutsIndex, position, (cur, compared) => { if(compared.y < cur.boundary.upper) { return -1; } else if(compared.y > cur.boundary.lower) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); // 2. use binary search to find the rowData if(monthData === undefined) return null; const rowData = Helper.binarySearch(monthData.dayLayouts, position, (cur, compared) => { if(compared.y < cur[0].y) { return -1; } else if(compared.y > cur[0].y + cur[0].height) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); // 3. use binary search to find the result if(rowData === undefined) return null; const result = Helper.binarySearch(rowData, position, (cur, compared) => { if(compared.x < cur.x) { return -1; } else if(compared.x > cur.x + cur.width) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); // 4. return the final result return result !== undefined ? Helper.parseDate(result.date) : null; } // ... };
啊哈~ 簡直是文美~ 再看看手指拖拽時的效果,絲毫沒有卡頓感,媽媽不再用擔憂RN在android上的性能效果啦~
費了那麼大勁兒,又是封裝組件,又是優化性能的,如今終於能夠能派上用場啦~ 爲了應對產品變化無窮的需求,咱們早就對日曆的樣式作了可配置化。
看着眼前的這個demo,也算是收穫不小,既接觸了RN的手勢系統,還漲了一波組件的優化經驗,甚至還用到了二分查找~ 嘿嘿嘿,美滋滋~