.NET Framework爲上述目的提供了集合類,它們位於System.Collections.ObjectModel命名空間下。這些代理或包裝類類經過在擴展類實現所需的方法從而實現了ILIst<T>或IDictionary<TKey,TValue>類。每一個Add,Remove和Clear操做都被標記爲虛方法,從而當它們被重寫時能夠充當一個入口的做用。函數
public class Collection<T>: IList<T>, IList, IReadOnlyList<T> { IList<T> items; protected IList<T> Items { get { return items; } } // ... protected virtual void ClearItems() { items.Clear(); } protected virtual void InsertItem(int index, T item) { items.Insert(index, item); } protected virtual void RemoveItem(int index) { items.RemoveAt(index); } protected virtual void SetItem(int index, T item) { items[index] = item; } //... }
public class Animal { public string Name; public int Popularity; public Animal (string name, int popularity) { Name = name; Popularity = popularity; } } public class AnimalCollection : Collection <Animal> { // AnimalCollection is already a fully functioning list of animals. // No extra code is required. } public class Zoo // The class that will expose AnimalCollection. { // This would typically have additional members. public readonly AnimalCollection Animals = new AnimalCollection(); } class Program { static void Main() { Zoo zoo = new Zoo(); zoo.Animals.Add (new Animal ("Kangaroo", 10)); zoo.Animals.Add (new Animal ("Mr Sea Lion", 20)); foreach (Animal a in zoo.Animals) Console.WriteLine (a.Name); } }
public class Animal { public string Name; public int Popularity; public Zoo Zoo { get; internal set; } public Animal(string name, int popularity) { Name = name; Popularity = popularity; } } public class AnimalCollection : Collection <Animal> { Zoo zoo; public AnimalCollection (Zoo zoo) { this.zoo = zoo; } protected override void InsertItem (int index, Animal item) { base.InsertItem (index, item); item.Zoo = zoo; } protected override void SetItem (int index, Animal item) { base.SetItem (index, item); item.Zoo = zoo; } protected override void RemoveItem (int index) { this [index].Zoo = null; base.RemoveItem (index); } protected override void ClearItems() { foreach (Animal a in this) a.Zoo = null; base.ClearItems(); } } public class Zoo { public readonly AnimalCollection Animals; public Zoo() { Animals = new AnimalCollection (this); } }
CollectionBase是非generic的Collection<T>,它在.NET Framework 1.0中就已經存在。它提供了與Collection<T>大多數功能,可是它使用起來很是笨拙。在CollectionBase類中,沒有IntertItem, RemoveITem, SetITem和ClearItem方法,取代它們的是OnInsert, OnInsertComplete, OnSet, OnSetComplete, OnRemove, OnRemoveComplete, OnClear和OnClearComplete方法。由於CollectionBase是非generic的,當你繼承該類時,你必須實現類型化的方法--至少,須要一個類型化的索引器和類型化的Add方法。
public Collection() { items = new List<T>(); } public Collection(IList<T> list) { if (list == null) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.list); } items = list; }
protected KeyedCollection(): this(null, defaultThreshold) {} protected KeyedCollection(IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer): this(comparer, defaultThreshold) {} protected KeyedCollection(IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, int dictionaryCreationThreshold) { if (comparer == null) { comparer = EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default; } if (dictionaryCreationThreshold == -1) { dictionaryCreationThreshold = int.MaxValue; } if( dictionaryCreationThreshold < -1) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument.dictionaryCreationThreshold, ExceptionResource.ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidThreshold); } this.comparer = comparer; this.threshold = dictionaryCreationThreshold; }
public abstract class KeyedCollection <TKey, TItem> : Collection <TItem> // ... protected abstract TKey GetKeyForItem(TItem item); protected void ChangeItemKey(TItem item, TKey newKey); // Fast lookup by key - this is in addition to lookup by index. public TItem this[TKey key] { get; } protected IDictionary<TKey, TItem> Dictionary { get; } }
GetKeyFromItem是抽象方法,由具體的實現類實現。當元素的鍵屬性發生變化時,必須調用ChangeItemKey方法,以更新內部的字典實例(Dictionary<TKey,TItem> dict;)。Dictionary屬性返回用於實現查詢的內部字典實例,該實例在向集合中插入第一個元素時自動建立。該行爲能夠經過構造器函數中的threshold參數來改變,若是執行了threshold,那麼只有當達到臨界點以後,纔會建立內部的字典實例。而不指定建立臨界點的好處是對於經過Dictionary屬性的Keys屬性,獲取ICollection的鍵而言,有一個有效的字典會很是有用。那麼,該集合就能夠做爲一個公開的屬性傳遞給調用者。
public class Animal { string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { if (Zoo != null) Zoo.Animals.NotifyNameChange (this, value); name = value; } } public int Popularity; public Zoo Zoo { get; internal set; } public Animal (string name, int popularity) { Name = name; Popularity = popularity; } } public class AnimalCollection : KeyedCollection <string, Animal> { Zoo zoo; public AnimalCollection (Zoo zoo) { this.zoo = zoo; } internal void NotifyNameChange (Animal a, string newName) { this.ChangeItemKey (a, newName); } protected override string GetKeyForItem (Animal item) { return item.Name; } // The following methods would be implemented as in the previous example protected override void InsertItem (int index, Animal item)... protected override void SetItem (int index, Animal item)... protected override void RemoveItem (int index)... protected override void ClearItems()... } public class Zoo { public readonly AnimalCollection Animals; public Zoo() { Animals = new AnimalCollection (this); } } class Program { static void Main() { Zoo zoo = new Zoo(); zoo.Animals.Add (new Animal ("Kangaroo", 10)); zoo.Animals.Add (new Animal ("Mr Sea Lion", 20)); Console.WriteLine (zoo.Animals [0].Popularity); // 10 Console.WriteLine (zoo.Animals ["Mr Sea Lion"].Popularity); // 20 zoo.Animals ["Kangaroo"].Name = "Mr Roo"; Console.WriteLine (zoo.Animals ["Mr Roo"].Popularity); // 10 } }
KeyedCollection的非generic的版本是DictionaryBase類。該歷史類的方法與之有很大不一樣。與CollectionBase同樣,它也是經過笨拙的鉤子方式實現了IDictionary,這些鉤子方法是:OnInsert, OnInsertComplete, OnSet, OnSetComplete, OnRemove, OnRemoveComplete, OnClear和OnClearComplete方法。採用KeyedCollection方式實現IDictonary的好處是,你不須要子類來實現經過鍵獲取元素。而DictionaryBase存在的目的就是爲了建立子類,因此Dinctionary根本沒有任何優勢。正是由於這點,在後續的Framwork版本中才引入了KeyedCollection。因此若是你的程序須要保證對之前系統的兼容性,那麼使用DictionaryBase類;不然使用KeyedCollection類。
public class Test { public List<string> Names { get; private set; } }
public class Test { List<string> names; public ReadOnlyCollection<string> Names { get; private set; } public Test() { names = new List<string>(); Names = new ReadOnlyCollection<string> (names); } public void AddInternally() { names.Add ("test"); } }
Test t = new Test(); Console.WriteLine (t.Names.Count); // 0 t.AddInternally(); Console.WriteLine (t.Names.Count); // 1 t.Names.Add ("test"); // Compiler error ((IList<string>) t.Names).Add ("test"); // NotSupportedException