知識點: 理解WebSocket心跳及重連機制web
let ws = null, wsUrl = "ws://xxx/rest/api/websocket", lockReconnect = false, tt = null, that = this; function MonitorWebSocket(wsUrl){ this.timeout = 3000; this.timeoutObj = null; this.serverTimeoutObj= null; try { ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl); this.init(wsUrl); } catch(e) { console.log('catch'); this.reconnect(wsUrl); } } MonitorWebSocket.prototype.init = function (wsUrl) { ws.onopen = () => { //心跳檢測重置 that.navigatorStatus() // console.log("client:打開鏈接-心跳檢測開啓"); this.heartCheckStart(); }; ws.onmessage = e => { // 拿到任何消息都說明當前鏈接是正常的 // console.info('onmessage---->接收到消息'); this.heartCheckStart(); that.list = JSON.parse(e.data).data; that.list.todayData && that.$emit("changePointStatus",that.list.todayData) }; ws.onclose = params => { // console.log('連接關閉'); this.reconnect(wsUrl); }; ws.onerror = function(e) { // console.log('發生異常了'); this.reconnect(wsUrl); }; } MonitorWebSocket.prototype.reconnect = function(wsUrl) { if(lockReconnect) { return; }; lockReconnect = true; //沒鏈接上會一直重連,設置延遲避免請求過多 tt && clearTimeout(tt); tt = setTimeout(function () { (function(){ // console.info("從新鏈接") new MonitorWebSocket(wsUrl); })() lockReconnect = false; }, 5000); } MonitorWebSocket.prototype.heartCheckStart = function() { // console.log('心跳檢測開始'); this.timeoutObj && clearTimeout(this.timeoutObj); this.serverTimeoutObj && clearTimeout(this.serverTimeoutObj); this.timeoutObj = setTimeout(function(){ //這裏發送一個心跳,後端收到後,返回一個心跳消息, // console.log('啓動心跳'); ws.send("test"); this.serverTimeoutObj = setTimeout(function() { ws.close(); }, this.timeout); }, this.timeout) } let linkMarket = new MonitorWebSocket(wsUrl);
能夠經過 onclose事件監聽到。所以在onclose事件內,咱們能夠調用 reconnect事件進行重連操做。跨域
知識點: 網速測試方法得核心思想瀏覽器
let speed = { status: 3, }, that = this; function Network () { this.speedInterval = null; this.networkInterval = null; this.reNetworkInterval = null; this.time = 5000; this.speedStauts = null; this.getConnectState = function() { return navigator.onLine ? 1 : 0; } this.getSpeedStauts = function(){ return this.speedStauts; } } // 網絡速度檢測 Network.prototype.startSpeed = function (){ window.clearInterval(this.speedInterval); this.speedInterval = null; let that = this; if(this.getConnectState() == 1){ this.speedInterval = window.setInterval(function(){ let start = new Date().getTime(); if(that.getConnectState() == 1){ let img = document.getElementById("networkSpeedImage"); try{ img.src = "http://www.baidu.com/img/baidu_jgylogo3.gif?_t=" + new Date().getTime(); img.onload = function(){ let end = new Date().getTime(); let delta = end - start; console.info("delta====>",delta) if (delta > 200) { console.info("湊活") speed.status= 1; } else if (delta > 100) { speed.status = 2; } else { speed.status = 3; } console.info("statusSpeed====>",speed.status) } } catch { speed.status = 0; console.info("網絡斷開") } }else { speed.status = 0; console.info("網絡斷開2") } },this.time) }else { speed.status = 0; console.info("網絡斷開1") } } let netWork = new Network();
經過建立img對象,設置onload監聽回調,而後指定src, 一旦指定src,圖片資源就會加載,完成時onload回調就會調用,咱們能夠根據時機分別標記start和end。網絡