eclipse+MyEclipse+tomcat下配置創建J2EE開發環境 在配置完後,點擊Deploy MyEclipse J2EE project to Server...時想要用tomcat運行時會出現如下錯誤的提示: The selected server is enabled, but is not configured property, Deployment to it will not be permitted unitl the problem is corrected. Please navigate to the server prefence pages and verify the field with the prompt:Tomcat JDKname 解決的方法: 菜單window-->preferences-->Java-->installed jres 檢查一下jdk是指向什麼路徑,通常eclipse默認自帶的,新建一個,指向本身安裝的JDK目錄 而後在window-->preferences-->MyEclipse-->Applications Servers-->Tomcat 5-->JDK,在下拉框裏選擇剛剛新建的JDK名