linux平臺下要編譯安裝除gcc和gcc-c++以外,還須要兩個開發庫:bzip2-devel 和python-devel,所以在安裝前應該先保證這兩個庫已經安裝:html
而後是去官網下載源碼包, 地址#yum install gcc gcc-c++ bzip2 bzip2-devel bzip2-libs python-devel -y python
進入boost_1_50_0目錄:#tar xvzf boost_1_50_0.tar.gzlinux
#cd boost_1_50_0 c++
接下來就是編譯,重點關注是否編譯成功:#sh ./bootstrap.shapp
Building Boost.Build engine with toolset gcc... tools/build/v2/engine/bin.linuxx86_64/b2 Detecting Python version... 2.6 Detecting Python root... /usr Unicode/ICU support for Boost.Regex?... not found. Generating Boost.Build configuration in project-config.jam... Bootstrapping is done. To build, run: ./b2 To adjust configuration, edit 'project-config.jam'. Further information: - Command line help: ./b2 --help - Getting started guide: - Boost.Build documentation: ide
而後就是漫長的等待,若是最後出現:#./b2 ui
The Boost C++ Libraries were successfully built! The following directory should be added to compiler include paths: /home/gang/BAK/boost_1_50_0 The following directory should be added to linker library paths: /home/gang/BAK/boost_1_50_0/stage/lib unix
最後,sudo ./b2 install --prefix=/usr/local code
一、 boost中大部分庫是不用編譯成動態或者靜態連接庫。
二、 只有regex,thread等幾個庫比較麻煩一點.要編譯。
三、 若是用gcc編譯器-l指定動態連接庫的路徑,還要指定頭文件的路徑。
四、 或者連接的boost庫放到.c或.cpp以後,不然連接不能經過,編譯能夠經過。
以下所示:g++ -lz -lpthread hh.c -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread