- 下載對應平臺的libwebp
- 解壓獲得二進制文件,在bin目錄下(編程的使用include和lib目錄下的文件),如下是以windows 64bit爲例,摘自readme.txt。詳細的可使用
bin/cwebp.exe |
encoding tool |
bin/dwebp.exe |
decoding tool |
bin/gif2webp.exe |
gif conversion tool |
bin/vwebp.exe |
webp visualization tool |
bin/webpinfo.exe |
webp analysis tool |
lib/ |
static libraries |
include/webp |
headers |
test.webp |
a sample WebP file |
test_ref.ppm |
the test.webp file decoded into the PPM format |
- 其餘 --> webp:
cwebp [-preset <...>] [options] in_file [-o out_file]
- webp --> 其餘:
dwebp in_file [options] [-o out_file]
- 不指明格式默認轉成PNG格式
- webp文件名不能有空格
- 批量轉的話那就是腳本的事了,例如Python3腳本批量將webp轉png(轉換成png後再轉成其餘格式就很簡單了):
import os
import sys
decoder_path = r"path/to/dwebp.exe" # Windows10下其實也支持斜槓/路徑
webp_path = r"path/to/webp" # webp文件所在目錄,webp文件名不能有空格!
res_path = r"path/to/png_res" # 存儲轉換後圖片的目錄,假設是png
if not os.path.exists(res_path) :
for f in os.listdir(webp_path):
res_f = str(f).replace(".webp", ".png") # 若webp文件命名有特殊,這裏須要改改映射規則
cmd = "{0} {1} -o {2}".format(
decoder_path, os.path.join(webp_path, f), os.path.join(res_path, res_f))