// each post will have a title and category export interface Post { title: string; category: string; } // grouped posts by category export interface GroupPosts { category: string; posts: Post[]; }
[ { "title": "Functional Programming", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 Component Inheritance", "category": "NG2" }, { "title": "RxJS Operators", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 Http Module - HTTP", "category": "WEB" }, { "title": "RxJS Observable", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 AsyncPipe", "category": "NG2" } ]
import { Component, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject'; import { Post, GroupPosts } from './post.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-posts', template: ` <div class="list-group"> <div *ngFor="let group of groupPosts;" class="list-group-item"> <h4>{{ group.category }}</h4> <ul> <li *ngFor="let post of group.posts"> {{ post.title }} </li> </ul> <div> </div> ` }) export class PostsComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges { @Input() data: Post[]; groupPosts: GroupPosts[]; ngOnInit() {} ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { console.dir(changes); } groupByCategory(data: Post[]): GroupPosts[] { if (!data) return; // 獲取目錄名,使用ES6中Set進行去重處理 const categories = new Set(data.map(x => x.category)); // 從新生成二維數組,用於頁面顯示 const result = Array.from(categories).map(x => ({ category: x, posts: data.filter(post => post.category === x) })); return result; } }
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { Observer } from 'rxjs/Observer'; import { Post } from './post.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-bloggers', template: ` <h1>Posts by: {{ blogger }}</h1> <div> <exe-posts [data]="posts"></exe-posts> </div> ` }) export class BloggerComponent implements OnInit { blogger = 'Semlinker'; posts: Post[]; ngOnInit() { this.getPostsByBlogger() .subscribe(posts => this.posts = posts); } getPostsByBlogger(): Observable<Post[]> { return Observable.create((observer: Observer<Post[]>) => { setTimeout(() => { const posts = [ { "title": "Functional Programming", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 Component Inheritance", "category": "NG2" }, { "title": "RxJS Operators", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 Http Module - HTTP", "category": "WEB" }, { "title": "RxJS Observable", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 AsyncPipe", "category": "NG2" } ]; observer.next(posts); }, 2000); }) } }
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-app', template: ` <exe-bloggers></exe-bloggers> ` }) export class AppComponent {}
以上代碼運行完後,你會發現瀏覽器中只顯示 Posts by: Semlinker
使用 *ngIf
指令延遲 exe-posts 組件的初始化,須要調整的代碼以下:async
template: ` <h1>Posts by: {{ blogger }}</h1> <div *ngIf="posts"> <exe-posts [data]="posts"></exe-posts> </div> `
ngOnInit() { this.groupPosts = this.groupByCategory(this.data); }
當數據綁定輸入屬性的值發生變化的時候,Angular 將會主動調用 ngOnChanges() 方法。它會得到一個 SimpleChanges 對象,包含綁定屬性的新值和舊值,所以咱們能夠利用 ngOnChanges()
鉤子,執行 groupPosts 的數據初始化操做。須要調整的代碼以下:
1.移除 blogger.component.ts 組件模板中的 *ngIf
template: ` <h1>Posts by: {{ blogger }}</h1> <div> <exe-posts [data]="posts"></exe-posts> </div> `
2.更新 posts.component.ts
ngOnInit() { // this.groupPosts = this.groupByCategory(this.data); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { if (changes['data']) { this.groupPosts = this.groupByCategory(this.data); } }
咱們也能夠利用 RxJS 中 BehaviorSubject
來監測變化。須要注意的是,在使用 Observable 或 Subject 時,在不使用的時候,須要及時取消訂閱,以免出現內存泄露的問題。具體代碼以下:
import { Component, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/takeWhile'; import { Post, GroupPosts } from './post.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-posts', template: ` <div class="list-group"> <div *ngFor="let group of groupPosts;" class="list-group-item"> <h4>{{ group.category }}</h4> <ul> <li *ngFor="let post of group.posts"> {{ post.title }} </li> </ul> <div> </div> ` }) export class PostsComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges { private _data$ = new BehaviorSubject<Post[]>([]); @Input() set data(value: Post[]) { this._data$.next(value); } get data(): Post[] { return this._data$.getValue(); } groupPosts: GroupPosts[]; ngOnInit() { this._data$ // 當this.groupPosts有值的時候,會自動取消訂閱 .takeWhile(() => !this.groupPosts) .subscribe(x => { this.groupPosts = this.groupByCategory(this.data); }); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { } groupByCategory(data: Post[]): GroupPosts[] { if (!data) return; // 獲取目錄名,使用ES6中Set進行去重處理 const categories = new Set(data.map(x => x.category)); // 從新生成二維數組,用於頁面顯示 const result = Array.from(categories).map(x => ({ category: x, posts: data.filter(post => post.category === x) })); return result; } }
上面示例中,咱們使用了 RxJS 中 BehaviorSubject,若是想進一步瞭解詳細信息,請參考 - RxJS Subject。
須要注意的是,若是使用 takeWhile
操做符,在頁面成功顯示後,若是輸入屬性又發生變化,頁面是不會隨着更新的,由於咱們已經取消訂閱了。若是數據源會持續變化,那麼能夠移除 takeWhile
操做符,而後 ngOnDestroy()
除了上面提到的三種方案外,咱們還可使用 Observable 對象。即設置輸入屬性的類型是 Observable。具體示例以下:
import { Component, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, OnDestroy, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription'; import { Post, GroupPosts } from './post.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-posts', template: ` <div class="list-group"> <div *ngFor="let group of groupPosts;" class="list-group-item"> <h4>{{ group.category }}</h4> <ul> <li *ngFor="let post of group.posts"> {{ post.title }} </li> </ul> <div> </div> ` }) export class PostsComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { @Input() data: Observable<Post[]>; // 輸入屬性的類型是Observable groupPosts: GroupPosts[]; dataSubscription: Subscription; // 用於組件銷燬時取消訂閱 ngOnInit() { this.dataSubscription = this.data.subscribe(posts => { this.groupPosts = this.groupByCategory(posts); }); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { } ngOnDestroy() { this.dataSubscription.unsubscribe(); } groupByCategory(data: Post[]): GroupPosts[] { if (!data) return; // 獲取目錄名,使用ES6中Set進行去重處理 const categories = new Set(data.map(x => x.category)); // 從新生成二維數組,用於頁面顯示 const result = Array.from(categories).map(x => ({ category: x, posts: data.filter(post => post.category === x) })); return result; } }
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { Observer } from 'rxjs/Observer'; import { Post } from './post.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'exe-bloggers', template: ` <h1>Posts by: {{ blogger }}</h1> <div> <exe-posts [data]="posts"></exe-posts> </div> ` }) export class BloggerComponent implements OnInit { blogger = 'Semlinker'; posts: Observable<Post[]>; ngOnInit() { this.posts = this.getPostsByBlogger(); } getPostsByBlogger(): Observable<Post[]> { return Observable.create((observer: Observer<Post[]>) => { setTimeout(() => { const posts = [ { "title": "Functional Programming", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 Component Inheritance", "category": "NG2" }, { "title": "RxJS Operators", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 Http Module - HTTP", "category": "WEB" }, { "title": "RxJS Observable", "category": "RxJS" }, { "title": "Angular 2 AsyncPipe", "category": "NG2" } ]; observer.next(posts); }, 2000); }) } }
上面的示例是沒有在模板中直接使用 Observable 類型的輸入屬性,若須要在模板中直接使用的話,可使用 Angular 2 中的 AsyncPipe
,瞭解詳細信息,請查看 - Angular 2 AsyncPipe。另外在 Angular 2 Change Detection - 2 文章中,咱們也有介紹怎麼利用 Observable 提升 Angular 2 變化檢測的性能,有興趣的讀者能夠了解一下。
這個仍是取決於實際的應用場景,若是數據源只會發生一次變化,那麼能夠考慮使用 *ngIf
組件通訊的經常使用方式:@Input、@Output、@ViewChild、模板變量、MessageService、Broadcaster (Angular 1.x $rootScope 中 $on、$broadcast ) 等。
詳細的信息,請參考 - Angular 2 Components Communicate