這裏發行Name爲Five的代幣,代幣Symbol爲FFF. 共發行1000000000個單位。json
using Neo.SmartContract.Framework; using Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Numerics; namespace Neo.SmartContract { public class ICO_Template : Framework.SmartContract { //Token Settings public static string Name() => "Five"; public static string Symbol() => "FFF"; public static readonly byte[] Owner = "AdNjgXiDU1imfKoCSQcgcd4HmBSn2qsHfe".ToScriptHash();//translates //to: 0x20f0a44d41c659a49651823ac19794dda45bd4d9., it's the ScriptHash of your public address ,you can view it in neo-gui(for example) public static byte Decimals() => 8; private const ulong factor = 100000000; //decided by Decimals() //Since we don't want to deal with floating points sending 555 tokens with 8 Decimals (100000000) //would actually mean that you want to send 55500000000 tokens. private const ulong total_amount = 1000000000 * factor; //token amount [DisplayName("transfer")] public static event Action<byte[], byte[], BigInteger> Transferred; public static Object Main(string operation, params object[] args) { if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Verification) { if (Owner.Length == 20) { // if param Owner is script hash return Runtime.CheckWitness(Owner); } else if (Owner.Length == 33) { // if param Owner is public key byte[] signature = operation.AsByteArray(); return VerifySignature(signature, Owner); } } else if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application) { if (operation == "deploy") return Deploy(); if (operation == "totalSupply") return TotalSupply(); if (operation == "name") return Name(); if (operation == "symbol") return Symbol(); if (operation == "decimals") return Decimals(); if (operation == "approve") if (args.Length >= 3) return Approve((byte[])args[0], (byte[])args[1], (BigInteger)args[2]); else return NotifyErrorAndReturn0("argument count must be atleast 3"); if (operation == "allowance") if (args.Length >= 2) return Allowance((byte[])args[0], (byte[])args[1]); else return NotifyErrorAndReturn0("argument count must be atleast 2"); if (operation == "transferFrom") if (args.Length >= 4) return TransferFrom((byte[])args[0], (byte[])args[1], (byte[])args[2], (BigInteger)args[3]); else return NotifyErrorAndReturn0("argument count must be atleast 4"); if (operation == "transfer") { if (args.Length != 3 || args[0] == null || ((byte[])args[0]).Length == 0 || args[1] == null || ((byte[])args[1]).Length == 0) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("argument count must be 3 and they must not be null"); byte[] from = (byte[])args[0]; byte[] to = (byte[])args[1]; BigInteger value = (BigInteger)args[2]; return Transfer(from, to, value, false); } if (operation == "balanceOf") { if (args.Length != 1 || args[0] == null || ((byte[])args[0]).Length == 0) return NotifyErrorAndReturn0("argument count must be 1 and they must not be null"); byte[] account = (byte[])args[0]; return BalanceOf(account); } } return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Operation not found"); } /// <summary> /// Can only be called by the Owner /// Puts total_amount value under "totalSupply" key and ,this function can be used only once ,unless the total amount is 0. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Deploy() { if (!Runtime.CheckWitness(Owner)) //ensure that it is the owner calling this method return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("You are not the Owner of this Smart Contract"); byte[] total_supply = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, "totalSupply"); if (total_supply.Length != 0) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Looks like this method has been allready used"); Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, Owner, total_amount); Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, "totalSupply", total_amount); Transferred(null, Owner, total_amount); return true; } /// <summary> /// Returns the Total Supply of Tokens /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static BigInteger TotalSupply() { return Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, "totalSupply").AsBigInteger(); } /// <summary> /// Checks the TransferFrom approval of two accounts. /// </summary> /// <param name="from"> /// The account which funds can be transfered from. /// </param> /// <param name="to"> /// The account which is granted usage of the account. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The amount allocated for TransferFrom. /// </returns> public static BigInteger Allowance(byte[] from, byte[] to) { if (from == null || from.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturn0("From value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (to == null || to.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturn0("To value must not be empty and have size of 20"); return Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, from.Concat(to)).AsBigInteger(); } /// <summary> /// Approves another user to use the TransferFrom /// function on the invoker's account. /// TransferFrom /// </summary> /// <param name="originator"> /// The contract invoker. /// </param> /// <param name="to"> /// The account to grant TransferFrom access to. /// 所批准的帳戶 /// </param> /// <param name="amount"> /// The amount to grant TransferFrom access for. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Transaction Successful? /// </returns> public static bool Approve(byte[] originator, byte[] to, BigInteger amount) { if (to == null || to.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("To value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (originator == null || originator.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Originator value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (amount < 0) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Amount is lower than zero"); if (!(Runtime.CheckWitness(originator))) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Originator isn't associated with this invoke"); Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, originator.Concat(to), amount); return true; } /// <summary> /// Transfers a balance from one account to another /// on behalf of the account owner. /// </summary> /// <param name="originator"> /// The contract invoker. /// </param> /// <param name="from"> /// The account to transfer a balance from. /// </param> /// <param name="to"> /// The account to transfer a balance to. /// </param> /// <param name="amount"> /// The amount to transfer. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Transaction successful? /// </returns> public static bool TransferFrom(byte[] originator, byte[] from, byte[] to, BigInteger amountToSend) { if (originator == null || originator.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Originator value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (from == null || from.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("From value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (to == null || to.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("To value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (!(Runtime.CheckWitness(originator))) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Originator isn't associated with this invoke"); if (amountToSend <= 0) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("You need to send more than 0 tokens"); BigInteger ownerAmount = BalanceOf(from); if (ownerAmount < amountToSend) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Owner doesn't have this kind amount of tokens"); if (ownerAmount <= 0) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Owner doesn't have positive balance"); BigInteger allowedAmount = Allowance(from, originator); if (allowedAmount < amountToSend) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("You are trying to send more than you are allowed to"); if (!(Transfer(from, to, amountToSend, true)))//This does the actual transfer. return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Failed to Transfer"); BigInteger amountLeft = allowedAmount - amountToSend; if (amountLeft <= 0)//There should not be an situation where someone holds an negative ballance ,but for safety sake I did add this. { Storage.Delete(Storage.CurrentContext, from.Concat(originator)); } else { Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, from.Concat(originator), amountLeft); } return true; } /// <summary> /// function that is always called when someone wants to transfer tokens. /// </summary> /// <param name="from"></param> /// wallet from which we send the tokens. /// <param name="to"></param> /// wallet to which we send the tokens. /// <param name="value"></param> /// amount that we will send /// <param name="transferFrom"></param> /// Checks if the function is called from TransferFrom methods ,if so then there is no need to Check Witness. /// <returns> /// Returns if the tranfer process has succeded or not. /// </returns> public static bool Transfer(byte[] from, byte[] to, BigInteger value, bool transferFrom) { if (to == null || to.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("To value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (from == null || from.Length != 20) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("From value must not be empty and have size of 20"); if (value <= 0) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Try to send more than 0 tokens"); if (!transferFrom && !Runtime.CheckWitness(from)) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Owner of the wallet is not involved in this invoke"); if (from == to) return true; BigInteger from_value = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, from).AsBigInteger(); if (from_value < value) return NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Insufficient funds"); if (from_value == value) Storage.Delete(Storage.CurrentContext, from); else Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, from, from_value - value); BigInteger to_value = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, to).AsBigInteger(); Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, to, to_value + value); Transferred(from, to, value); return true; } /// <summary> /// Get the account balance of another account with address,uses wallets address scripthash. /// </summary> /// <param name="address"></param> /// The Adress that we want to know blance of /// <returns> /// Amount of tokens associated with this address /// </returns> public static BigInteger BalanceOf(byte[] address) { return Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, address).AsBigInteger(); } /// <summary> /// Used when we want to Notify Error for debbuging and return false /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// String that will be notified /// <returns> /// Allways False /// </returns> public static bool NotifyErrorAndReturnFalse(string value) { Runtime.Notify(value); return false; } /// <summary> /// Used when we want to Notify Error for debbuging and return 0 /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// String that will be notified /// <returns> /// Allways 0 /// </returns> public static int NotifyErrorAndReturn0(string value) { Runtime.Notify(value); return 0; } } }
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部署NEP-5合約花費490GAS 交易類型爲InvocationTransactionthis
Add Five Scripthash: b2e50c6a25fdc5c690992c36d9b9f2978b7062fd
dotnet neo-cli.dll --rpc --log --nopeers
root@test:/data/app/neo-cli/ApplicationLogs_74746E41# cat 0x5a59e800a82ca8baabd4dad7fcd8b6690eb475c539651f0e3d54034f419efdf3.json {"txid":"0x5a59e800a82ca8baabd4dad7fcd8b6690eb475c539651f0e3d54034f419efdf3","vmstate":"HALT, BREAK","gas_consumed":"2.739","stack":[],"notifications":[{"contract":"0xb2e50c6a25fdc5c690992c36d9b9f2978b7062fd","state":{"type":"Array","value":[{"type":"ByteArray","value":"7472616e73666572"},{"type":"ByteArray","value":"ecf28d2236dab6c09da8352821780215e890d7cf"},{"type":"ByteArray","value":"586853337b382a817c163b965eb57c1b57046519"},{"type":"ByteArray","value":"00e8764817"}]}}]}