#pragma mark -- Values for the category property -- /* Use this category for background sounds such as rain, car engine noise, etc. Mixes with other music. */ AVF_EXPORT NSString *const AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient; /* Use this category for background sounds. Other music will stop playing. */ AVF_EXPORT NSString *const AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient; /* Use this category for music tracks.*/ AVF_EXPORT NSString *const AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback; /* Use this category when recording audio. */ AVF_EXPORT NSString *const AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord; /* Use this category when recording and playing back audio. */ AVF_EXPORT NSString *const AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord; /* Use this category when using a hardware codec or signal processor while not playing or recording audio. */ AVF_EXPORT NSString *const AVAudioSessionCategoryAudioProcessing __TVOS_PROHIBITED; /* Use this category to customize the usage of available audio accessories and built-in audio hardware. For example, this category provides an application with the ability to use an available USB output and headphone output simultaneously for separate, distinct streams of audio data. Use of this category by an application requires a more detailed knowledge of, and interaction with, the capabilities of the available audio routes. May be used for input, output, or both. Note that not all output types and output combinations are eligible for multi-route. Input is limited to the last-in input port. Eligible inputs consist of the following: AVAudioSessionPortUSBAudio, AVAudioSessionPortHeadsetMic, and AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInMic. Eligible outputs consist of the following: AVAudioSessionPortUSBAudio, AVAudioSessionPortLineOut, AVAudioSessionPortHeadphones, AVAudioSessionPortHDMI, and AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInSpeaker. Note that AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInSpeaker is only allowed to be used when there are no other eligible outputs connected. */ AVF_EXPORT NSString *const AVAudioSessionCategoryMultiRoute NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(6_0);
AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient 或 kAudioSessionCategory_AmbientSound微信
AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient 或 kAudioSessionCategory_SoloAmbientSoundide
相似於AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient 不一樣之處在於它會停止其它應用播放聲音。 這個category爲默認category。該Category沒法在後臺播放聲音ui
AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback 或 kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlaybackthis
AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord 或 kAudioSessionCategory_RecordAudiospa
AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord 或 kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecordorm
這個類別能夠實現同時能夠有多種輸出,例如:usb和耳機同時輸出,但並不是全部輸入輸出方式均支持.輸入方式僅包括:AVAudioSessionPortUSBAudio/AVAudioSessionPortHeadsetMic AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInMic
;輸出僅包括:AVAudioSessionPortUSBAudio /AVAudioSessionPortLineOut /AVAudioSessionPortHeadphones /AVAudioSessionPortHDMI AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInSpeaker