(Multisynchrosqueezing Transform - File Exchange - MATLAB Central https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/68571-multisynchrosqueezing-transform)函數
function [result, sampRpp] = correlatedGaussianNoise(Rpp, nSamp) %% generates correlated 0-mean Gaussian vector process %生成相關的0均值高斯向量過程 % inputs: Rpp - correlation matrix. must be positive definite %相關矩陣。必須是正定的 大小決定輸出向量 % and size determines output vector % nSamp - number of independent samples of correlated process相關過程的獨立樣本數量 % % output: result - matrix of dimension Rpp rows X nSamp cols. 矩陣的尺寸Rpp行X nSamp cols % % result has form: % < ------ nSamp -------> % ------------------------ data is correlated along 數據是相關的 % | | | all rows for each column % | | output | % p | data matrix | data is independent along % | | | all columns for a given row給定行的全部列 % | | | % < -------- nSamp ------> % % example: use following correlation matrix (output implicitly 3 rows) 示例:使用如下相關矩陣(隱式輸出3行) % [1 0.2 0.2] % [0.2 1 0.2] % [0.2 0.2 1 ] % % and 1e5 samples to check function % %% % n = 3; Rpp = repmat(0.2, [n,n]); Rpp(1:(n+1):n^2) = 1; % disp(Rpp) % nSamp = 1e5; % [x, sampR] = correlatedGaussianNoise(Rpp, nSamp); % disp(sampR) % %% ----------------------------------------------------- % michaelB % %% algorithm % check dimenions - add other checking as necessary... if(ndims(Rpp) ~= 2), result = []; error('Rpp must be a real-valued symmetric matrix'); return; end % symmeterize the correlation matrix Rpp = 0.5 .*(double(Rpp) + double(Rpp')); % eigen decomposition [V,D] = eig(Rpp); % check for positive definiteness if(any(diag(D) <= 0)), result = []; error('Rpp must be a positive definite'); return; end % form correlating filter W = V*sqrt(D); % form white noise dataset n = randn(size(Rpp,1), nSamp); % correlated (colored) noise result = W * n; % calculate the sample correlation matrix if necessary if(nargout == 2), sampRpp = 0; for k1=1:nSamp, sampRpp = sampRpp + result(:,k1) * (result(:,k1)'); end % unbiased estimate sampRpp = sampRpp ./ (nSamp - 1); end
% % % % 基於四階累積量與RLS自適應濾波的時延估計方法(FOC-RLS)%%%%%% clc clear all close all N = 500; fs=1000; a=-0.5; nn = 2; Rpp = repmat(0.9, [nn,nn]); Rpp(1:(nn+1):nn^2) = 1; disp(Rpp); nSamp=500; [result, sampRpp] = correlatedGaussianNoise(Rpp, nSamp); n1=0.4*result(1,:); %result爲2行矩陣,第一行 爲噪聲1,第二行 爲噪聲2 n2=0.4*result(2,:);%%係數調整信噪比的大小 t=linspace(1,10,N); sin1=exp(a*t); sin2=zeros(1,length(sin1)); delay= 100; sin2((delay+1):length(sin1))=sin1(1:length(sin1)-delay); nn1=sin(2*pi*10*t); nn2=zeros(1,length(nn1)); nn2((delay+1):length(nn1))=nn1(1:length(nn1)-delay); single_1=sin1+n1+nn1; %single_A single_2=sin2+n2+nn2;%%single_B snr1=SNR_singlech(sin1,single_1); snr2=SNR_singlech(sin2,single_2); figure, plot(t,single_1,'color','b'); hold on; plot(t,single_2,'color','g'); legend(' 信號A','信號B'); X1=fft(single_1,2*N-1); X1J=conj(X1); X2=fft(single_2,2*N-1); X2J=conj(X2); X12=X2.*X1J; R12=fftshift(real(ifft(X12))); r12max=max(abs(R12)); R12=R12 / r12max; lags=-499:499; figure, plot(lags,R12,'color','b');title('基本互相關'); xCum4 = cum4est (single_1, 90, 20, 0, 'biased', 10, 10);%自四階累積 xCum4Size = size(xCum4); %返回數組維度 absmax1=max(abs(xCum4)); xCum4=xCum4/absmax1; xCum4_hu = cum4est (ifft(X12), 90, 20, 0, 'biased', 10,10);%互四階累積 xCum4Size_hu = size(xCum4_hu); %返回數組維度 absmax=max(abs(xCum4_hu)); xCum4_hu=xCum4_hu/absmax; figure, subplot(2,1,1) plot(xCum4,'color','b') ; title('信號1四階自累積量運算'); xlabel('子頻帶數') subplot(2,1,2) plot(xCum4_hu,'color','b') ; title('互四階累積量運算'); xlabel('子頻帶數') jieguo=xcorr(xCum4,xCum4_hu,'unbiased'); %%頻域的累積量互相關 fore=ifft(jieguo); %%%反變換到時域 figure, plot(jieguo,'color','b') ; title('四階累積量互相關'); [v1,location1]=max(abs(fore)); delaytime_foc=(fix(length(jieguo)/2)-location1)/fs %通過累積計算換算出信號的延遲時間 [v2,location2]=max(abs(R12)); location2=lags(location2); delaytime_cc=location2/fs %互相關換算出信號的延遲時間 % % % % % % % % RLS % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % x1=xCum4; %產生高斯隨機系列 d1=sin1; % 指望輸出 [y1 e1 w1] = RLS(x1, d1, 32); figure, subplot(2,1,1) plot(e1,'color','b') ; title('y1_error'); subplot(2,1,2) plot(w1(end,:),'color','b') ; title('y1 濾波器權係數'); x2=y1'-xCum4_hu; d2=sin2; [y2 e2 w2] = RLS(x2, d2, 32); figure, subplot(2,1,1) plot(e2,'color','b') ; title('偏差曲線');xlabel('迭代次數') ; ylabel('輸出偏差估計') ; subplot(2,1,2) plot(w2(end,:),'color','b') ; title('濾波器權係數'); xlabel('迭代次數') ; ylabel('權矢量的值') ; [v3,location3]=max(abs(e2)); delaytime_RLS=(location3)/fs %通過累積計算換算出信號的延遲時間