單行註釋 #
多行註釋 ''' 三個單引號或者三個雙引號 """
''' 用三引號引住能夠多行賦值
用戶交互 input
+ ""%() "".format()推薦使用
name = input("name:")
age = int(input("age:"))
sex = input("sex:")
# 字符串拼接+git
info1 = '''----info in ''' + name + '''--- name:''' + name + ''' age:''' + age + ''' sex:''' + sex + ''' '''
# %格式化字符串api
info = '''------info in %s ------- name:%s age:%d sex:%s ''' % ("name", "name", age, "sex")
字符串格式化 format []都是可選的,可填可不填
fill 填充字符
align 對齊方式
^ 居中 s = "{:-^20d}".format(20) -----20-----
< 內容左對齊 s = "{:-<20d}".format(20) 20----------
> 內容右對齊 s = "{:->20d}".format(20) ----------20
= 內容右對齊,將符號放在填充字符的左側,只對數字有效
sign 有無符號數字(感受用處不大)
+ 正數加+ 負數加- s = "{:+d} this is Numbers".format(-20) -20
- 正數不變 負數加- s = "{:-d} this is numbers".format(23) 23
空格 正數空格 負數加- s = "{: d} this is numbers".format(23) 23
# 對數字有效,對於2、8、十六進制,會對應顯示 0b 0o 0x s = "{:#0x}".format(213)
width 格式化字符寬度 s = "{:-^20d}".format(20)
, 對大的數字有效,添加分隔符 如1,000,000 s = "{:,d}".format(2000000000) 2,000,000,000
.precision 小數位保留精度 s = "{:.2f}".format(12.2323) 12.23
type 格式化類型
s 字符串 s = "this is {}".format("string")
b 十進制轉二進制表示 而後格式化 s = "{:d}".format(23) 10111
d 十進制
o 十進制轉八進制表示 而後格式化 s = "{:o}".format(23) 27
x 十進制轉十六進制表示 而後格式化 s = "{:x}".format(23) 17
f 浮點型 默認小數點保留6位
% 顯示百分比 默認小數點後6位 s = "{:.2%}".format(0.1234)
參數可用[]及{} ,使用時必須加*,**
s = "my name is {},age is {}".format(*["niu", 25])
s = "my name is {name}, age is {age}".format(**{"name": "niu", "age": 25})
info3 = '''---info in {_name}--- name:{_name} age:{_age} sex:{_sex} '''.format(_name=name, _age=age, _sex=sex) info4 = '''---info in {0}--- name:{0} age:{1} sex:{2}'''.format(name, age, sex)
密文密碼:getpass 引用後使用,getpass.getpass()
if else 使用
username = "username" password = "123456" _Username = input("Username:") _Passwd = input("Password:") if username == _Username and password == _Passwd: print("welcome user {name} to beij".format(name=username)) else: print("Invalid username or passwd")
if elif else
Myage = 37 InputAge = int(input("please input my age:")) if InputAge == Myage: print("It's right") elif InputAge > Myage: print("Think small") else: print("Think big") While else 循環 count = 0 while count < 3: Myage = 37 InputAge = int(input("please input my age:")) if InputAge == Myage: print("It's right") break elif InputAge > Myage: print("Think small") else: print("Think big") count+=1 else: print("fuck you!")
break 跳出當前整個循環
continue 跳出當前循環,進入下次循環orm
old_uname = open(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\username.txt', 'r').readlines() count = 0 while count < 3: username = input("please your username:") passwd = input("please your passwd:") for i in old_uname: if i == username: print("wolcome to your blogs:{_uname}".format(_uneme=username)) break else: continue else: count += 1 if count == 3: continue print("The password you entered is incorrect!please input again...") else: print("三次錯誤,帳號已鎖定") open(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\lockname.txt', 'a').write(username + '\n')
#去掉空格 strip () 括號內可指定 默認是空格
username = input("username:") if username.strip('-') == "zhang": print(username.strip('-')) print("welcome %s to beijing" % username)
# 分割 split 可指定根據什麼分割
list11 = "welcome to beijing" list2 = list11.split() print(list2) # ['welcome', 'to', 'beijing']
# 合併 join 可指定根據什麼合併
list3 = ":".join(list2) + '\n' # welcome:to:beijing list4 = " ".join(list2) # welcome to beijing print(list3, list4)
# 判斷有沒有空格\切片
name = "mr,niu" print("," in name) name1 = "mr niu" print(" " in name1) print(name[2:4])
# format 字符串格式化
men = "my name is {name}, age is {age}" all = men.format(name="niu", age=23) men1 = "my name is {0}, age is {1}" all1 = men1.format("niu", 23) print(all1) fill = "niu" fill.isdigit() # 判斷是否是數字 fill.endswith('') # 判斷是否是以指定字符串結尾 fill.startswith('') # 判斷是否是以指定字符串開頭
fill.upper() # 批量轉換成大寫 fill.lower() # 批量轉換成小寫 fill.capitalize() # 第一個字母大寫,其餘都小寫 fill.title() # 每一個單詞的首字母大寫,其餘都小寫
print(fill.center(20, '='))
(1)、轉義字符串 (2)、raw字符串--轉義機制 open(r'c:\tmp\a.txt','a+')(3)、Unicode字符串(4)、格式化字符串 "age %d,sex %s,record %m.nf"%(20,"man",73.45)字符串基礎操做 + 鏈接 、* 重複、s[i] 索引(index)、s[i:j] 切片(slice)、for循環遍歷