2012年Elsevier旗下Computer Science期刊最新SCI影響因子排名

Latest Impact Factor figures from Elsevier's Computer Science Journals
Medical Image Analysis
2010 Impact Factor   4.248
2011 Impact Factor   4.424        
Information Sciences
2010 Impact Factor   2.833
2011 Impact Factor   2.833        
Applied Soft Computing Journal
2010 Impact Factor    2.084
2011 Impact Factor    2.612        
Knowledge-Based Systems
2010 Impact Factor   1.574
2011 Impact Factor   2.422        
Listed by highest Impact Factor
Journal title        2011 Impact Factor
Pattern Recognition        2.292
Artificial Intelligence        2.252
Expert Systems With Applications        2.203
Neural Networks        2.182
Ad Hoc Networks        2.110
Future Generation Computer Systems        1.978
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning        1.948
Fuzzy Sets and Systems        1.759
Image and Vision Computing        1.723
Neurocomputing        1.580
Microelectronic Engineering        1.557
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications        1.472
Information Fusion        1.467
Data & Knowledge Engineering        1.422
Computer Vision and Image Understanding        1.340
Computer Speech & Language        1.319
Parallel Computing        1.311
Computer Standards & Interfaces        1.257
Information and Software Technology        1.250
Computer-Aided Design        1.234
Interacting with Computers        1.233
Computer Networks        1.200
Information Systems        1.198
Cognitive Systems Research        1.173
International Journal of Human - Computer Studies        1.171
Microelectronics Reliability        1.167
Journal of Computer and System Sciences        1.157
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation        1.122
Journal of Complexity        1.099
Journal of Network and Computer Applications        1.065
Robotics and Autonomous Systems        1.056
Computer Aided Geometric Design        1.054
Computer Communications        1.044
Pattern Recognition Letters        1.034
Optical Switching and Networking        1.000
Computers & Graphics        1.000
Graphical Models        1.000
Microelectronics Journal        0.919
Computers & Security        0.868
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing        0.859
Displays        0.846
The Journal of Systems & Software        0.836
Performance Evaluation        0.791
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications        0.725
Journal of Symbolic Computation        0.707
Theoretical Computer Science        0.665
Integration, the VLSI Journal        0.646
Science of Computer Programming        0.622
Microprocessors and Microsystems        0.575
Information and Computation        0.560
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming        0.506
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing        0.481
Information Processing Letters        0.455
Journal of Systems Architecture        0.444
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures        0.273