在初學使用Jenkins的同窗們,應該都遇到過經過bash或者cmd命令執行輸出的日誌,沒辦法作到對error, warning等狀態的分析和統計。在這裏就給他介紹一款實現此功能的插件Log Parse。此插件安裝至關容易,但配置規則文件時,我踩了一坑,記錄共享於同窗們。windows
ok /not really/ # match line starting with 'error ', case-insensitive error /error / # list of warnings here... warning /[Ww]arning/ warning /WARNING/ # create a quick access link to lines in the report containing 'INFO' info /INFO/ # each line containing 'BUILD' represents the start of a section for grouping errors and warnings found after the line. # also creates a quick access link. start /BUILD/