上一篇介紹的基本的使用方式,自由度很高,可是編寫的代碼相對就多了。而我所在的行業其實大部分都是定題爬蟲, 只須要採集指定的頁面並結構化數據。爲了提升開發效率, 我實現了利用實體配置的方式來實現爬蟲html
public class Product : SpiderEntity { }
能夠看到每一個商品都在class爲gl-i-wrap j-sku-item的DIV下面,所以添加EntitySelector到數據對象Product的類名上面。( XPath的寫法不是惟一的,不熟悉的能夠去W3CSCHOLL學習一下, 框架也支持使用Css甚至正則來選擇出正確的Html片斷)。 正則表達式
[EntitySelector(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]")] public class Product : SpiderEntity { }
[EntityTable("test", "sku", EntityTable.Monday, Indexs = new[] { "Category" }, Uniques = new[] { "Category,Sku", "Sku" })] [EntitySelector(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]")] public class Product : SpiderEntity { }
假設你須要採集SKU信息,觀察HTML結構,計算出相對的XPath, 爲何是相對XPath?由於EntitySelector已經把HTML截成片斷了,內部的Html元素查詢都是相對於EntitySelector查詢出來的元素。最後再加上數據庫中列的信息數據庫
[EntityTable("test", "sku", EntityTable.Monday, Indexs = new[] { "Category" }, Uniques = new[] { "Category,Sku", "Sku" })] [EntitySelector(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]")] public class Product : SpiderEntity { [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@data-sku")] public string Sku { get; set; } }
[EntityTable("test", "sku", EntityTable.Monday, Indexs = new[] { "Category" }, Uniques = new[] { "Category,Sku", "Sku" })] [EntitySelector(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]")] public class Product : SpiderEntity { [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@data-sku")] public string Sku { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "name", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment)] public string Category { get; set; } }
public class JdSkuSampleSpider : EntitySpider { public JdSkuSampleSpider() : base("JdSkuSample", new Site { //HttpProxyPool = new HttpProxyPool(new KuaidailiProxySupplier("快代理API")) }) { } protected override void MyInit(params string[] arguments) { Identity = Identity ?? "JD SKU SAMPLE"; ThreadNum = 1; // dowload html by http client Downloader = new HttpClientDownloader(); // storage data to mysql, default is mysql entity pipeline, so you can comment this line. Don't miss sslmode. AddPipeline(new MySqlEntityPipeline("Database='mysql';Data Source=localhost;User ID=root;Password=;Port=3306;SslMode=None;")); AddStartUrl("http://list.jd.com/list.html?cat=9987,653,655&page=2&JL=6_0_0&ms=5#J_main", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "name", "手機" }, { "cat3", "655" } }); AddEntityType<Product>(); } }
其中AddStartUrl第二個參數Dictionary<string, object>就是用於Enviroment查詢的數據框架
TargetUrlsSelector,能夠配置數據連接的合法性驗證,以及目標URL的獲取。以下表示目標URL的獲取區域是由XPATH選擇,而且要符合正則表達式 &page=[0-9]+&ide
[EntityTable("test", "jd_sku", EntityTable.Monday, Indexs = new[] { "Category" }, Uniques = new[] { "Category,Sku", "Sku" })] [EntitySelector(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]")] [TargetUrlsSelector(XPaths = new[] { "//span[@class=\"p-num\"]" }, Patterns = new[] { @"&page=[0-9]+&" })] public class Product : SpiderEntity { [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@data-sku")] public string Sku { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "name", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment)] public string Category { get; set; } }
context.AddPipeline(new MySqlEntityPipeline("Database='test';Data Source=localhost;User ID=root;Password=1qazZAQ!;Port=3306"));
public class JdSkuSampleSpider : EntitySpider { public JdSkuSampleSpider() : base("JdSkuSample", new Site { //HttpProxyPool = new HttpProxyPool(new KuaidailiProxySupplier("快代理API")) }) { } protected override void MyInit(params string[] arguments) { Identity = Identity ?? "JD SKU SAMPLE"; ThreadNum = 1; // dowload html by http client Downloader = new HttpClientDownloader(); // storage data to mysql, default is mysql entity pipeline, so you can comment this line. Don't miss sslmode. AddPipeline(new MySqlEntityPipeline("Database='mysql';Data Source=localhost;User ID=root;Password=;Port=3306;SslMode=None;")); AddStartUrl("http://list.jd.com/list.html?cat=9987,653,655&page=2&JL=6_0_0&ms=5#J_main", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "name", "手機" }, { "cat3", "655" } }); AddEntityType<Product>(); } } [EntityTable("test", "jd_sku", EntityTable.Monday, Indexs = new[] { "Category" }, Uniques = new[] { "Category,Sku", "Sku" })] [EntitySelector(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]")] [TargetUrlsSelector(XPaths = new[] { "//span[@class=\"p-num\"]" }, Patterns = new[] { @"&page=[0-9]+&" })] public class Product : SpiderEntity { [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@data-sku", Length = 100)] public string Sku { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "name", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment, Length = 100)] public string Category { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "cat3", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment)] public int CategoryId { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./div[1]/a/@href")] public string Url { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./div[5]/strong/a")] public long CommentsCount { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = ".//div[@class='p-shop']/@data-shop_name", Length = 100)] public string ShopName { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = ".//div[@class='p-name']/a/em", Length = 100)] public string Name { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@venderid", Length = 100)] public string VenderId { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "./@jdzy_shop_id", Length = 100)] public string JdzyShopId { get; set; } [PropertyDefine(Expression = "Monday", Type = SelectorType.Enviroment)] public DateTime RunId { get; set; } }
public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { JdSkuSampleSpider spider = new JdSkuSampleSpider(); spider.Run(); } }
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