MacOS 安裝TensorFlow, Python



如本文忽律細節,詳見 (見Software Installation Part)git

1. 安裝Python 3.7

Mac自帶python 2.7版本,須要下載最新版本python3.7github

1)下載miniconda:, 選擇.pkg installer。下載完成後安裝,在Terminal 輸入Python 就會出現3.7版本bash

2)因爲寫這篇文章的時候,tensorflow還不支持python3.7, 爲了處理這種所以下載miniconda後,須要在conda中,爲TensorFLow建立一個Python3.6的環境。this

在Terminal 輸入 conda create --name tensorflow python=3.6 ,這樣就建立了一個名叫Tensorflow的環境。spa

TensorFlow環境的保存路徑是 environment location: /miniconda3/envs/tensorflow code

激活TensorFlow: 在Terminal輸入 source activate tensorflow (如下全部輸入的命令都是在激活的TensorFlow環境下執行的!而且this command must be done every time you open a new Anaconda/Miniconda terminal)視頻

2. 安裝Jupyter NoteBook

active TensorFlow後,在Terminal輸入 conda install jupyter  ,這樣Jupyter的保存路徑就是 environment location: /miniconda3/envs/tensorflow htm

3. 安裝TensorFLow

Terminal 輸入: pip install --upgrade tensorflow==1.12.0 

若是error:TensorFlow cannot be found. 緣由是:下載的Python3.7版本,因爲TensorFlow還不支持Python3.7,因此須要爲TensorFlow建立Python3.6環境,步驟見上文。


conda install scipy
pip install --upgrade sklearn
pip install --upgrade pandas
pip install --upgrade pandas-datareader
pip install --upgrade matplotlib
pip install --upgrade pillow
pip install --upgrade requests
pip install --upgrade h5py
pip install --upgrade pyyaml
pip install --upgrade psutil
pip install --upgrade tensorflow==1.12.0
pip install --upgrade keras==2.2.4


Tenrminal 進入Python環境,輸入import tensorflow as tf ,沒有報錯就表明安裝成功。

4. Jupyter關聯新建立的TensorFlow環境

You should also link your new tensorflow environment to Jupyter so that you can choose it as a Kernal. Always make sure to run your Jupyter notebooks from your 3.6 kernel. 

在Terminal輸入: python -m ipykernel install --user --name tensorflow --display-name "Python 3.6 (tensorflow)" 

Terminal回覆: Installed kernelspec tensorflow in /Users/Username/Library/Jupyter/Kernels/TensorFlow 

5. 後續

安裝conda之後忽然間發現了一個問題,那就是Linux終端變樣了,在終端前部分出現了(base)字樣。緣由是aconda自動加入了命令到 .bashrc中,  在咱們打開終端的時候自動 執行了   conda  activate base 命令,去掉base字樣,只須要在Terminal執行: conda deactivate 

再次進入TensorFlow環境時,要先激活conda,  conda activate
