/boot 200M
/ 15369M
swap 1024M
/opt 13312M
groupadd -g 500 informix
useradd -g 500 -u 500 -d /opt/info1 -m -s /bin/bash info1
useradd -g 500 -u 501 -d /opt/info2 -m -s /bin/bash info2
[root@masterinfo1]# ./ids_install Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment... strings: '/lib/libc.so.6': No such file Launching installer... Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... =============================================================================== IBM Informix Software Bundle (created with InstallAnywhere) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Getting started with IBM Informix Software Bundle ------------------------------------------------- InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of IBM Informix Software Bundle. Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2012. All rights reserved. 1. Release Notes The Release Notes can be found in /opt/info1/SERVER/doc/ids_unix_relnotes_11.70.html 2. Installation Guide Please view the Installation / Quick Beginnings Guide at /opt/info1/SERVER/doc/ids_unix_installg_11.70.pdf 3. Launch Information Center Access the IDS 11.70 Information Center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/idshelp/v117/index.jsp To Begin Installation, Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'. You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== International License Agreement for Early Release of Programs Part 1 - General Terms BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING, ACCESSING, CLICKING ON AN "ACCEPT" BUTTON, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PROGRAM, LICENSEE AGREES TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THESE TERMS ON BEHALF OF LICENSEE, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO BIND LICENSEE TO THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, * DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, COPY, ACCESS, CLICK ON AN "ACCEPT" BUTTON, OR USE THE PROGRAM; AND * PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED MEDIA AND DOCUMENTATION TO IBM. IF THE PROGRAM WAS DOWNLOADED, DESTROY ALL COPIES OF THE PROGRAM. 1. Definitions Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3" to print it, or "99" to go back to the previous screen.: 1 =============================================================================== Installation Goals ------------------ What do you want to accomplish? ->1- Install products and features 2- Extract the product files (-DLEGACY option) ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:: 1 =============================================================================== Installation Location --------------------- Choose location for software installation Default Install Folder: /opt/IBM/informix ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT : /opt/info1 INSTALL FOLDER IS: /opt/info1 IS THIS CORRECT? (Y/N): Y =============================================================================== Installation Type ----------------- Select the installation type. Typical: Install the database server with all features and a database server that is configured with default values. Includes: ** Client Software Development Kit (CSDK) ** Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Minimum disk space required: 700-800MB Custom: Install the database server with specific features and software that you need. Optionally install a configured database server instance. Minimum disk space required: 75 MB (without a server instance) ->1- Typical 2- Custom ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:: 1 =============================================================================== Server Instance Creation ------------------------ Create a server instance? ->1- Yes - create an instance 2- No - do not create an instance ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:: 1 =============================================================================== International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs Part 1 - General Terms BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING, ACCESSING, CLICKING ON AN "ACCEPT" BUTTON, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PROGRAM, LICENSEE AGREES TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THESE TERMS ON BEHALF OF LICENSEE, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO BIND LICENSEE TO THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, * DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, COPY, ACCESS, CLICK ON AN "ACCEPT" BUTTON, OR USE THE PROGRAM; AND * PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED MEDIA AND DOCUMENTATION TO THE PARTY FROM WHOM IT WAS OBTAINED FOR A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID. IF THE PROGRAM WAS DOWNLOADED, DESTROY ALL COPIES OF THE PROGRAM. 1. Definitions Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3" to print it, or "99" to go back to the previous screen.: 1 =============================================================================== Installation Location Security Warning -------------------------------------- The installation directory is not secure. Informix server will not run unless it is installed in a secure directory. # /opt/info1 (path is not trusted) # Name: /opt/info1 # Problem: owner info1 (uid 500) is not trusted ->1- Automatically secure the path (recommended) 2- Secure the path after installation 3- Configure path security ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:: 1 =============================================================================== Installation Summary -------------------- Please review the following before continuing: Product Name: IBM Informix Software Bundle Install Folder: /opt/info1 Product Features: IBM Informix database server, Base Server, Extensions and tools, J/Foundation, Database extensions, Conversion and reversion support, XML publishing, Demonstration database scripts, Enterprise Replication, Data loading utilities, onunload and onload utilities, dbload utility, High-Performance Loader, Backup and Restore, archecker utility, ON-Bar utility, Informix Storage Manager, Informix interface to Tivoli Storage Manager, Administrative utilities, Performance monitoring utilities, Miscellaneous monitoring utilities, Auditing utilities, Database import and export utilities, IBM Informix Client SDK, IBM Informix Object Interface for C++, IBM Informix Object Interface for C++ demos, IBM Informix ESQL/C, 7.2 application compatibility module, IBM Informix ESQL/C demos, IBM Informix LIBDMI for client applications, IBM Informix ODBC Driver, IBM Informix ODBC Driver demos, Global Language Support (GLS), West European and Americas, East European and Slavic, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, IBM Informix JDBC Server name: ol_informix1170 Server DRDA alias: Server number: 0 TCP/IP port number: 10619 Total instance size: 437 MB Total memory (bufferpool + user): 129 MB Bufferpool allocation: 97 MB Number of processors: 1 Data storage location: /opt/info1/ol_informix1170/dbspaces Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): Required: 1,052,705,108 bytes Available: 13,369,114,624 bytes PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== Ready To Install ---------------- InstallAnywhere is now ready to install IBM Informix Software Bundle onto your system at the following location: /opt/info1 PRESS <ENTER> TO INSTALL: =============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [==================|==================|==================|==================] [------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------] =============================================================================== Server Initialization --------------------- The server will now be initialized. Initialization might take quite a while, depending on the performance of your computer. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== Using the new instance ---------------------- The IBM Informix Software Bundle created a database server instance. If you selected to initialize the instance and to display a command prompt, the instance is ready to use. If you selected to initialize the instance and chose not to display a command prompt, you can go to /opt/info1 on a command line and run one of the following commands, where ol_informix1170 is the name of the path or file where the instance is installed: Windows: ol_informix1170.cmd UNIX csh: source ol_informix1170.csh UNIX ksh or bourne: ./ol_informix1170.ksh If you selected to initialize the instance and it fails to run, check the online.log file to verify that initialization was successful. In addition, if you used an existing configuration file during the installation, ensure that the root chunk exists, is owned by user and group informix, and has readable and writable (rw) permission bits set for owner and group only. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== Installation Complete --------------------- Congratulations! IBM Informix Software Bundle installation is complete. Product install status: IBM Informix 11.70: Successful IBM Informix Client-SDK: Successful IBM Informix JDBC Driver: Successful For more information about using Informix products, see the IBM Informix 11.70 Information Center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/idshelp/v117/index.jsp. PRESS <ENTER> TO EXIT THE INSTALLER:
[root@master info1]#cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.20150827
[root@master info1]#echo " master">>/etc/hosts
[root@master info1]#
[root@master~]# tail -20 /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 master
[root@master info1]#
[root@master ~]# grep 900[123456789] /etc/services
etlservicemgr 9001/tcp # ETL Service Manager
etlservicemgr 9001/udp # ETL Service Manager
dynamid 9002/tcp # DynamID authentication
dynamid 9002/udp # DynamID authentication
ogs-client 9007/udp # Open Grid Services Client
ogs-server 9008/tcp # Open Grid Services Server
pichat 9009/tcp # Pichat Server
pichat 9009/udp # Pichat Server
[root@master ~]#
[root@master ~]#echo "sqlexec1 9003/tcp #FOR info1 user" >>/etc/services
[root@master ~]#echo "sqlexec1_net 9004/tcp #FOR info1 user back">>/etc/services
[root@master ~]# grep 900[123456789] /etc/services
etlservicemgr 9001/tcp # ETL Service Manager
etlservicemgr 9001/udp # ETL Service Manager
dynamid 9002/tcp # DynamID authentication
dynamid 9002/udp # DynamID authentication
ogs-client 9007/udp # Open Grid Services Client
ogs-server 9008/tcp # Open Grid Services Server
pichat 9009/tcp # Pichat Server
pichat 9009/udp # Pichat Server
sqlexec1 9003/tcp #FOR info1 user
sqlexec1_net 9004/tcp #FOR info1 user back
[root@master ~]#
PS1='[\u@${HOSTNAME}]: \w$'
export INFORMIXDIR=/home/informix
export ONCONFIG=onconfig
export PATH=$PATH:$INFORMIXDIR/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin
alias cfg='cd $INFORMIXDIR/etc'
export PS1='\[\u@\h\\W]===>/hello\==>>'
[info1@master]:cp sqlhosts.std sqlhosts [info1@master]: ~/etc$tail -20 sqlhosts # k=<keep alive setting> # r=<client security setting> # s=<server security setting> # csm=<communication support module> # cfd=<communication files directory> # # To create an entry for a group, put a group name in the dbservername field, # the word group in the nettype field, a hyphen in both the hostname and the # servicename fileds, and i=<group identifier> in the options field. # # For additional information on the parameters, see the IBM Informix # Administrator's Guide. #************************************************************************** # IANA (www.iana.org) assigned port number/service names for Informix: # sqlexec 9088/tcp # sqlexec-ssl 9089/tcp #demo_on onipcshm on_hostname on_servername beijing onipcshm sqlexec beijing_net onisoctcp sqlexec_net [info1@master]: ~/etc$
################################################################## # Licensed Material - Property Of IBM # # "Restricted Materials of IBM" # # IBM Informix # Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2011. All rights reserved. # # Title: onconfig.std # Description: Informix Configuration Parameters # # Important: $INFORMIXDIR now resolves to the environment # variable INFORMIXDIR. Replace the value of the INFORMIXDIR # environment variable only if the path you want is not under # $INFORMIXDIR. # # For additional information on the parameters: # http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/idshelp/v117/index.jsp ################################################################### ################################################################### # Root Dbspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ROOTNAME - The root dbspace name to contain reserved pages and # internal tracking tables. # ROOTPATH - The path for the device containing the root dbspace # ROOTOFFSET - The offset, in KB, of the root dbspace into the # device. The offset is required for some raw devices. # ROOTSIZE - The size of the root dbspace, in KB. The value of # 200000 allows for a default user space of about # 100 MB and the default system space requirements. # MIRROR - Enable (1) or disable (0) mirroring # MIRRORPATH - The path for the device containing the mirrored # root dbspace # MIRROROFFSET - The offset, in KB, into the mirrored device # # Warning: Always verify ROOTPATH before performing # disk initialization (oninit -i or -iy) to # avoid disk corruption of another instance ################################################################### ROOTNAME rootdbs ROOTPATH $INFORMIXDIR/chunk/rootdbs ROOTOFFSET 0 ROOTSIZE 2000000 MIRROR 0 MIRRORPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/demo_on.root_mirror MIRROROFFSET 0 ################################################################### # Physical Log Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # PHYSFILE - The size, in KB, of the physical log on disk. # If RTO_SERVER_RESTART is enabled, the # suggested formula for the size of PHSYFILE # (up to about 1 GB) is: # PHYSFILE = Size of BUFFERS * 1.1 # PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH - The directory for extra physical log files # if the physical log overflows during recovery # or long transaction rollback # PHYSBUFF - The size of the physical log buffer, in KB ################################################################### PHYSFILE 50000 PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp PHYSBUFF 128 ################################################################### # Logical Log Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # LOGFILES - The number of logical log files # LOGSIZE - The size of each logical log, in KB # DYNAMIC_LOGS - The type of dynamic log allocation. # Acceptable values are: # 2 Automatic. Informix adds a new logical log to the # root dbspace when necessary. # 1 Manual. Informix notifies the DBA to add new logical # logs when necessary. # 0 Disabled # LOGBUFF - The size of the logical log buffer, in KB ################################################################### LOGFILES 6 LOGSIZE 10000 DYNAMIC_LOGS 2 LOGBUFF 64 ################################################################### # Long Transaction Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # If Informix cannot roll back a long transaction, the server hangs # until more disk space is available. # # LTXHWM - The percentage of the logical logs that can be # filled before a transaction is determined to be a # long transaction and is rolled back # LTXEHWM - The percentage of the logical logs that have been # filled before the server suspends all other # transactions so that the long transaction being # rolled back has exclusive use of the logs # # When dynamic logging is on, you can set higher values for # LTXHWM and LTXEHWM because the server can add new logical logs # during long transaction rollback. Set lower values to limit the # number of new logical logs added. # # If dynamic logging is off, set LTXHWM and LTXEHWM to # lower values, such as 50 and 60 or lower, to prevent long # transaction rollback from hanging the server due to lack of # logical log space. # # When using Enterprise Replication, set LTXEHWM to at least 30% # higher than LTXHWM to minimize log overruns. ################################################################### LTXHWM 70 LTXEHWM 80 ################################################################### # Server Message File Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MSGPATH - The path of the Informix message log file # CONSOLE - The path of the Informix console message file ################################################################### MSGPATH $INFORMIXDIR/online.log CONSOLE $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/online.con ################################################################### # Tblspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # TBLTBLFIRST - The first extent size, in KB, for the tblspace # tblspace. Must be in multiples of the page size. # TBLTBLNEXT - The next extent size, in KB, for the tblspace # tblspace. Must be in multiples of the page size. # The default setting for both is 0, which allows Informix to manage # extent sizes automatically. # # TBLSPACE_STATS - Enables (1) or disables (0) Informix to maintain # tblspace statistics ################################################################### TBLTBLFIRST 0 TBLTBLNEXT 0 TBLSPACE_STATS 1 ################################################################### # Temporary dbspace and sbspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DBSPACETEMP - The list of dbspaces used to store temporary # tables and other objects. Specify a colon # separated list of dbspaces that exist when the # server is started. If no dbspaces are specified, # or if all specified dbspaces are not valid, # temporary files are created in the /tmp directory # instead. # SBSPACETEMP - The list of sbspaces used to store temporary # tables for smart large objects. If no sbspace # is specified, temporary files are created in # a standard sbspace. ################################################################### DBSPACETEMP SBSPACETEMP ################################################################### # Dbspace and sbspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # SBSPACENAME - The default sbspace name where smart large objects # are stored if no sbspace is specified during # smart large object creation. Some DataBlade # modules store smart large objects in this # location. # SYSSBSPACENAME - The default sbspace for system statistics # collection. Otherwise, Informix stores statistics # in the sysdistrib system catalog table. # ONDBSPACEDOWN - Specifies how Informix behaves when it encounters a # dbspace that is offline. Acceptable values # are: # 0 Continue # 1 Stop # 2 Wait for DBA action ################################################################### SBSPACENAME SYSSBSPACENAME ONDBSPACEDOWN 2 ################################################################### # System Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # SERVERNUM - The unique ID for the Informix instance. Acceptable # values are 0 through 255, inclusive. # DBSERVERNAME - The name of the default database server # DBSERVERALIASES - The list of up to 32 alternative dbservernames, # separated by commas # FULL_DISK_INIT - Specifies if oninit -i can run: # 0 allows full disk initialization only if no # instance is detected at the rootchunk location. # 1 required if an existing instance is detected at # the rootchunk location. ################################################################### SERVERNUM 0 DBSERVERNAME beijing DBSERVERALIASES beijing_net FULL_DISK_INIT 0 ################################################################### # Network Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # NETTYPE - The configuration of poll threads # for a specific protocol. The # format is: # NETTYPE <protocol>,<# poll threads> # ,<number of connections/thread> # ,(NET|CPU) # You can include multiple NETTYPE # entries for multiple protocols. # LISTEN_TIMEOUT - The number of seconds that Informix # waits for a connection # MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS - The maximum number of incomplete # connections before Informix logs a Denial # of Service (DoS) error # FASTPOLL - Enables (1) or disables (0) fast # polling of your network, if your # operating system supports it. # NUMFDSERVERS - The maximum number of poll threads to handle # network connections migrating between VPs # NS_CACHE - The number of seconds for Informix name service cache # (host, service, user, group) expiration time. # 0 to disable cache. ################################################################### NETTYPE ipcshm,1,50,CPU LISTEN_TIMEOUT 60 MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS 1024 FASTPOLL 1 NUMFDSERVERS 4 NS_CACHE host=900,service=900,user=900,group=900 ################################################################### # CPU-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MULTIPROCESSOR - Specifies whether the computer has multiple # CPUs. Acceptable values are: 0 (single # processor), 1 (multiple processors or # multi-core chips) # VPCLASS cpu - Configures the CPU VPs. The format is: # VPCLASS cpu, num=<number of CPU VPs>, # [,max=<maximum number for class>] # [,aff=<single CPU number> | <start cpu>-<end cpu> | # ( <start cpu>-<end cpu>/<skip amount> ) ] # [,noage] # for example: # num=4,aff=(1-10/3) means assign 4 CPU VPs to processors # 1,4,7,10 # VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB - Specifies the amount of private memory # blocks of your CPU VP, in KB, that the # database server can access. # Acceptable values are: # 0 (disable) # 800 through 40% of the value of SHMTOTAL # SINGLE_CPU_VP - Optimizes performance if Informix runs with # only one CPU VP. Acceptable values are: # 0 multiple CPU VPs # Any nonzero value (optimize for one CPU VP) ################################################################### MULTIPROCESSOR 0 VPCLASS cpu,num=1,noage VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB 0 SINGLE_CPU_VP 0 ################################################################### # AIO and Cleaner-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # VPCLASS aio - Configures the AIO VPs. The format is: # VPCLASS aio,num=<#>[,max=<#>][,aff=<#>][,noage] # CLEANERS - The number of page cleaner threads # AUTO_AIOVPS - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatic management # of AIO VPs # DIRECT_IO - Specifies whether direct I/O is used for cooked # files used for dbspace chunks. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Disable # 1 Enable direct I/O # 2 Enable concurrent I/O ################################################################### #VPCLASS aio,num=1 CLEANERS 8 AUTO_AIOVPS 1 DIRECT_IO 0 ################################################################### # Lock-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # LOCKS - The initial number of locks when Informix starts. # Dynamic locking can add extra locks if needed. # DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE - The default table lock mode for new tables. # Acceptable values are ROW and PAGE (default). ################################################################### LOCKS 20000 DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE page ################################################################### # Shared Memory Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # RESIDENT - Controls whether shared memory is resident. # Acceptable values are: # 0 off (default) # 1 lock the resident segment only # n lock the resident segment and the next n-1 # virtual segments, where n < 100 # -1 lock all resident and virtual segments # SHMBASE - The shared memory base address; do not change # SHMVIRTSIZE - The initial size, in KB, of the virtual # segment of shared memory # SHMADD - The size, in KB, of additional virtual shared # memory segments # EXTSHMADD - The size, in KB, of each extension shared # memory segment # SHMTOTAL - The maximum amount of shared memory for Informix, # in KB. A 0 indicates no specific limit. # SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG - Controls when Informix adds a memory segment and # the alarm level if the memory segment cannot # be added. # For the first field, acceptable values are: # - 0 Disabled # - A decimal number indicating the total percentage # of virtual memory used before a segment is added # - The total KB virtual memory remaining when a segment # is added # For the second field, specify an alarm level # from 1 (non-event) to 5 (fatal error). # SHMNOACCESS - A list of up to 10 memory address ranges # that Informix cannot use to attach shared memory. # Each address range is the start and end memory # address in hex format, separated by a hyphen. # Use a comma to separate each range in the list. ################################################################### RESIDENT 0 SHMBASE 0x44000000L SHMVIRTSIZE 32656 SHMADD 8192 EXTSHMADD 8192 SHMTOTAL 0 SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG 0,3 SHMNOACCESS ################################################################### # Checkpoint and System Block Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # CKPINTVL - Specifies how often, in seconds, Informix checks # if a checkpoint is needed. 0 indicates that # Informix does not check for checkpoints. Ignored # if RTO_SERVER_RESTART is set. # AUTO_CKPTS - Enables (1) or disables (0) monitoring of # critical resource to trigger checkpoints # more frequently if there is a chance that # transaction blocking might occur. # RTO_SERVER_RESTART - Specifies, in seconds, the Recovery Time # Objective for Informix restart after a server # failure. Acceptable values are 0 (off) and # any number from 60-1800, inclusive. # BLOCKTIMEOUT - Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, # for a system block. ################################################################### CKPTINTVL 300 AUTO_CKPTS 1 RTO_SERVER_RESTART 0 BLOCKTIMEOUT 3600 ################################################################## # Conversion Guard Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # CONVERSION_GUARD - To turn on conversion guard feature. # - 0 - Off, # - 1 - On, Abort conversion on Conversion Guard error, # - 2 - On, Continue conversion; ignore Conversion # Guard error # # RESTORE_POINT_DIR - The directory, which stores the Conversion Guard # - feature generated files. ################################################################### CONVERSION_GUARD 2 RESTORE_POINT_DIR $INFORMIXDIR/tmp ################################################################### # Transaction-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # TXTIMEOUT - The distributed transaction timeout, in seconds # DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT - The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a # lock in a distributed transaction. # HETERO_COMMIT - Enables (1) or disables (0) heterogeneous # commits for a distributed transaction # involving an EGM gateway. ################################################################### TXTIMEOUT 300 DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT 60 HETERO_COMMIT 0 ################################################################### # ontape Tape Device Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # TAPEDEV - The tape device path for backups. To use standard # I/O instead of a device, set to STDIO. # TAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backups # TAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one backup # tape. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) or any # positive integral multiple of TAPEBLK. ################################################################### TAPEDEV /opt/info1/bakup/bakup01 TAPEBLK 64 TAPESIZE 0 ################################################################### # ontape Logial Log Tape Device Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # LTAPEDEV - The tape device path for logical logs # LTAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backing up logical # logs # LTAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one logical # log tape. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) or any # positive integral multiple of LTAPEBLK. ################################################################### LTAPEDEV /opt/info1/bakup/backup02 LTAPEBLK 64 LTAPESIZE 0 ################################################################### # Backup and Restore Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # BAR_ACT_LOG - The ON-Bar activity log file location. # Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a # directory with restricted permissions. # BAR_DEBUG_LOG - The ON-Bar debug log file location. # Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a # directory with restricted permissions. # BAR_DEBUG - The debug level for ON-Bar. Acceptable # values are 0 (off) through 9 (high). # BAR_MAX_BACKUP - The number of backup threads used in a # backup. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) # or any positive integer. # BAR_RETRY - Specifies the number of time to retry a # backup or restore operation before reporting # a failure # BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT - Specifies the number of data buffers that # each onbar_d process uses to communicate # with the database server # BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE - The size, in pages, of each data buffer. # Acceptable values are 1 through 15 for # 4 KB pages and 1 through 31 for 2 KB pages. # RESTARTABLE_RESTORE - Enables ON-Bar to continue a backup after a # failure. Acceptable values are OFF or ON. # BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ - Specifies, in minutes, how often progress # messages are placed in the ON-Bar activity # log. Acceptable values are: 0 (record only # completion messages) or 5 and above. # BAR_BSALIB_PATH - The shared library for ON-Bar and the # storage manager. The default value is # $INFORMIXDIR/lib/ibsad001 (with a # platform-specific file extension). # BACKUP_FILTER - Specifies the pathname of a filter program # to transform data during a backup, plus any # program options # RESTORE_FILTER - Specifies the pathname of a filter program # to transform data during a restore, plus any # program options # BAR_PERFORMANCE - Specifies the type of performance statistics # to report to the ON-Bar activity log for backup # and restore operations. # Acceptable values are: # 0 = Turn off performance monitoring (Default) # 1 = Display the time spent transferring data # between the Informix instance and the storage # manager # 2 = Display timestamps in microseconds # 3 = Display both timestamps and transfer # statistics # BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT - Time in seconds to wait for an archive # checkpoint to complete in the secondary server ################################################################### BAR_ACT_LOG $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/bar_act.log BAR_DEBUG_LOG $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/bar_dbug.log BAR_DEBUG 0 BAR_MAX_BACKUP 0 BAR_RETRY 1 BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT 20 BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE 31 RESTARTABLE_RESTORE ON BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ 0 BAR_BSALIB_PATH BACKUP_FILTER RESTORE_FILTER BAR_PERFORMANCE 0 BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT 15 ################################################################### # Informix Storage Manager (ISM) Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ISM_DATA_POOL - Specifies the name for the ISM data pool # ISM_LOG_POOL - Specifies the name for the ISM log pool ################################################################### ISM_DATA_POOL ISMData ISM_LOG_POOL ISMLogs ################################################################### # Data Dictionary Cache Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DD_HASHSIZE - The number of data dictionary pools. Set to any # positive integer; a prime number is recommended. # DD_HASHMAX - The number of entries per pool. # Set to any positive integer. ################################################################### DD_HASHSIZE 31 DD_HASHMAX 10 ################################################################### # Data Distribution Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DS_HASHSIZE - The number of data Ddstribution pools. # Set to any positive integer; a prime number is # recommended. # DS_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in the data # distribution cache. Set to any positive integer. ################################################################### DS_HASHSIZE 31 DS_POOLSIZE 127 ################################################################## # User Defined Routine (UDR) Configuration Parameters ################################################################## # PC_HASHSIZE - The number of UDR pools. Set to any positive # integer; a prime number is recommended. # PC_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in the UDR # cache. Set to any positive integer. # PRELOAD_DLL_FILE - Specifies a C UDR shared library path name # to load when the server starts. Each # shared library file needs a separate # PRELOAD_DLL_FILE entry. ################################################################### PC_HASHSIZE 31 PC_POOLSIZE 127 PRELOAD_DLL_FILE ################################################################### # SQL Statement Cache Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # STMT_CACHE - Controls SQL statement caching. Acceptable # values are: # 0 Disabled # 1 Enabled at the session level # 2 All statements are cached # STMT_CACHE_HITS - The number of times an SQL statement must be # executed before becoming fully cached. # 0 indicates that all statements are # fully cached the first time. # STMT_CACHE_SIZE - The size, in KB, of the SQL statement cache # STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT - Controls additional memory consumption. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Limit memory to STMT_CACHE_SIZE # 1 Obtain as much memory, temporarily, as needed # STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL - The number of pools for the SQL statement # cache. Acceptable value is a positive # integer between 1 and 256, inclusive. ################################################################### STMT_CACHE 0 STMT_CACHE_HITS 0 STMT_CACHE_SIZE 512 STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT 0 STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL 1 ################################################################### # Operating System Session-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # USEOSTIME - The precision of SQL statement timing. # Accepted values are 0 (precision to seconds) # and 1 (precision to subseconds). Subsecond # precision can degrade performance. # STACKSIZE - The size, in KB, for a session stack # ALLOW_NEWLINE - Controls whether embedded new line characters # in string literals are allowed in SQL # statements. Acceptable values are 1 (allowed) # and any number other than 1 (not allowed). # USELASTCOMMITTED - Controls the committed read isolation level. # Acceptable values are: # - NONE Waits on a lock # - DIRTY READ Uses the last committed value in # place of a dirty read # - COMMITTED READ Uses the last committed value # in place of a committed read # - ALL Uses the last committed value in place # of all isolation levels that support the last # committed option ################################################################### USEOSTIME 0 STACKSIZE 64 ALLOW_NEWLINE 0 USELASTCOMMITTED NONE ################################################################### # Index Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # FILLFACTOR - The percentage of index page fullness # MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES - Enables (1) or disables (0) filling data # pages that have variable length rows as # full as possible # BTSCANNER - Specifies the configuration settings for all # btscanner threads. The format is: # BTSCANNER num=<#>,threshold=<#>,rangesize=<#>, # alice=(0-12),compression=[low|med|high|default] # ONLIDX_MAXMEM - The amount of memory, in KB, allocated for # the pre-image pool and updator log pool for # each partition. ################################################################### FILLFACTOR 90 MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES 0 BTSCANNER num=1,threshold=5000,rangesize=-1,alice=6,compression=default ONLIDX_MAXMEM 5120 ################################################################### # Parallel Database Query (PDQ) Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MAX_PDQPRIORITY - The maximum amount of resources, as a # percentage, that PDQ can allocate to any # one decision support query # DS_MAX_QUERIES - The maximum number of concurrent decision # support queries # DS_TOTAL_MEMORY - The maximum amount, in KB, of decision # support query memory # DS_MAX_SCANS - The maximum number of concurrent decision # support scans # DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM - The amount of non-PDQ query memory, in KB. # Acceptable values are 128 to 25% of # DS_TOTAL_MEMORY. # DATASKIP - Specifies whether to skip dbspaces when # processing a query. Acceptable values are: # - ALL Skip all unavailable fragments # - ON <dbspace1> <dbspace2>... Skip listed # dbspaces # - OFF Do not skip dbspaces (default) ################################################################### MAX_PDQPRIORITY 100 DS_MAX_QUERIES DS_TOTAL_MEMORY DS_MAX_SCANS 1048576 DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM 128 DATASKIP ################################################################### # Optimizer Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # OPTCOMPIND - Controls how the optimizer determines the best # query path. Acceptable values are: # 0 Nested loop joins are preferred # 1 If isolation level is repeatable read, # works the same as 0, otherwise works same as 2 # 2 Optimizer decisions are based on cost only # DIRECTIVES - Specifies whether optimizer directives are # enabled (1) or disabled (0). Default is 1. # EXT_DIRECTIVES - Controls the use of external SQL directives. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Disabled # 1 Enabled if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment # variable is enabled # 2 Enabled even if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES # environment is not set # OPT_GOAL - Controls how the optimizer should optimize for # fastest retrieval. Acceptable values are: # -1 All rows in a query # 0 The first rows in a query # IFX_FOLDVIEW - Enables (1) or disables (0) folding views that # have multiple tables or a UNION ALL clause. # Disabled by default. # AUTO_REPREPARE - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatically # re-optimizing stored procedures and re-preparing # prepared statements when tables that are referenced # by them change. Minimizes the occurrence of the # -710 error. # AUTO_STAT_MODE - Enables (1) or disables (0) update statistics # automatic mode. In automatic mode, statistics of # table, fragment or index are rebuilt only if existing # statistics are considered stale. A table, fragment # or index can change by STATCHANGE percentage before # its statistics are regarded as stale. # STATCHANGE - In automatic mode, rebuild statistics only for # table, fragment or index changed by STATCHANGE # percentage since last statistics run. # USTLOW_SAMPLE - Enables (1) or disables (0) the use of sampling # during update statistics low operations that gather # index statistics for large indexes. #################################################################### OPTCOMPIND 2 DIRECTIVES 1 EXT_DIRECTIVES 0 OPT_GOAL -1 IFX_FOLDVIEW 0 AUTO_REPREPARE 1 AUTO_STAT_MODE 1 STATCHANGE 10 USTLOW_SAMPLE 0 ################################################################### # Scan Configuration Parameters ################################################################### #BATCHEDREAD_TABLE - Turn on/off xps api for table scans. #BATCHEDREAD_INDEX - Turn on/off xps api for index scans. # # RA_PAGES & RA_THRESHOLD have been replaced with AUTO_READAHEAD. # # AUTO_READAHEAD mode[,readahead_cnt] # mode 0 = Disable (Not recommended) # 1 = Passive (Default) # 2 = Aggressive (Not recommended) # readahead_cnt Optional Range 4-4096 # readahead_cnt allows for tuning the # of # pages that automatic readahead will request # to be read ahead. When not set, the default # is 128 pages. # # Notes: # The threshold for starting the next readahead request, which # use to be known as RA_THRESHOLD is always set to 1/2 of the # readahead_cnt. RA_THRESHOLD is deprecated and no longer used. # # If RA_PAGES & AUTO_READAHEAD are not present in the ONCONFIG file, # Informix will default to using an AUTO_READAHEAD setting of 1. # # If RA_PAGES is present in the ONCONFIG file and AUTO_READAHEAD is # not, Informix will set AUTO_READAHEAD to 1,RA_PAGES (passive mode # with a readahead_cnt=RA_PAGES). # ################################################################### BATCHEDREAD_TABLE 1 BATCHEDREAD_INDEX 1 AUTO_READAHEAD 1 ################################################################### # SQL Tracing and EXPLAIN Plan Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # EXPLAIN_STAT - Enables (1) or disables (0) including the Query # Statistics section in the EXPLAIN output file # SQLTRACE - Configures SQL tracing. The format is: # SQLTRACE level=(low|med|high),ntraces=<#>,size=<#>, # mode=(global|user) ################################################################### EXPLAIN_STAT 1 #SQLTRACE level=low,ntraces=1000,size=2,mode=global ################################################################### # Security Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DBCREATE_PERMISSION - Specifies the users who can create # databases (by default, any user can). # Add a DBCREATE_PERMISSION entry # for each user who needs database # creation privileges. Ensure user # informix is authorized when you # first initialize Informix. # DB_LIBRARY_PATH - Specifies the locations, separated # by commas, from which Informix can use # UDR or UDT shared libraries. If set, # make sure that all directories containing # the blade modules are listed, to # ensure all DataBlade modules will # work. # IFX_EXTEND_ROLE - Controls whether administrators # can use the EXTEND role to specify # which users can register external # routines. Acceptable values are: # 0 Any user can register external # routines # 1 Only users granted the ability # to register external routines # can do so (Default) # SECURITY_LOCALCONNECTION - Specifies whether Informix performs # security checking for local # connections. Acceptable values are: # 0 Off # 1 Validate ID # 2 Validate ID and port # UNSECURE_ONSTAT - Controls whether non-DBSA users are # allowed to run all onstat commands. # Acceptable values are: # 1 Enabled # 0 Disabled (Default) # ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA - Controls who can connect to Informix # in administration mode. Acceptable # values are: # 1 DBSAs, users specified by # ADMIN_MODE_USERS, and the user # informix # 0 Only the user informix (Default) # ADMIN_MODE_USERS - Specifies the user names, separated by # commas, who can connect to Informix in # administration mode, in addition to # the user informix # SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL - The label, up to 512 characters, of # the Informix certificate used in Secure # Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol # communications. ################################################################### #DBCREATE_PERMISSION informix #DB_LIBRARY_PATH IFX_EXTEND_ROLE 1 SECURITY_LOCALCONNECTION UNSECURE_ONSTAT ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA ADMIN_MODE_USERS SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL ################################################################### # LBAC Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # PLCY_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in each hash # bucket of the LBAC security information cache # PLCY_HASHSIZE - The number of hash buckets in the LBAC security # information cache # USRC_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in each hash # bucket of the LBAC credential memory cache # USRC_HASHSIZE - The number of hash buckets in the LBAC credential # memory cache ################################################################### PLCY_POOLSIZE 127 PLCY_HASHSIZE 31 USRC_POOLSIZE 127 USRC_HASHSIZE 31 ################################################################### # Optical Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # STAGEBLOB - The name of the optical blobspace. Must be set to # use the optical-storage subsystem. # OPCACHEMAX - Maximum optical cache size, in KB ################################################################### STAGEBLOB OPCACHEMAX 0 ################################################################### # Built-in Character Data Types Parameters ################################################################### # SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR - Enable/Disable the expansion of size # specification for built-in character data # types ################################################################### SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR OFF ################################################################### # Sequence Cache Parameters ################################################################### # SEQ_CACHE_SIZE - Maximum number of sequence objects that can # have preallocated values in sequence cache ################################################################### SEQ_CACHE_SIZE 10 ################################################################### # High Availability and Enterprise Replication Security # Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ENCRYPT_HDR - Enables (1) or disables (0) encryption for HDR. # ENCRYPT_SMX - Controls the level of encryption for RSS and # SDS servers. Acceptable values are: # 0 Do not encrypt (Default) # 1 Encrypt if possible # 2 Always encrypt # ENCRYPT_CDR - Controls the level of encryption for ER. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Do not encrypt (Default) # 1 Encrypt if possible # 2 Always encrypt # ENCRYPT_CIPHERS - A list of encryption ciphers and modes, # separated by commas. Default is all. # ENCRYPT_MAC - Controls the level of message authentication # code (MAC). Acceptable values are off, high, # medium, and low. List multiple values separated # by commas; the highest common level between # servers is used. # ENCRYPT_MACFILE - The paths of the MAC key files, separated # by commas. Use the builtin keyword to specify # the built-in key. Default is builtin. # ENCRYPT_SWITCH - Defines the frequencies, in minutes, at which # ciphers and keys are renegotiated. Format is: # <cipher_switch_time>,<key_switch_time> # Default is 60,60. ################################################################### ENCRYPT_HDR ENCRYPT_SMX ENCRYPT_CDR 0 ENCRYPT_CIPHERS ENCRYPT_MAC ENCRYPT_MACFILE ENCRYPT_SWITCH ################################################################### # Enterprise Replication (ER) Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # CDR_EVALTHREADS - The number of evaluator threads per # CPU VP and the number of additional # threads, separated by a comma. # Acceptable values are: a non-zero value # followed by a non-negative value # CDR_DSLOCKWAIT - The number of seconds the Datasync # waits for database locks. # CDR_QUEUEMEM - The maximum amount of memory, in KB, # for the send and receive queues. # CDR_NIFCOMPRESS - Controls the network interface # compression level. # Acceptable values are: # -1 Never # 0 None # 1-9 Compression level # CDR_SERIAL - Specifies the incremental size and # the starting value of replicated # serial columns. The format is: # <delta>,<offset> # CDR_DBSPACE - The dbspace name for the syscdr # database. # CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE - The name of the transaction record # dbspace. Default is the root dbspace. # CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE - The names of sbspaces for spooled # transaction data, separated by commas. # CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN - The Datasync error and warning code # numbers to be suppressed in ATS and RIS # files. Acceptable values are: numbers # or ranges of numbers separated by commas. # Separate numbers in a range by a hyphen. # CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC - Specifies the time at which delete table purge # can be delayed. # CDR_LOG_LAG_ACTION - Specifies the action when ER log # processing lags behind the current log. # Separate multiple actions with a plus sign (+). # Actions are prioritized from left to right. # Supported options are: # logstag: Enable compressed logical log staging. # Stage log files in the directory # specified by the LOG_STAGING_DIR # configuration parameter. The # CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE # configuration parameter must also be set. # dlog: Enable adding dynamic logs. The # CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS and # DYNAMIC_LOGS configuration parameters # must be enabled. # ignore: Prevents blocking client update activity. # The replay position can be overrun. # ddrblock: (Default) Block client update activity # to avoid overrunning the log replay position. # shutdown: Shut down ER if the log replay # position is in danger of being overrun. # Restart ER using the cdr cleanstart # command and resynchronize the data. # Supported combinations: # logstage+dlog+ddrblock # logstage+dlog+ignore # logstage+dlog+shutdown # logstage+ddrblock # logstage+ignore # logstage+shutdown # dlog+ddrblock # dlog+ignore # dlog+shutdown # ddrblock # ignore # shutdown # # CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE - Maximum size, in KB (default), # MB, GB, or TB, that ER can use to stage log files in # the directory specified by the LOG_STAGING_DIR # configuration parameter. ER temporarily stops # staging log files, at a log file boundary, when the # staging directory reaches this value. # CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS - The maximum number of dynamic log # requests that ER can make within one # server session. Acceptable values are: # -1 (unlimited), 0 (disabled), # 1 through n (limit to n requests) ################################################################### CDR_EVALTHREADS 1,2 CDR_DSLOCKWAIT 5 CDR_QUEUEMEM 4096 CDR_NIFCOMPRESS 0 CDR_SERIAL 0 CDR_DBSPACE CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC 0 CDR_LOG_LAG_ACTION ddrblock CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE 0 CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS 0 ################################################################### # High Availability Cluster (HDR, SDS, and RSS) # Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DRAUTO - Controls automatic failover of primary # servers. Valid for HDR, SDS, and RSS. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Manual # 1 Retain server type # 2 Reverse server type # 3 Connection Manager Arbitrator controls # server type # DRINTERVAL - The maximum interval, in seconds, between HDR # buffer flushes. Valid for HDR only. # DRTIMEOUT - The time, in seconds, before a network # timeout occurs. Valid for HDR only. # DRLOSTFOUND - The path of the HDR lost-and-found file. # Valid of HDR only. # DRIDXAUTO - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatic index # repair for an HDR pair. Default is 0. # HA_ALIAS - The server alias for a high-availability # cluster. Must be the same as a value of # DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES that uses a # network-based connection type. Valid for HDR, # SDS, and RSS. # HA_FOC_ORDER - The cluster failover rules. # Values are MANUAL or some order of SDS,HDR,RSS. # Individual server names are not allowed. The default # of SDS,HDR,RSS is the preferred failover order. # If you do not have one of the secondary types # then that type is skipped. If for any reason none # of the server types are available, then a manual failover # will be performed. # # This parameter will override any FOC parameter contained # in the cmsm configuration file. # LOG_INDEX_BUILDS - Enable (1) or disable (0) index page logging. # Required for RSS. Optional for HDR and SDS. # SDS_ENABLE - Enables (1) or disables (0) an SDS server. # Set this value on an SDS server after setting # up the primary. Valid for SDS only. # SDS_TIMEOUT - The time, in seconds, that the primary waits # for an acknowledgement from an SDS server # while performing page flushing before marking # the SDS server as down. Valid for SDS only. # SDS_TEMPDBS - The temporary dbspace used by an SDS server. # The format is: # <dbspace_name>,<path>,<pagesize in KB>,<offset in KB>, # <size in KB> # You can include up to 16 entries of SDS_TEMPDBS to # specify additional dbspaces. Valid for SDS. # SDS_ALTERNATE - Define an alternate means of communicating between # the primary and SDS node. This is used if the # normal network communication between the primary # and secondary becomes unavailable. # SDS_PAGING - The paths of two buffer paging files, # Separated by a comma. Valid for SDS only. # SDS_LOGCHECK - The time, in seconds, that the SDS server waits # to detect if the primary server is generating # log activity before allowing failover to the # secondary server. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Do not detect. Allow failover. (default) # n Wait up to n seconds. If detected that the # primary is generating log activity, then failover # is stopped. Otherwise, failover is allowed. # UPDATABLE_SECONDARY - Controls whether secondary servers can accept # update, insert, and delete operations from clients. # If enabled, specifies the number of connection # threads between the secondary and primary servers # for transmitting updates from the secondary. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Secondary server is read-only (default) # 1 through twice the number of CPU VPs, threads # for performing updates from the secondary. # Valid for HDR, SDS, and RSS. # FAILOVER_CALLBACK - Specifies the path and program name called when a # secondary server transitions to a standard or # primary server. Valid for HDR, SDS, and RSS. # TEMPTAB_NOLOG - Controls the default logging mode for temporary # tables that are explicitly created with the # CREATE TEMP TABLE or SELECT INTO TEMP statements. # Secondary servers must not have logged temporary # tables. Acceptable values are: # 0 Create temporary tables with logging enabled by # default. # 1 Create temporary tables without logging. # Required to be set to 1 on HDR, RSS, and SDS # secondary servers. # DELAY_APPLY - Specifies a delay factor for RSS # secondary nodes. The format is ###[DHMS] where # D stands for days # H stands for hours # M stands for minutes # S stands for seconds (default) # STOP_APPLY - Halts the apply on an RSS node # 1 halts the apply # 0 resumes the apply (default) # YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss - time at which to stop # LOG_STAGING_DIR - Specifies a directory in which to stage log files # RSS_FLOW_CONTROL - Defines the point at which RSS flow control will # be activated. Values defined as being # RSS_FLOW_CONTROL <start>,<end> # where start is the point at which flow control # is activated and end is the point at which it # deactivated. Valid values are # -1 - Never use flow control - can result in a # log wrap # 0 Default (8 times log buffer size) # Start,Stop - where start should be a larger value # than Stop. The values can have a scale # factor of 'K', 'M', 'G' for kilobytes, # megabyte, gigabyte. # Example: # RSS_FLOW_CONTROL 10000K,9000K # FAILOVER_TX_TIMEOUT - Specifies the timeout for a failover to take # before transaction survival is abandonded # ENABLE_SNAPSHOT_COPY- Specifies whether we can clone this instance # Directly to another machine using the # Snapshot Clone facility. # 1 - Enable snapshot copies # 0 - Disable snapshot copies # SMX_COMPRESS - Controls the network interface compression level. # Acceptable values are: # -1 - Never # 0 - None # 1-9 - Compression level # CLUSTER_TXN_SCOPE - Defines the scope of the awareness of a transaction # executing on a cluster. This defines the scope of # that transaction's updates as part of the commit. # The default is SERVER # SESSION - The session is made aware of the changes # SERVER - The sessions running on the secondary server # are made aware of the transaction's changes. # CLUSTER - Any session running on the cluster is made # aware of the transactions's changes. ################################################################### DRAUTO 0 DRINTERVAL 30 DRTIMEOUT 30 HA_ALIAS HA_FOC_ORDER SDS,HDR,RSS DRLOSTFOUND $INFORMIXDIR/etc/dr.lostfound DRIDXAUTO 0 LOG_INDEX_BUILDS SDS_ENABLE SDS_TIMEOUT 20 SDS_TEMPDBS SDS_PAGING SDS_LOGCHECK 10 SDS_ALTERNATE NONE SDS_FLOW_CONTROL 0 UPDATABLE_SECONDARY 0 FAILOVER_CALLBACK FAILOVER_TX_TIMEOUT 0 TEMPTAB_NOLOG 0 DELAY_APPLY 0 STOP_APPLY 0 LOG_STAGING_DIR RSS_FLOW_CONTROL 0 ENABLE_SNAPSHOT_COPY 0 SMX_COMPRESS 0 CLUSTER_TXN_SCOPE SERVER ################################################################### # Logical Recovery Parameters ################################################################### # ON_RECVRY_THREADS - The number of logical recovery threads that # run in parallel during a warm restore. # OFF_RECVRY_THREADS - The number of logical recovery threads used # in a cold restore. Also, the number of # threads used during fast recovery. ################################################################### ON_RECVRY_THREADS 1 OFF_RECVRY_THREADS 10 ################################################################### # Diagnostic Dump Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DUMPDIR - The location Assertion Failure (AF) diagnostic # files # DUMPSHMEM - Controls shared memory dumps. Acceptable values # are: # 0 Disabled # 1 Dump all shared memory # 2 Exclude the buffer pool from the dump # DUMPGCORE - Enables (1) or disables (0) whether Informix dumps a # core using gcore # DUMPCORE - Enables (1) or disables (0) whether Informix dumps a # core after an AF # DUMPCNT - The maximum number of shared memory dumps or # core files for a single session ################################################################### DUMPDIR $INFORMIXDIR/tmp DUMPSHMEM 1 DUMPGCORE 0 DUMPCORE 0 DUMPCNT 1 ################################################################### # Alarm Program Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ALARMPROGRAM - Specifies the alarm program to display event # alarms. To enable automatic logical log backup, # edit alarmprogram.sh and set BACKUPLOGS=Y. # ALRM_ALL_EVENTS - Controls whether the alarm program runs for # every event. Acceptable values are: # 0 Logs only noteworthy events # 1 Logs all events # STORAGE_FULL_ALARM - <time interval in seconds>,<alarm severity> # specifies in what interval: # - a message will be printed to the online.log file # - an alarm will be raised # when # - a dbspace becomes full # (ISAM error -131) # - a partition runs out of pages or extents # (ISAM error -136) # time interval = 0 : OFF # severity = 0 : no alarm, only message # SYSALARMPROGRAM - Specifies the system alarm program triggered # when an AF occurs ################################################################### ALARMPROGRAM $INFORMIXDIR/etc/alarmprogram.sh ALRM_ALL_EVENTS 0 STORAGE_FULL_ALARM 600,3 SYSALARMPROGRAM $INFORMIXDIR/etc/evidence.sh ################################################################### # RAS Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # RAS_PLOG_SPEED - Technical Support diagnostic parameter. # Do not change; automatically updated. # RAS_LLOG_SPEED - Technical Support diagnostic parameter. # Do not change; automatically updated. ################################################################### RAS_PLOG_SPEED 0 RAS_LLOG_SPEED 0 ################################################################### # Character Processing Configuration Parameter ################################################################### # EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE - Controls whether when processing characters, # Informix checks if the characters are valid for # the locale and returns error -202 if they are # not. Acceptable values are: # 0 Return an error for characters that are not # valid (Default) # 1 Allow characters that are not valid #################################################################### EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE 0 ################################################################### # Statistic Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # QSTATS - Enables (1) or disables (0) the collection of queue # statistics that can be viewed with onstat -g qst # WSTATS - Enables (1) or disables (0) the collection of wait # statistics that can be viewed with onstat -g wst #################################################################### QSTATS 0 WSTATS 0 #################################################################### # USERMAPPING - Control access to Informix for users without operating # system accounts. #################################################################### # OFF - users without operating system accounts cannot use Informix # BASIC - users without operating system accounts can use Informix but # not as privileged users # ADMIN - users without operating system accounts can use Informix as # privileged users #################################################################### USERMAPPING OFF ################################################################### # Storage Provisioning Parameters ################################################################### # SP_AUTOEXPAND - When set to 1, Informix will automatically expand spaces # that are low on or out of free pages. Set this param # to 0 to disable automatic chunk extensions and chunk # additions. # Default value is 1 (enabled). # SP_THRESHOLD - Minimum amount of free space in a DBspace, BLOBspace, # or Smart BLOBspace before the space will automatically # be expanded. Value is a decimal, and can be an absolute # number of kilobytes or a percentage of the total size # in the DBspace. # Default value is 0, which effectively disables this # proactive storage provisioning trigger. # SP_WAITTIME - Access to the storage pool is serialized. When one thread # is accessing the storage pool, SP_WAITIME is the number of # seconds another thread will wait before giving up on # its own access. # Default value is 30. #################################################################### SP_AUTOEXPAND 1 SP_THRESHOLD 0 SP_WAITTIME 30 ################################################################### # Default escape character for LIKE/MATCHES parameter ################################################################### # DEFAULTESCCHAR - The default escape character. If not defined, # '\' is used as escape character. Prior to # 11.70, '\' was the default. Acceptable values: # 'NONE' - no default escape character # c - any one-character value # The default defined here may be overriden in a # session using: # SET ENVIRONMENT DEFAULTESCCHAR # and for a specific statement by including the # ESCAPE clause. ################################################################### DEFAULTESCCHAR \ ################################################################### # MQ Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MQSERVER - Specifies the location of the WebSphere MQ server and # the communication method to be used # MQCHLLIB - Specifies the path to the directory containing the # client channel definition table # MQCHLTAB - Specifies the name of the client channel definition # table #################################################################### #VPCLASS MQ,noyield MQSERVER MQCHLLIB MQCHLTAB ################################################################### # REMOTE_SERVER_CFG - Specifies the name of a file that lists the # remote hosts that are trusted by the computer on which the # database server resides. The file specified must be located in # $INFORMIXDIR/etc. If the configuration parameter is set then the # file specified is used instead of the /etc/hosts.equiv file. # # REMOTE_USERS_CFG - Specifies the name of a file that lists names # of trusted users that exist on remote hosts. The file specified # must be located in $INFORMIXDIR/etc. If the configuration # parameter is set then the file specified is used instead of the # ~/.rhosts file. # # S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG - Specifies that the server will use # the value for REMOTE_SERVER_CFG rather than $INFORMIXDIR/etc/hosts.equiv # when using secured ER/HDR connections (i.e. s=6). If set to 0 then # the existing behaviour is used ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/hosts.equiv). If # set to 1 then the value of REMOTE_SERVER_CFG will be used #################################################################### REMOTE_SERVER_CFG REMOTE_USERS_CFG S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG 0 #################################################################### # Low Memory Parameter #################################################################### # LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE - the amount of memory reserved for critical # operations like rollback. If these operations fail then it crashes # the Server. Valid range 0 (off) or 128 Kbytes up to 20% the first # virtual segment size. Units are Kbytes. # # The LOW_MEMORY_MGR allows Informix to throttle sessions when the # server is running low on memory. When SHMTOTAL is set, Informix # will attempt to adhere to the memory restriction set by SHMTOTAL. #################################################################### LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE 0 LOW_MEMORY_MGR 0 ####################################################################### # GSKit Library Version ####################################################################### # GSKIT_VERSION - Specifies which version (7, 8, etc.) of GSKit the # server uses. If the parameter is not set, the server uses the GSKit # version that came in the installation bundle. ####################################################################### GSKIT_VERSION ################################################################### # Java Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # VPCLASS jvp - Configures the Java VP. The format is: # VPCLASS jvp,num=<#>[,max=<#>][,aff=<#>][,noage] # JVPJAVAHOME - The JRE root directory (deprecated) # JVPHOME - The Krakatoa installation directory (deprecated) # JVPPROPFILE - The Java VP property file # JVPLOGFILE - The Java VP log file # JDKVERSION - The version of JDK supported by this server (deprecated) # JVPJAVALIB - The location of the JRE libraries, relative # to JVPJAVAHOME (deprecated) # JVPJAVAVM - The JRE libraries to use for the Java VM (deprecated) # JVPARGS - Configures the Java VM. To display JNI calls, # use JVPARGS -verbose:jni. Separate options with # semicolons. # JVPCLASSPATH - The Java classpath to use. Use krakatoa_g.jar # for debugging. Comment out the JVPCLASSPATH # entry you do not want to use. ################################################################### #VPCLASS jvp,num=1 #JVPJAVAHOME $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jre #JVPHOME $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa JVPPROPFILE $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/.jvpprops JVPLOGFILE $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/jvp.log #JDKVERSION 1.5 #JVPJAVALIB /bin/j9vm #JVPJAVAVM jvm #JVPARGS -verbose:jni JVPARGS -Dcom.ibm.tools.attach.enable=no #JVPCLASSPATH $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/krakatoa_g.jar:$INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jdbc_g.jar JVPCLASSPATH $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/krakatoa.jar:$INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jdbc.jar ################################################################### # Buffer pool and LRU Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # BUFFERPOOL - Specifies the default values for buffers and LRU # queues in each buffer pool. Each page size used # by a dbspace has a buffer pool and needs a # BUFFERPOOL entry. The onconfig.std file contains # two initial entries: a default entry from which # to base new page size entries on, and an entry # for the operating system default page size. # When you add a dbspace with a different page size, # IDS adds a BUFFERPOOL entry to the onconfig file # with values that are the same as the default # BUFFERPOOL entry, except that the default # keyword is replaced by size=Nk, where N is the # new page size. With interval checkpoints, these # values can now be set higher than in previous # versions of IDS in an OLTP environment. # AUTO_LRU_TUNING - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatic tuning of # LRU queues. When this parameter is enabled, IDS # increases the LRU flushing if it cannot find low # priority buffers for number page faults. ################################################################### BUFFERPOOL default,buffers=10000,lrus=8,lru_min_dirty=50.00,lru_max_dirty=60.50 BUFFERPOOL size=2k,buffers=50000,lrus=8,lru_min_dirty=50,lru_max_dirty=60 AUTO_LRU_TUNING 1
mkdir chunk cd chunk touch rootdbs logdbs tempdbs phydbs datadbs chmod 660 *.dbs ls -lh
onspaces -c -d rootdbs -t -p /opt/info1/chunk/rootdbs -o 40 -s 10240; onspaces -a logdbs -p /opt/info1/chunk/logdbs -o 40 -s 10240; onspaces -c -d datadbs -p /opt/info1/chunk/datadbs -o 40 -s 20480; onspaces -c -d tempdbs -p /opt/info1/chunk/tempdbs -o 40 -s 10240;
onstat -l