Removal of the assembly failed. Make sure that all items in the assembly you are trying to remove fulfill the following conditions: 1. Pipelines, maps, and schemas are not being used by Send Ports or Receive Locations in the same or referenced application(s) 2. Roles have no enlisted parties Database Error: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "bts_sendport_transform_foreign_transformid". The conflict occurred in database "BizTalkMgmtDb", table "dbo.bts_sendport_transform", column 'uidTransformGUID'. The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "fk_bt_mapspec_bts_item". The conflict occurred in database "BizTalkMgmtDb", table "dbo.bt_MapSpec", column 'itemid'. The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "bts_sendport_transform_foreign_transformid". The conflict occurred in database "BizTalkMgmtDb", table "dbo.bts_sendport_transform", column 'uidTransformGUID'. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. (mscorlib) |
Other orchestration, receive location, send port, send groups were using this dll.ui
If you can't find where it is, please remove all send, receive point and try again.this